This is morse code. How come it exists in here? As far as I know, I didn't write anything about morse code. 

 I tried to decode it. I know how to decode morse code because I sometimes used that to communicate with Lena. 

 Strzalka? What does it suppose to mean? 


 I was awaken from my trance because of Rufus. I look at him.

 "Do you understand what it means?" He looks like he is really looking forward to my answer.

 I shake my head and return to my seat. What does strzalka mean? And why is it written on the arrow? 

 I heard Princess Paislee sighs. "We will just need to wait to finished these two days of continuous journey." She opens the window and looks at the back. She then closes the window after. "Looks like the soldiers will take some time before they could follow us. For now, it's better to rest first. Everyone is probably on edge because of what happened. There are guards outside to make sure of our safety. So you can all assure."

Princess Paislee then looks at me. She looks like she is reading something from my eyes. Or maybe it was just my imagination. Why would she even look like me like that? 

 Everyone agreed to take some rest first. I am

About to sleep in a sitting position, but the Great Ruler immediately prepares my beddings and forces me to sleep on the floor. I sigh and just sleep on the floor. It wouldn't be bad to take some sleep. At least I could avoid them from teasing me all day. Also, I got exhausted from what just happened. Princess Paislee is right. I should really take some rest.

 I close my eyes and let myself drift into sleep. 


 I frown. When I open my eyes, I saw Lena sitting beside me. Did I return to the real world? But didn't the Virtouse told me I could only return to the real world after I finished the novel? How come I am seeing Lena right now? Is this another dream? If it's a dream. I don't want to wake up anymore. 

 "Ysa, I hate Csille but can't you write something about him and Prince Fraser. I think she deserves at least one chapter with Prince Fraser. Don't you think so?"

 I stop eating the popcorn and look at Lena. Wait, isn't this scene happened before? When I was still in college. 

 Lena smile widely. "You'll do it, right? I'm tired of reading fanmade novels about Prince Fraser and Csille. I think the original author will definitely give more justice to them."

 It's the first version of the novel, Lena is talking about. Actually 'King are you Gay' is an old novel of mine. I've written it when I was still in college. I published it online, hoping it will blow up and a publishing house will hire me. 

 The novel didn't become famous as what I had been expecting, but it garners a few thousand readers. Some of them even made fanmade novels about Prince Fraser and Csille. 

 The surroundings suddenly change, and I see myself writing an alternate ending for Prince Fraser and Csille. I walk towards myself, who is currently busy writing.

 Why am I seeing these scenes? Does it mean anything? 

 I didn't even finish asking when I suddenly feel a force sucking me. I close my eyes and try to fight my way. 

 What is happening?! 

 Within a few seconds, I feel my body jolted, and when I open my eyes, I see the beautiful scenery in front of me. It's sunset, and it's beautiful. 

 I am still enjoying the beautiful scenery when I suddenly feel an arm hugging me from behind. I am about to shake the hands off of me, but I froze when I heard the voice who whispered to my ears.

 "Purple, what are you doing here? And look at your clothes, it's so thin. What will happen to you and my little goofball?" Prince Fraser lovingly asks me. 

 And at that moment, I felt my body moves on its own. Wait, this scene looks familiar. Isn't this the alternate ending I have written for Prince Fraser and Csille? 

 My body turns to face him. Holy moly! Prince Fraser looks mid twenties now. He looks so handsome and mature. Damn, now I understand why Csille is head over heels over him. He looks so handsome that even those famous actors in movies couldn't compare to him. His blues eyes are really enchanting. I could feel my heartbeat racing too fast.

 I feel my lips smile widely at Prince Fraser. I put my arms to his neck and clings to him. "I'm just admiring the beauty of the sunset with our little goofball." 

 Prince Fraser looks at me lovingly and kisses me on my forehead. "Among all the beautiful things I have seen, you're the most beautiful. All of them can't even be compared to you." 

 I pout at Prince Fraser. "I'm not a thing. So, are you telling me there's someone who is beautiful than me?"

 Prince Fraser panicked, and he puts his forehead onto mine and tries to look straight into my eyes. "How can someone compare to you? You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and will always remain like that. I just wish our child will look like you. I want to see a mini Csille with purple eyes and purple hair too."

 I feel my mouth pout. "You better be. Also, I don't want a child who looks like me. You know I got bullied because of my hair color and eye color, right? Do you want our child to experience that?"

 Prince Fraser puts his hand to the round tummy of Csille. "Who would dare to hurt the Crown Princess of the Vrawyth Kingdom?" He asks with an edge on his voice.

 I chuckled. "Yeah, how can I forget that I married the King of the Vrawyth Kingdom? Silly me."

 Prince Fraser chuckled and kissed my nose. "How can you forget that your handsome husband is a King? And that you're the Queen of the Monarch?"

