Ruler Laird taps the shoulder of Prince Fraser. "Let me handle this, Young Astalieu. He dared to harm my Godchildren! He needs to pay the price."

 Prince Fraser looks at the Great Ruler and steps back. Ruler Laird smiles satisfactorily at Prince Fraser's action. "Good Godchild."

 Ruler Laird asks two guards of the Illorian City to raise the culprit. Ruler Laird smile at the man. But the man didn't even cower in front of the Great Ruler.

 "You think I will be frightened to face the Great Ruler?" The man laughs maniacally. "I am actually thrilled to see him. Come on, bring the best that you've got. I've been dying to know the strength of the Great Ruler. I hope you won't disappoint me, though."

 Ruler Laird just stares at the man and takes something inside his pocket. I followed his hands, and I frown when I saw him taking out a pill. What is he going to do with the pill?

 "You really think you deserve that? You're just a small ant who doesn't even deserve to see the Great Ruler in the flesh." One of the guards who is holding the man said.

 Ruler Laird call another Illorian City soldier and hands the pill to the guard. "Give it to him. Let's see if he could still continue his acts."

 The soldier smiles wildly while the other Illorian City whistle. What's with the pill that makes them this excited and happy? 

 I look at Prince Fraser to see if he knows what is happening, but his face shows he doesn't know anything. So, what could that pill be? 

 The soldiers walk towards the man, who is now struggling. "What-what's that?" The man asked in a shaky voice.

 All the Illorian City soldiers laugh loudly. They are really enjoying this. "Oh, where did your bravery goes? Isn't it a while ago, you're saying you're thrilled? Why do you look like a scaredy cat now?"

 The Illorian Soldiers laugh again. The man who is holding the pill stops in front of the man and holds his cheeks, and pops the pill into his mouth. He then closes the mouth of the man and pinches his nose. The man almost chokes because of the pill. So, he doesn't have any choice but to swallow the pill if he doesn't want to die.

 The soldiers holding the man let him go. The man kneels on the floor, coughing. He then put his fingers in his mouth, trying to vomit the pill he just swallows.

 The Illorian soldiers cheer wildly. Like they are watching something exciting. 

 "Oh, look at you. Why are you down there? Does the pill working already?"

 The man tried his best to look up and glare at the man. "What did you make me swallow?"

 The Illorian soldiers cheered wildly again. "You'll know. That's what you've got for going against the Illorian City and for harming Great Ruler's Godchildren. You think you can get away from harming them?"

 The man trembled on the ground. 

 Prince Fraser walks beside Ruler Laird. "Godfather, what did you make him swallow?"

 Ruler Laird smirk. "It's a pill that will make him say everything he knows. He cannot lie because within that pill lies a parasitic insect that would attack his organs. If the insect notices changes to his heart rate and blood pressure, he will attack the organ that is nearest to it. There's a specific rate if a person lies, and that insect knows how if a person is lying. Do you want to try? You can ask him now without putting much effort. He will spill the information he has in just a snap."

 Prince Fraser gape at Ruler Laird's remarks. Even I couldn't believe what I have heard. I only read those kinds of pills in the historical medicinal novels I have read before.

 But why does it exist in this world? Did I write about a pill like that in my novel? As far as I remember, I didn't write something like that. And where does this pill came from? What does the Illorian City is hiding? 

 "Will it die after this?" Prince Fraser asks while looking at the man.

 "Who are you referring to? The culprit or the insect?"

 Prince Fraser kneels down and stares intently at the man. "Both. What will happen to the man if he takes the pill. What will also happen to the insect inside his body?"

 "The man, he would not die, but it still depends on you. If you want him to die, then that would be easy. But the insect? Once a person ingested it, it would be impossible to take it from the person's body. It will only leave its body once the host dies. As long as he lives, the insect will remain in his body. The insect lives through eating the life force of the host. He wouldn't die after eating the pill, but he would definitely die in the future. If he didn't lie, the insect would start to suck the life force of the host. That's the reason why the insect could inhibit inside his body."

 "That's.. incredible. Why I haven't heard something like this exist?" 

 Ruler Laird shakes his head at Prince Fraser. "This pill is only exclusive to the Illorian City people. It's an added defense if someone wants to do something against us. Every Illorian people have one in their pockets every day."

 I look at the soldiers, and my eyes shine. I need to have my hands on that pill. This pill, I need to find where did it came from and why does it exist in this world.

 The Virtouse! I can ask the Virtouse about it. I'm sure they have an idea what it is and where it came from. However, didn't Pearce already warned me not to call them if it's not necessary? What should I do? Should I call him again? But I really need to know where does that pill came from.

