"My dear, you're back. What happened with your conversation with his majesty? Why did you come home late? It's already past six." Mother immediately asked me questions the moment I stepped my foot into our house.

 I hug my Mother and kiss her on her cheeks. "I'm sorry, Mother. His majesty and I were too engrossed with our conversation that we didn't realize that it was already late. I hope I didn't make you worried."

 "I heard from your Mother that his majesty wants to talk to you about something important. What is this important thing you talked about with his majesty?"

 I hug and kiss Father too before I answer him. "Let us all sit first."

 The three of us go to the library so we can talk peacefully. Everyone in the Lauretré residence knows that no one can disturb us if we're inside the library. 

 My parents are probably thinking that the important thing his majesty and I talked about is confidential.

 Mother holds my hand and stares at me. "My dear, is there something we need to worry about? Why does his majesty call only you and not us?"

 I shake my head at Mother and smile at them reassuringly. "Mother. Father. There's really nothing to worry about. His majesty calls me to talk about what I did in the northern region."

 The two of them sigh in relief. "Is that the only thing the two of you talked about?"

 I shake my head at Father's question. "No, Father. He also mentioned how the Vrawyth people feel grateful for what I did and that he will award me for it."

 They all got silent with what I said. They are probably shocked by the news. Even I got shocked when I heard it because I had never written this scene. Csille didn't receive the Dame title in my novel. Although the Vrawyth people love her because of what she did. But that's it. 

 To think that even Prince Fraser insists on giving me that title. I didn't even expect he would do that. Doesn't he hate Csille? Is it because of what happened between Csille and him when they were trapped?

 Mother holds my hand tightly. "My dear, are you telling the truth? His majesty will be rewarding you for what you did in the northern region?"

 I nod my head at Mother. "Yes, Mother, what I am saying is true. His majesty told me that because the Vrawyth people insistence, he will be giving me a title." 

 I didn't bother mentioned that Prince Fraser also insisted on it because it will only make them hope that Prince Fraser and I will both end up together. And I know that it will never happen.

 Father, who is sipping his tea, almost got choked. He looks at me with wide eyes. "What did you say? His majesty will be giving you a title?"

 I nod my head. I can understand Father's big reaction. The only time his majesty gave someone a title was when Princess Paislee became a knight for saving Prince Fraser. 

 It's the second time his majesty will give a title to someone. So, it's understandable if my Father couldn't believe what I have said.

 I let them digest what I have said before I explain to them what happened. "Yes, Father, his majesty told me that because of my deeds in the northern region, he will be giving me a title. However, he didn't mention what title will I be receiving."

 Mother cried when she heard my explanation. She hugs Father. "My dear, look at our daughter's achievements at such a young age. She is definitely the daughter of us."

 Father laughs proudly before he pulls Mother and me for a hug. "We are so proud of you, Csille. You don't know how much you made us proud. I'm sure if our ancestors heard this, they would become proud of you too. You're the only Lauretré who has a title given by his majesty and not because you are the heir of the Lauretré Family."

 I smile bitterly and hug them. Can they still be proud of me if they know what Csille will do in the future?


 The news about his majesty reward for Csille Lauretré spread to the whole Vrawyth Kingdom like a wildfire. In just a day, everyone already knows about the news.

 Because of this sensation, many nobles sent me a gift of congratulations. Although, I doubt if they are really congratulating me or they just want to suck up to me. After all, the nobles are known for siding on the powerful people.

 Being the heiress of the Lauretré Family and now that I'll be receiving a title, I'm sure they won't let this opportunity to suck up to me or to the Lauretré family. 

 Now that I will receive a title, this will make the standing of the Lauretré Family in the Vrawyth Kingdom firm.

 "Miss, there's another gift wai—"

 I raised my hand to stop our butler from talking. "Can you please just handle it on your own? I'm done with all of this hypocrisy coming from the nobles. You can just put it inside the storage room and let my parents check on it later. Thank you."

 I heard the Butler sigh before he excused himself. The Lauretré residence was already flooded with gifts coming from the nobles. There are some gifts coming from the commoners. But unlike the nobles' gifts, I ask them to directly put those gifts inside my room.

 I would rather check those gifts than to check the nobles' gifts because I'm sure the commoners are genuinely happy with the news of my title. Unlike those hypocritical nobles.

 I close my eyes and sigh. The ceremony for awarding of title will be in just a few days, and I'm still not prepared for all of these. 

 Csille is not meant to be the Dame. She isn't meant to receive any title. But now that she will, I don't know what will happen next. 

 This will put Csille on the pedestal, and I'm afraid that if she makes her mistakes in the future, I'm afraid that the Lauretré Family will be put in a tight spot.

 "My dear, you are here."

 I looked back and found Mother walking towards me. I frown. As far as I know, she is busy dealing with our business. How come she is here?

