I sleepily open my eyes and take a stretch before I slowly get up from the bed. I'm still sleeping inside the carriage of the Illorian City. Although Csille can sleep now in tents but since she got mad with Prince Fraser today and because of my deal with Prince Fraser, I am still sleeping in the Illorian carriage.

 Ruler Laird doesn't mind too. He actually feels more relieved if I sleep in here since it's much safer if I sleep alone. Especially there are many men included in this trip.

 Although I doubt it if anyone will dare to harm Csille, the Goddaughter of Ruler Laird and the fiancée of Prince Fraser, it's like a suicide mission if they dare.

 I look outside and smile when I saw no one aside from the guards who are patrolling the area. It's a good time to look for the necklace that Prince Fraser gave me. 

 That Csille, why did she throw that necklace? Didn't she know how important that necklace is to Prince Fraser?

 Speaking of real Csille, she cried herself to sleep while cursing at Sir Farren and his existence. She still couldn't believe that Prince Fraser will be nicer to him than to her.

 I shake my head. I couldn't blame Csille because she is still young, and it's understandable if she is still immature. But I also understand where Prince Fraser is coming from. Imagine having someone always bugging you non-stop. I would be irritated with that person too.

 I think Prince Fraser and Csille relationship could work only if the both of them compromise. If Csille could only lessen her immaturity and stop bugging him like crazy, maybe Prince Fraser wouldn't lose her feelings for her. And if Prince Fraser would only listen to Csille instead of shouting at her instantly, maybe he could understand why Csille is thirsty for his attention.

 I sigh. But what's the use of making it work if, in the end, Prince Fraser would choose Princess Paislee instead of her.

 I dress myself in a thick coat before going outside. The two guards who are guarding the carriage immediately look at me. 

 "Lady Lauretré? Where are you going? It's already late," one the guard asks.

 I look at him, and I realized it's the same guard that the real Csille snob this morning. I smile at him. "I lost my necklace, and it's an important necklace of mine. I need to find it."

 One of the guards said in a shaky voice. "Lady Lauretré, we are sorry for being rude to you this morning. We were just following the order of his highness, Prince Fraser. Please, forgive us. And about your necklace, can you describe it to us so we can help you find it. Maybe we can ask the other guards to search on their area."

 I waved my hand at them and smile. "No, no. What you did is right. It is me who is in the wrong place. You don't need to say sorry. If there's someone who needs to say sorry, that would be me. I'm sorry for the words I said this morning. I just had a bad morning, and I projected my anger on the two of you. I'm sorry, I know you are only doing your job as a soldier. I-"

 The guards bow their heads at me. "How can the two of us dare to accept your apology? Lady Lauretré, you don't need to apologize."

 I sigh and make them stand up straight. "You are the pride soldiers of the Vrawyth Kingdom. How can you just bow down on someone? Also, you didn't do anything wrong. You didn't even say something rude, so why would the two of you apologize?"

 "However, Lady Lauretré, you are the future Queen of the Kingdom. It's rude for us to disrespect the Queen."

 I smile at them. "However, the Queen of the Kingdom is still alive. Don't you think it's rude to address me as the Queen?"

 The two soldiers gasp and shake their heads. "We didn't mean it like that. Please, don't misunderstand our words Lady Lauretré."

 I laugh at their reaction. These two soldiers are really honest. "You don't need to explain. I am just teasing the two of you. But let's get serious, please don't address me as the future Queen or the Queen of the Vrawyth Kingdom. It's still not official, and it doesn't feel right if I used that title. Also, haven't the two of you guard the campsite this morning? How come you are also here guarding the site tonight? Aren't the two of you are supposed to be sleeping?"

 The two soldiers look at each other and shake their heads. "Lady Lauretré, his highness, Prince Fraser ordered us to guard your carriage the whole evening, and after this, we will have a whole day rest." One of the soldiers replied.

 I frown, but we will continue our journey tomorrow. Can they really rest with all the jostling inside the carriage? I doubt it. 

 I look at the patch on their clothes. Red? My father, the Count, told me that the soldiers in the Vrawyth Kingdom have four ranks.

 Those soldiers who have the red patches are the top notched soldiers among the soldiers. It's either they are good at combat skills or archery, or swordsmanship. 

 There are also green patches it means soldiers who have knowledge of medicine and poison, which is a vital asset for the army. They can be used in war. It's either to heal their comrades or to poison the enemy.

 Blue patches mean they are the average soldiers. They may look like they don't have the special skill and strength, but if they are compared to the soldiers of the other Kingdom, they could dominate those soldiers. Probably except to any soldiers who came from the Illorian City. 

 And the last rank is the yellow patches. They are the soldiers who are considered the weakest among the soldiers. If you will compare them to the soldiers of the other Kingdom, they would be a tie. 

 It's the reason why the Vrawyth Kingdom is one of the strongest Kingdom among all. It's because of our army and, of course, our excellent rulers. 

