It's been days after I have been given the title of a Dame, but I'm still overwhelmed with the changes. I still couldn't believe that I am now a Dame.

 "Hey, it's Dame Csille."

 I heard a lady whisper to her friend while I passed by them. 

 I went outside to check how the people were doing in the capital. I heard from Father that everything is doing good unlike in the other regions. 

 It seems like the infectious didn't reach the capital. Thank goodness.

 I stop walking when I feel something bump my leg. I look down, and I see a little girl clinging on my legs like her life depends on it. 

 But that's not what got my attention. It's her eyes. It's hazel brown eyes, but it's not a normal eye. Her eyes are like a mirror. It reflects its surroundings. She also has brown freckles on her face, which makes her skin stand out more. She has fair skin but based on her clothing. I can already guess that she came from a common family.

 "Lady Csille." 

 Her voice sounds like a sweet melody too. It's as if it's singing a lullaby. It's so beautiful, and her face is gorgeous. If Csille doesn't exist, she can probably take the title of the most beautiful lady among the Kingdoms.

 The guard, who is with me, tried to take the little girl away from me, but I shook my head at him. 

 "No. Let her be." 

 I kneel down and look into her eyes. Her eyes are probably her best asset. Anyone couldn't help but be drawn to her eyes. It would make anyone look at it for the whole day. 

 "You're beautiful," I mumble. I couldn't help but be lost in her eyes. 

 A moment after, I shake my head and sigh. I looked around and tried to find her Mother, but everyone acted like they were avoiding this child.

 I frown. This is just a child. Do they need to act like that? She might have different eyes compared to others, but this is still a child.

 "Where is your Mother? Are you alone?"

 Where is her Mother? How can she leave her child alone in a crowded place? What if there are bad people who are lurking around and waiting for the chance to take?

 The little girl shakes her head. "My Mother..." She looks at me with hesitancy in her eyes. It's as if she wants to say something to me. 

 I smile reassuringly at her. "Do you want to say something to me? You can tell me anything. I'll listen. Your mother?"

 The little girl bites her lips. A moment after, tears start to roll down her cheeks. "Dame, can you help me?"

 I frown. Help her with? "Help you? What help do you need?"

 The little girl put her hands around my neck and hugged me. "My mother... please save my mother."

 I gently caress the back of the little girl. "What happened to your mother? Tell me how I can save her."

 The little girl continues crying for a couple of minutes before she breaks from the hug and looks at me. "She's sick, and we don't have money to admit her to the hospital. I tried bringing her to the Holycross Hospital, but they wouldn't let us in because we had no money. Dame Csille, please save my Mother. She's the only person I have. I don't know what I will do if she leaves me."

 I gently wipe the tears on her cheeks and smile at her. "Don't worry. We will save your mother, so don't cry now. Show me where your mother is."

 The little girl tried to pull me in a certain direction, but the guard stopped me.

 "Miss, are you sure you will come with her? What if she means harm to you? The Count and the Countess told me not to let you go around on your own. You still have wounds. Please, take care of yourself."

 I sigh and shake my head. "What are you talking about? How can a little girl harm me? If you want, you can come with us so you can, he assured."

 I look at the little girl and nod my head at her. Signaling her that she can continue to show me where her mother is.

 I can hear the guard wants to say something, but the little girl already pulled me in a certain direction.

 A moment after, we stop in front of a closed shop. I frown. I looked inside the closed shop and frowned when I didn't see anyone inside. 

 I look at the little girl. "Where is your mother? Wh—" I wasn't able to continue my words when I saw the little girl sitting on the ground and attending to a woman lying beside her. 

 The reason why I didn't find anyone inside is because her mother is not inside the shop but outside the shop. 

 Does it mean they are vagrants?

 The little girl looks up at me. "Dame Csille, this is my Mother. She's been sick for almost a week now. I tried sending her to the Holycross Hospital, hoping they would pity my mother's condition, but they just sent us away. Dame Csille, please help us. I promise to do anything as long as you save my mother. She's the only person I have."

 I smile at her and kneel. "Don't worry, I will help you both, and you don't need to do anything for me in return. All you need to do is take care of yourself and your mother. And I will handle the rest, okay?"

 The little girl starts to cry again. Her tears start to roll on her cheeks, and her lips tremble. I gently caress her back to calm her down.

 "Thank you, Dame Csille. Thank you very much."

 I just smiled at her and gestured to the guard. "Please carry her to the carriage. We will send her to the Holycross Hospital."

 The guard immediately follows, and the three of us, including the little girl, walk towards our carriage.

 In just short minutes, the carriage stops in front of the Holycross Hospital. Some nurses immediately walked towards our carriage when they noticed the Lauretré flag of the carriage.