 "Mother? What are you doing here? I thought you would be busy for the whole day?"

 Mother kisses me on my cheeks before she sits beside me. "Have you forgotten?"

 I frown. "Forgotten what? Do I have something to do today?"

 I heard Mother sigh. "My dear, your Damehood ceremony will be two days from now."

 I nod my head. How can I forget about that? I have been anxious for days because of it. 

 "But what about it, Mother? What did I forget? Does his majesty tell you something?"

 Mother shakes her head. "No, my dear. But we should be heading out to the Noble Silhouette now so that we can pick a dress for you. It's your day, and we should make sure that you will look gorgeous."

 I shake my head. What dress? I don't even want to attend that ceremony, and now she wants me to shop for a dress? 

 "Mother, do I really need to shop for a dress? I will be receiving a title. I'm not there to flaunt my looks. The Vrawyth people are the ones who put me in that position. Do I really need to wear something that will separate me from them? It's not about me, Mother. It's also about them."

 Mother got silent, and she just looked at me with teary eyes. "My dear, you are really a grown up now. I'm so proud of you. Your Father and I are so proud of what you have become. I'm sure the people couldn't wait for you to be a Dame." She pulled me for a tight hug. 

 I hug her back in return and smile bitterly. I just hope nothing changes. I just want to stay to where I am. But I know all of this is a false dream, and one day I will wake up with Csille being on the opposite side. 

 The Villain that everyone hates.


 The carriage passes through the crowd of people waiting for the ceremony. When the crowd noticed our carriage, they all cheered for me.

 "It's Lady Csille!"

 "Lady Csille! Welcome back to the Capital."

 "Lady Csille, thank you for helping the northern region."

 I feel my face blush with the enthusiasm of the crowd. It's as if they are welcoming a hero today. 

 I heard Mother and Father laugh proudly. 

 "My dear, look how the people love you. Everyone is grateful for what you did."

 I smile humbly at Mother. Loves me? Until when this love will last? Will they still love Csille after she makes her future mistakes?

 I heard Father laughs proudly again. "My Countess, how can the people not love our dear daughter? Look how beautiful and nice she is? I think no one in the Vrawyth Kingdom can compare to our precious daughter."

 I feel my face heats up because of my Father's words. "Father! Don't be like that. I'm not that great, and I'm sure there are other ladies there who are great with their respective fields. I hope you wouldn't say something like that again. What will the people say if they hear you say that?"

 Father gently tap my head. "I apologize. I was just delighted to see how many people love and appreciate you. Don't worry. I won't say something like that, okay. It's your day today. You shouldn't frown."

 I smile at Father and look outside. It's true. These people are enthusiastically calling my name. Admiring me for what I did. But I feel guilty.

 I feel guilty knowing that I will break their trust and disappoint them in the future.

 "Look, it's Lady Csille. She's so gorgeous even if she is wearing a simple dress."

 "Don't you think Lady Csille's dress is too simple for the ceremony? I was expecting to see her wearing a beautiful and fancy dress like she usually wears."

 "Can't you see? Even the Count and the Countess are wearing simple clothing. It is as if telling us that this ceremony is not just for Lady Csille but for everyone else. They intentionally wear simple clothing so they won't be different to us."

 That person is right. Father, Mother and I all decided to wear simple clothing because we want to celebrate with the people. We want them to feel that this is more than Csille's title but the whole Vrawyth's title.

 A moment after, the carriage stops in front of the town plaza. I specifically ask his majesty to do the ceremony here so that people can witness it.

 The ceremony immediately started the moment we arrived. I look around, hoping to see the people who have become an important part of my life now, even though I know it's impossible for them to be here.

 "Lady Csille Lauretré, come forth and kneel before the throne."

 I walk in front of his majesty.

 "Be it known to all men that I, King Simmond Astalieu, am minded to raise Csille Lauretré by virtue of her honor and loyalty to be Dame of this Kingdom."

 "Let this be the last blow you receive without just recourse."

 The King delivers the coulee, striking me on my shoulder, although it's not hard enough to knock me down. I then kneel before the King and place my hands palm-to-palm, and upraise them. 

 A servant gives a sword to the King. The King then receives the sword and taps me lightly on both my shoulders with the sword.

 It's dubbing, the action of touching the sword on the recipient's shoulder. It is regarded as an essential act of the knighting ceremony.

 "I, King Simmond Astalieu, dub thee Csille Lauretré the title of a Dame for the great deed you have done in the northern region. From today onwards, you are now an official member of the Order of the Vrawyth Monarchy, equivalent to that of a knight. Arise, Dame Csille Lauretré."

 The crowd cheered my name. I look at them with teary eyes. It's the first time I feel I belong in this world.. That I am part of this world.

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