 These two are red patches soldiers. They are treasured by the Vrawyth monarch. How come Prince Fraser ordered them to guard me? 

 Also, I thought Prince Fraser cares about his people? Why can't he let these two guards rest? I couldn't even imagine staying up the whole day guarding the place. It would be a tiring job for me. I would probably quit half a day.

 "Lady Lauretré, can we know what your necklace looks like?" 

 I shake my head at the two of them. All the soldiers we brought on the trip are all red patches soldiers. How can I let them search for that necklace?

 "No need. I'll find it on my own."

 However, the two soldiers immediately shake their heads. "Lady Lauretré, we cannot let you do that. What will Prince Fraser say if he knows about this? Lady Lauretré just describes it to us, and we will search it for you."

 I sigh. I cannot let them know that I have the necklace of the Astalieu family. What if they said it to Sir Farren? This is possible since they are working for the monarch.

 What will I do if Princess Paislee knows it? That... that shouldn't happen. I cannot let it happen that's why I need to find that necklace on my own no matter what. 

 We will continue our journey tomorrow. If I didn't find it tonight, then I definitely can't find it tomorrow. I would also risk of getting caught that I lost the necklace if I look for it tomorrow morning. Tonight is the perfect time to search for it. 

 Well, technically, it's not lost since it was the real Csille who throw the necklace outside the carriage.

 I sigh. "Please, it is an important necklace given by my grandmother to me. My father will definitely be sad if he knows that I lost the necklace. What would he also said if he knows that I let other people find it for me? I need to find it on my own. How about this, you two can accompany me while I'm searching for it. I'm sure it's only at the campsite. Please."

 The two of them look at each other and sigh. They look around first before they nod their heads. "Okay, we will accompany you, but we cannot let you stay outside for too long. We don't know if the Strzalka is still out there. If we cannot find it for half an hour. You need to go back with us and let us find it for you. That's the only thing we could do for your Lady Lauretré."

 I smile widely at them and nod my head. It's better than nothing. I just hope we could find that necklace. It's Csille's fault! Why does she need to throw the necklace outside? It isn't harming her or something, so why?

 The two of them start to walk towards the back of the carriage, where the necklace could probably be. They are holding a lamp in their hands. 

 Please, please let me find you. I swear, I'll keep it far away from real Csille the next time. Just let me find it, or I'll be screwed in the future. I couldn't even imagine the expression of Prince Fraser if he knew that I lost the necklace. 

 I sigh and continue scanning the ground, but I still couldn't find it. I decided to crawl on the ground to get a clearer view. I think it would make it easier for me if I find it like this.

 "Lady Lauretré! What are you doing?" The two soldiers immediately walk towards me and help me stands up, but I just pushed their hands. 

 I cannot stand up not until I find that necklace. I cannot go inside that carriage not until I hold that necklace in my hands again. 

 "I'm finding the necklace. Please don't mind me. I really need to find that necklace. I'm sure it's just here." I said in a desperate voice because I am really desperate now. I need to find that necklace.

 I could feel my eyes starting to tear up. Please, let me find the necklace.

 "Here, I will give you this as a sign of my promise that I will always wait for you. Forever."

 The necklace is now gone. Does it mean that his promise isn't valid? I feel tears started to fall down my eyes. I ignore it and continue to search for the necklace. I couldn't cry now. 

 Ysa! You cannot cry! You need to find that necklace? For goodness sake! Get a hold of yourself. We need to find that necklace now!

 I started to crawl to the ground, trying to feel if I could touch something. The two soldiers still stop me from crawling on the ground, but no matter how much they force me to stand up, I won't stand up. I need to find it. 

 I don't even know why I'm soo desperate to find it. I don't know if the reason why I want to find it is because Prince Fraser will offer it to Princess Paislee or because of the promise he said to me. All I know is I need to find it no matter what. I won't get off this ground if I don't find that necklace.

 "Lady Lauretré please stand up. Just let us do that. We cannot let you crawl like that. His highness Prince Fraser will definitely be mad when he saw you like that. Lady Lauretré, please."

 I continue to ignore them and crawl towards a huge tree. I look up and found two trees entangled with each other. It looks like they are hugging each other. 

 "Lady Lauretré, please stand up. Prince Fraser will definitively be enraged if he saw you crawling on the ground. Lady Lauretré, please."

 I couldn't hear what the guards are saying because I am too focused on looking at the shining thing inside the space between the root of the two entangled trees. 

 My eyes immediately widen when I saw the shining thing. I immediately crawl towards it and reaches my hand inside the gap. 

 I smile widely when I touch something cold. I immediately pulled the necklace, and I almost jump in joy when I finally find the necklace I've been looking for.

 With a wide smile, I look up at the two guards. "Look, I found the neck-" but I didn't get the chance to continue what I am about to say when I found a silhouette of a man standing in front of us.

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