Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 94 - : Meant To Be The Villainess

 Csille just stays on the carriage and cry her heart out. She sits on the corner and curls while continuously cursing Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee.

 "Why? Why are you angry at me? I am only asking what you are doing with him, but why do you need to embarrass me in front of many people? What did I do wrong, Fraser? I am your fiancée, how can you embarrass me like that? Do you hate me this much?" Csille whispered while sobbing. 

 I could feel my fist clenching because of anger. Doesn't she see her own mistake? Why does she always see the mistake of other people but couldn't see her own mistake? In the first place, she is the wrong one here because she indirectly questioned Prince Fraser's sexual identity. So, I cannot blame Prince Fraser if he snapped out of her. Although I also don't like how Prince Fraser reacts to Csille's remarks. But Csille is the one who started it, and now she is blaming everyone except her? 

 Csille glares at the door. "I cannot just sit here and cry myself out of pity while he is with that Sir Farren." 

 This. I remember writing about this. Csille will try to irritate Prince Fraser more so he could stop spending his time with Sir Farren. However, because of this, Prince Fraser will get angrier with her.

 This day will definitely be a mess. Good luck with me after all these things end. It's a good thing Prince Fraser, and I had a deal. I hope with the real Csille's attitude, Prince Fraser's feelings for Csille will disappear.

 Csille gets off the carriage and glares at the maids, who are still muttering. "What? Don't you have anything to do that you busy yourself gossiping? Is that what you should be doing?" Csille immediately snaps at them. 

 The maids go inside the tents hurriedly. I want to roll my eyes at Csille. Do you really need to shout at them? What did they do to you? 

 However, Csille continues to walk towards the tent of the Vrawyth Kingdom. Like she didn't do something wrong. 

 Inside the tent, Leander, Prince Fraser, Princess Paislee, and Rufus are happily talking inside. They immediately stop talking when they see me walk inside the tent.

 Prince Fraser instantly frowns when he sees me walking inside the tent. He stands up and snaps at me. "What are you doing here?"

 Csille, however, acts like nothing happened and sits beside Rufus, who is currently eating prinsesstårta. He looks at me with confused eyes. 

 My hand snatches the fork he is holding. "You didn't even inform me that you're eating Prinsesstårta right now. You know that I love this, right?" Csille said with a pout.

 Rufus just stares at me and looks at Prince Fraser and looks back at me again. It's as if asking why I'm not answering Prince Fraser's question.

 Csille just shrugged her shoulders at Rufus and took a bite at Prinsesstårta. I feel my eyes closed and taste the Prinsesstårta. Hmm, it's really delicious. Csille is about to take another bite of Prinsesstårta when Prince Fraser suddenly shouted. My hand froze mid air. 

 "Csille Lauretré! I am asking you a question. Why don't you answer me!" Prince Fraser shouts at Csille.

 Prince Fraser, can you calm down. I know what Csille has done is disrespecting you, but can you tone down your voice? Do you really need to yell at her even though she is just ten meters away from you? Why are you so short tempered? Don't you know it's quite a turn off?

 Csille slams the fork on the table and looks at Prince Fraser innocently. "Oh, are you talking to me? Sorry, I didn't realize you're asking me that question, and to answer that," my body stands up casually. I feel my eyebrow raise. "Is there something wrong if I want to stay here? Or am I interrupting something again?"

 Prince Fraser glares at me. "I'm warning you, Csille, don't test my patience."

 Csille sigh. "Your highness, Prince Fraser, I don't understand why are you so mad? This is the tent of the Vrawyth Kingdom, and I am an official citizen of Vrawyth. Am I not allowed to enter this tent?"

 Prince Fraser is about to answer, but Princess Paislee cuts him off. She taps Prince Fraser's shoulder. "Your highness, Prince Fraser," she then looks at me, "Lady Lauretré, please calm down. We could talk about this while enjoying the food. It wouldn't be good if people hear that the two of you are fighting. All the arguments can be fixed peacefully, don't you think so?" She then looks at Prince Fraser and me. As if encouraging us to say yes.

 I feel my body froze and when I try to move my hands, my eyes immediately widen because I could move my hands. However, the happiness didn't last long because, after just a few seconds, the real Csille Lauretré take control of the body again.

 What happened? Why can I suddenly control this body? This never happened before. I can only control this body after I finished the scene I have written. But it's still part of what I have written. How come I can control my body?

 Prince Fraser glared at me before he walks to the chair in front. There's a long table in here, and on each side of the table, there is a long bench that is the same length as the table. There are two long tables inside the tent. This is where people eat at meal times. We're occupying one of the long tables.

 Prince Fraser sits in front of us. Beside him is the ever loyal Princess Paislee. While Leander and Rufus are sitting on the side. Rufus tugs the hem of my blouse. Asking me to sit because I am the only one standing in here. 

 Csille sigh and sits on the chair. She then looks at Prince Fraser and raises an eyebrow at him. It's as if she is challenging Prince Fraser.

 Princess Paislee cleared her throat. "We can talk this out in a peaceful manner. Now, let's talk about why the two of you are fighting."

 Wait, this doesn't make sense. This isn't supposed to happen. Prince Fraser and Csille are supposed to argue today, and afterward, they would ignore each other. But why did we have a mediator all of a sudden? Isn't this against what I have written?