 I just chuckled. Prince Fraser holds my arm and puts one of his arms on my back. "Come on. It's getting colder in here. I don't want you and my baby to get sick." 

 Prince Fraser assist me to go inside the room. However, my steps halted when I feel a force pulling me again. I close my eyes because of the force. I feel myself floating.

 Why does it always happen to me? Like, come on, this isn't fun transition. It's a good thing I don't get nauseous when it comes to this. 

 I jolted when I feel myself falling to the ground. I look around, and I found myself on the carriage of the Illorian City. But where are the people?

 The carriage stop moving, and I am the only person inside. I get up and put my hand on my head. My head is hurting. It's like someone is hammering it. 

 My dream, what does it suppose to mean? I've written that alternate ending before and published it online, but I already forgot about it since I'm more focused on the original story. But what does it supposed to mean? Why did I dream about it?

 "Hey! The soldiers are back, and they brought the culprit with them. Come one, let's join the fun," a man, probably a soldier, shouted outside. 

 I suddenly remember the archer who almost shot Prince Fraser. They found them? Maybe I could get some information from the man. I could ask him what does strzalka means. But if I ask the culprit, wouldn't he become suspicious of me? And what will people say when they realized I could decode the weird markings? 

 I get off the carriage and look around. I can only find maids busying around. But there are no soldiers.

 I frown. They didn't leave someone behind to guard the place? What if another attacker comes around? Are they even doing their job? 

 I know their blood is boiling for fun, but they shouldn't leave behind people. So, what if they are just maids. They have lives too.

 I sigh and walk towards a maid who is busy stirring a big pot of soup. "Excuse me, do you know where I could find the soldiers?"

 The maid who is busy stirring the soup got startled. She looks back and bows her head at me. "Lady LauretrĂ©. I saw the soldiers going into the woods," she then pointed in the direction of the woods. 

 I immediately thank the maid and walk inside the woods she is pointing. 

 What could they want to hide that they decided to bring the culprit inside the woods? They didn't even leave a soldier behind. What if someone attacks us again? 

 I stopped on my step when I heard a sound of whipping. Followed by a groaning of a man. 

 Are they torturing the culprit? For him to spill the information, he knows? Is that the reason why they decided to do it inside the woods because they are afraid the maids will get shocked by it? 

 I walk closer to the noise to hear what information they could get to the culprit. Come to think of it. I don't need to talk to the culprit myself. The soldiers will help me know what I want to know.

 "You tell us, who the hell send you to assassinate the Crown Prince of the Vrawyth Kingdom?" One soldier yelled at the culprit, and I suddenly heard a sound of bones being broken.

 I immediately shivered. Just by hearing the sound of it, I know it would be too painful. If I were the culprit, I would probably spill the information they needed. 

 However, the culprit didn't answer the soldiers. He just keeps groaning and groaning like a pig being slaughtered. 

 "You won't talk? You got the guts to harm the Crown Prince. Who gave you the guts to do that, huh? You won't tell us? Or should I break one of your shoulders so you couldn't use that hand of yours? Should we also try to put an arrow on your eye so you couldn't see the person you are shooting?"

 My eyes immediately widen because of the soldier's words. What? Putting an arrow in his eyes? Isn't that too much?

 I can only heard the groaning of the culprit. "Let me handle this," I heard Prince Fraser speak. 

 He's here? That's the reason why I couldn't find him. I try to peek to see who are the people in the woods. I find Princess Paislee standing behind Prince Fraser. Behind them, I could see Rufus and Leander watching at the sideline. They are all here! They left me behind because of this? 

 I saw Prince Fraser walks towards the culprit. He kneels down to look at the face of the culprit. "Because of you, my Csille risk her life just to save me. What if she got shot? Can you bear to shoulder the responsibility?"

 The culprit looks at Prince Fraser and laughs maniacally. "I couldn't wait to shoulder it. Too bad she didn't die, or else I would be more than happy to surrender myself to all of you."

 Prince Fraser got silent. He stands up and holds the arms of the culprit, and twisted it. It was so sudden that I was so shocked by what I've seen. 

 I know Prince Fraser is skilled in combat fighter, but I didn't expect to see him torturing someone at the young age of fourteen. 

 The man wails loudly. He waved his arms and his feet like crazy. He looks like a fish jumping after taking it out of the water. 

 Prince Fraser looks at the man heartlessly. It's as if he isn't the one who did that to the culprit. "That's the price for cursing the future Queen of the Vrawyth Kingdom. It's actually not enough. I should have beheaded you, but it would be an easy death for you if I do that."

 The man looks at Prince Fraser and smirks. "Why don't you do that? I'll be waiting for that." He then laughs maniacally.

 Prince Fraser is about to refute to the man's words, but Ruler Laird, who is standing at the other side, stops him. 

 Eh? Even the Great Ruler s here?

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