 "Who are you working with?" Prince Fraser asks the man.

 The man who is still coughing suddenly raises his head and looks at Prince Fraser. "I don't know. I am a hired archer, and I do things for them. It's a group of people. They pay me after I do what they want me to do."

 His eyes! The man's eyes. Why did it become gray? And the way he said those words, it's like he has no life. Why is it happening to him?

 "You don't know the name of the group? You do things to people you don't even know? They are using your life in the line, and you didn't even bother to know them?"

 "All I know is they are a group of people who have unique identities. Everyone who tried to know about their identity died. They don't directly interact with us. They used their own guard to talk to us and to give us instructions about our task."

 Group of people? Where does this group of people come from? I am the creator of this word, but why didn't I know most of the things happening here? 

 Prince Fraser looks at the Great Ruler. "Do you know about the group's existence, Godfather?"

 Ruler Laird shakes his head. "I haven't heard about this. Only now. Those group of people must hide their identity really good that we only know about this." Ruler Laird looks at a soldier. "General Malvar, after we arrived at the Saiven Kingdom. I want you to investigate this matter. I want to know the existence of this group and the people behind it.

 Prince Fraser sighs and looks back at the man. But before he could ask a question, the man shakes his head. 

 "If you don't want him to die, I advise you not to do an investigation about the group. This group installed spies all over the Kingdoms. Before you could even start, they will know it. they kill anyone who tried to unravel the truth about their group."

 They all got silent. This group is definitely dangerous. If we let them live, then our life will be endangered every day. But if we do, then we will be putting our people at risk. 

 "I am the Ruler of the Illorian City. Why would I be afraid of them? Gen-"

 Ruler Laird was cut off by the man. "They are not even afraid of the Great Ruler. They think you are just a bunch of overbearing people, and they could crush you easily."

 The Illorian soldiers immediately withdraw their swords, but they were stopped by Ruler Laird. He shakes his head and looks at the man. "And what are they? A bunch of scared kittens who rely on hiring people to kill someone? The Illorian people didn't need anyone to kill. We can do it ourselves. If the people behind that group are really brave, then the Illorian City challenges them a fight."

 The man shakes his head. "You don't understand who you are fighting with. They are not easily beaten."

 Prince Fraser shakes his head. "Who's your target? And why would they want to kill that person? What would they get if they kill that person?"

 "It's the Great Ruler. They want to kill him because they feel threatened by his strength and the strength of his City. They don't want anyone that would be a threat to them."

 So, it's not Prince Fraser they are after. Instead, it's Ruler Laird. Who are behind this group that they got the nerves to go against the Ruler of the Illorian City? The City that is well respected in this world.

 I think I need to talk to the Virtouse about this now. I haven't written about this, and I need to know why this is happening. 

 The soldier who is standing behind the man withdraws his sword and points it to the man's neck. 

 The Great Ruler shakes his head. "We still need him alive. We need to know who is behind this group. The Illorian City is not the only one who is at risk here. If they could point their sword at the Illorian City, I'm sure they would raise their sword in any Kingdoms after."

 What Ruler said is true. If they could raise their sword at Illorian City. They will definitely raise their sword to the Kingdom. If it's true, who would they attack first? Of course, it's the strongest Kingdom among the Kingdoms, the Vrawyth Kingdom. 

 Ruler Laird and Prince Fraser look at each other. "We need to talk about this to the Queens after we arrived at the Saiven Kingdom." Ruler Laird said.

 Prince Fraser nods his head and stares back at the man. He then raised his hand to a Vrawyth soldier. The soldier hands him an arrow. 

 Isn't that the arrow the man used to shot us? 

 Prince Fraser shows the arrow to the man. "This arrow. Do you know what these weird scriptures mean?"

 The man looks at the arrow with his gray eyes and repeatedly shakes his head. "I don't know what it means. Only them could understand what it means. It's their sign and a symbol of their group."

 The people behind the group! They are the ones who know morse code. I definitely need to talk to them. To know how did they know about the morse code. And who are they, and where do they come from? Are they from the real world too? But the Virtouse didn't tell me if two spirits from the real world can exist in the fictional world.

 Also, there's one thing that is bothering me. How can I ask them that if they are against us? What do they want that they even want to be the enemy of the Illorian City?

 Prince Fraser frowns. "You really don't know anything about these weird cravings in this arrow?"

 The man becomes silent for a moment. "I think I remember something. One of the hired henchmen who is a friend of mine told me what those inscription means. He said it's something like Strzalka? He said he heard them mentioned it. However, we don't know what those words mean. That's the only thing I know."

 It's really Strzalka! I knew it. But what does that word mean? And why is it existing in this world if I didn't write about it?

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