 Princess Paislee looks at Prince Fraser. "Your highness, Prince Fraser, can you tell us why are you mad at Lady Lauretré?"

 Prince Fraser looks at me straight in the eye. "What are you doing in here, Csille?" Prince Fraser said in a controlled voice.

 Csille rolled her eyes at Prince Fraser. "What? am I not allowed in here? I got bored inside the carriage, so I decided to stroll around. You are all here enjoying a cup of tea and delicacies while I am inside the carriage all alone. Don't you think it's a bit unfair for me? Or am I interrupting again? Should I go back to the carriage now?"

 Prince Fraser glared at me. "You!" He sighs and stands up from his seat, and moves to another long table. "You can stay in here but don't disturb us. Leander, come here. We need to continue what we have left behind."

 Leander sigh and looks at me before he walks to the other long table. Princess Paislee looks at me before he followed the two behind. 

 That look! Why did the Crown Princess look at Csille like that? It's like she is reading what Csille is thinking. 

 I heard someone chuckled in a low voice. Csille looks at Rufus, who is smirking right now. 

 Csille frowns at him and continues eating the Prinsesstårta she takes from Rufus' hands. "What? Why are you smirking like that?"

 Rufus leaned on me and whispered. "You're the only one who could argue with Prince Fraser like that. Aside from the King and the Queen, only you can do that to Fraser."

 Csille stops eating and looks at Rufus with a raised eyebrow. "And?"

 Rufus shakes his head. "I'm just saying. However, I'm just wondering why is your relationship with Prince Fraser complicated? In the Vrawyth campus, you two are avoiding each other, and now the two of you are arguing like a newlywed couple."

 Csille rolled her eyes at Rufus. "Newlywed couple? That's not how newlywed couples do, and can't you see? He is always with someone." Csille sigh. "He spends more time with him than me," she whispered.

 Rufus looks at Csille. "What did you said? I didn't heard it? He's always with someone and?"

 Csille looks at Prince Fraser, who is currently talking happily with Princess Paislee and Leander. She then glares at them. 

 "Nothing, I said he is always busy with dealing some matters. What matters to him the most is the people." 

 Rufus stares at Prince Fraser too. "But that's the responsibility of the future King Csille. It is what he needs to do."

 Princess Paislee stands in her seat. She is holding a glass. She is about to walk towards the water container when she suddenly slips on her back. But before Princess Paislee fell, Prince Fraser caught her in time. 

 He is holding her back in one hand while supporting Princess Paislee's head in the other hand. They stare at each other for a few minutes. 

 Csille watches the scene from start to finish. She greeted her teeth and cut the prinsesstårta with too much force that the cake was ruin. The fork produces a sound when it touches the plate. A sound that is displeasing to the ears.

 "Csille, what have you done to the cake? I thought you like it?" Rufus asked.

 Rufus, can't you see that the cake isn't the important issue here? I want to roll my eyes at him. He had just seen his cousin holding a man closely. As if the one he is holding is a lady, and you just sit there and act like it's just a normal thing to see? Is it because I am a fujoshi, or does everyone doesn't see anything wrong with that? That's definitely a bl scene. Why does all of you act like it's nothing?!

 Prince Fraser immediately let go of Princess Paislee and help her stand properly. 

 "Your highness, I am," Princess Paislee stuttered while trying to explain herself to Prince Fraser. Her face is already red now.

 Prince Fraser shakes his head. "It was an accident. Things happen. You don't need to worry about this."

 Csille abruptly stood in her seat and glared at Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee before she walks outside the tent. Rufus calls her from behind, but Csille continues to walk like she didn't hear anything.

 I could feel that tears are starting to form in my eyes. She keeps greeting her teeth to stop herself from crying out loud. 

 Csille is a very prideful person. She wouldn't let anyone see her crying like this or see her as a weakling. 

 She gets inside the Illorian carriage and slams the door with a bang that I heard some birds fly because of the sound.

 Hey! Csille, can you be careful with this carriage? This is the carriage of the Illorian City. Although the Great Ruler already accepts us as his Goddaughter but can you not ruin this beautiful carriage?

 Csille immediately sat on the corner and buried her head between her knees. She tried her best not to cry or to make any sound. She doesn't want anyone to hear her crying. 

 "Curse you. You always get mad at me if I make some mistake. Even if it's a small mistake. But you just let Sir Farren go just like that? He is already taking too much of your time, and now you just let him off like that? I am your fiancée Fraser. I am your future bride, but why do you always do these to me? Why do you always get mad at me, but you're so nice to everyone but me? What did I do for you to hate me like this? I just want to be beside you. Didn't we promise to be always beside each other? But why are you mad at me?" Csille muttered.

 I want to pat her, but I cannot because I am trap inside her body. I understand what she is going through. Csille only wants Prince Fraser to notice her. She just wants to be beside him, but every time she will try, Prince Fraser will be mad at her. Just like when Princess Paislee got shot in the western region. 

 After that, Prince Fraser will immediately snap at Csille when she tried to be close to him while he is with Princess Paislee. So, I understand why Csille sees Princess Paislee as a threat even if she is dress like a man. 

 If only Prince Fraser will give Csille a chance to explain why she is acting like that, maybe the thing between them will work. However, I cannot change the fact that Csille Lauretré is meant to be the villainess.

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