 I help the little girl get down the carriage while the guard passes the little girl's mother to the nurses. 

 The nurses look at me. "Dame Csille? May I know who is this person?"

 The little girl holds my hand tightly and hides behind me. She is probably afraid that the nurses will notice her and they will send her and her mother away. 

 I smile at the nurse. "It's the mother of a friend of mine. Can you help me check on her? I'll be paying all their bills."

 The nurses immediately take the little girl's mother inside. I look at the little girl and smile reassuringly at her. "Don't worry. They will do their best to save your mother. So, don't cry now, okay? You need to fulfill your promise to me. Do you remember that?"

 The little girl nods her head. She then wipes her tears and smiles genuinely at me. "I will take care of myself and my mother. Thank you, Dame Csille."

 I just smile at her. I gestured the guard to come forward. "Take the little to her mother and give her the clothes and the food we bought for her and her mother."

 The guard bows his head and takes the little girl inside the hospital. 

 I look at the nurse, who is still standing beside me. I think she's the head nurse here. "Please take care of her in my stead. If you need anything else, please send someone to the Lauretré Residence." I took a pouch of centimes in my pocket. "Here's my payment for their bill. If it's not enough, please look for me, and I'll gladly pay it."

 The nurse takes the centimes and bows her head. "Lady... Dame Csille, thank you for helping this little girl. Actually she keeps coming back here hoping we could take her mother in, but because of the hospital policies, we cannot do anything but to send her away. As much as we, the nurses, want to help her but we only have limited wages. It's not enough for us to help her."

 I smile at her. I understand why they cannot do anything. They are just employees of this Hospital, and although this is a public hospital, there are still fees that need to pay once admitted here. 

 But because the mother and daughter pair doesn't have any centimes, the hospital doesn't have any choice but not to let them in. 

 It's just sad to see how many people experienced this treatment. Just because they don't have the money, they are not allowed to be given medical attention.

 I sigh. It's the same in the real world. I didn't expect I would see this kind of situation in this world. I guess poverty doesn't know any dimension.

 "I know, don't worry, I don't blame anyone for this. I just hope you can take care of her and her mother. Please, don't let anything happen to her mother. That child only has her mother. If she left, I don't know what will happen to her."

 I couldn't help but feel my heartache just by thinking what would happen to the little girl if her mother died. I'm sure she'll lose it.

 I don't want her to experience what the real me experience. I don't want her to experience the life of Ysavel Vlahos. Alone and lonely.


 I was preoccupied with the thoughts about the mother and daughter the whole day. I was supposed to read a novel, but my mind couldn't help but think about the little girl.

 I sigh and close the book. It's no use. I've been trying to read this novel for hours now, but I couldn't process it. 

 I need to do something, or else I might lose my mind.

 I suddenly heard a knock on my door, and Mother opened it. "My dear, is it okay if I come in? Are you busy?"

 I shake my head and smile at her. "No, Mother. Come inside."

 She sits beside me and gently combs my hair using the comb lying on my bed. "'My dear? It seems like you're in deep thoughts. Did something happen today? You barely ate your dinner tonight. Your Father and I are worried about you."

 I look at Mother and sigh. "While I was walking around the capital today, I bumped into a little girl. She was crying and begging me to save her mother."

 "Oh? What happened to her mother?"

 I sigh. "She's sick, but because they are both vagrants, they don't have the money to admit her. I saw her mother lying on the ground. She was trembling, but I never heard her complain to her daughter. She probably doesn't want to worry her daughter. The little girl is too young to experience all of these. I feel bad for enjoying all these extravagant while there are people who couldn't even afford to visit a Doctor."

 I heard my Mother sigh. She also stopped combing my hair. "My dear, that's how the world works. There are people who are rich, and there are people who aren't. Life isn't always fair, and because we're blessed, we are the ones who should help them. That's the only way we can compensate for that unfairness."

 I nod my head. Mother is right. If only people could choose what life they want. But I guess that is beyond impossible because everything that is happening in this world has a reason.

 The reason why there are poor and rich is because of the balance in this world. If everyone is rich, then who would like to work under someone? 

 "Is it the reason why you have been quiet all day? Are you thinking about the mother and daughter pair?"

 I nod my head at Mother. "Yes, I couldn't help but worry about her, Mother. I also couldn't help but think how many people need to experience what they experienced? I'm sure there are other people who lose a loved one because they don't have the money to visit a Doctor. I feel heartbroken because of it."

 Mother pulls me for a hug and gently caresses my head. "My dear, don't worry. I'll try to talk to your Father about this. Maybe he can do something."

 Do something? My eyes widened when I realized something. Why do I need to wait for Father if I can do something on my own?

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