Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 207 - : Ruler Laird’s Rage

 Principal Germund wave his hand at the server who brought tea a cakes. We are now inside the office of Principal Germund.

 Rufus and I are sitting beside each other. While Leander and Princess Paislee on the other sofa. 

 Ruler Laird is sitting on the sofa beside me while Principal Germund is sitting on his Principal chair. 

 He smile awkwardly at us and gently massage his head. "Let me explain, Laird."

 Ruler Laird squint his eyes at Principal Germund and he lean on the sofa. "You better give me a good explanation to why is my Godson confined in your School."

 After Principal Germund heard what Ruler Laird said at the entrance gate of the Alderrdeen City, he froze on the spot and couldn't answer Ruler Laird. 

 In the end, I was the one who explained to Godfather that Prince Fraser is still confined inside the Alderrdeen School of Knowledge. This cause for Ruler Laird to be mad at Principal Germund. 

 In the end, Principal Germund ask Godfather to talk this out inside his office. It's the reason why we are all here.

 Principal Germund sigh. "I don't know if you're informed about what happened but Prince Fraser knock someone. The poor student was unconscious for a few days. You kn—"

 Ruler Laird slam his hand on the table in front of us. "That's because that piece of sh*t insulted my Goddaughter. What do you expect Prince Fraser do? He heard someone insulted his fiancée in front of him. It's only the right thing to teach that person a lesson." 

 I tried to calm Godfather but he is really mad. "Godfather, will you calm down first. We can talk everything in a peaceful manner. You don't need to be shout."

 Principal Germund grimace with Ruler Laird's explosive temper. "You should listen to you Goddaughter, Laird. Please give me a face. We're in front of my student and my scholar."

 Godfather sigh to make himself calm down. "You better give me an explanation, Germund. My Goddaughter was insulted and you even dare to confined my Godson. But you let that punk to be painted as the victim? Do you still consider me as your friend?" Ruler Laird clenched his jaw. A sign that he is suppressing his rage.

 I look at Ruler Laird and sigh. I'm really grateful with his help. Without him, I don't think Principal Germund would easily resolve Prince Fraser's problem.

 "I apologize for not clearly seeing the truth. I didn't know that Brandr Ingvar insulted Lady Csille. I only knew about this the other day. Brandr and his friend do everything to suppress the news about it. Believe me, I really didn't know about it."

 Ruler Laird squints his eyes at Germund and sigh. "But what did you do after? You already know that my dearest Goddaughter was insulted and Prince Fraser acted only as protection for Csille, but you still didn't let him out of his confinement? I thought you're fair with your judgement?"

 "Laird, you know this issue isn't a small problem. It involves the Great Seven Kingdom and even though the Seven Kingdoms respected us, it is different when it comes to their own people. It involves the future King of the Vrawyth Kingdom and a noble from the Ouqeaseon Kingdom. I need to follow the rules of the law."

 "To heck with the law. I respect you Germund but I cannot let anyone off when it comes to my Godchildren."

 Principal Germund looks horrified with Ruler Laird's word. He knows that if Godfather breaks off his friendship with him and go against the Alderrdeen City, this City wont exist. 

 Although the power of Alderrdeen City hold is comparable to Illorian City, it cannot change the fact that Alderrdeen is specialize in intelligence and the Illorian is specialize in strength. If they go against Illorian, they won't win even if they try. 

 "Laird, please don't make it difficult for me. The Ingvar family from the Ouqeaseon Kingdom will arrive this week too. How can I explain to them if I let Prince Fraser go?"

 Ruler Laird laugh. "And how can you explain to me? You couldn't even explain to me and you're even thinking about explaining to other people?"

 Principal Germund look at Ruler Laird for a couple of minutes before he sigh. "Okay, I will let Prince Fraser go. But you need to help me explain to the Ingvar family."

 Godfather laugh again but it's more like a sarcastic laugh. "I'm not explanation anything to Ingvar family. If anyone else, they are the one who should explain things to me. But I'll definitely help you welcomes them. Their son dares to insult my Goddaughter and now they want to imprison my Godson? Great! I guess the Ouqeaseon Kingdom doesn't put importance to the Illorian City."

 Principal Germund look at Godfather complicatedly. He probably want to say something to Godfather but he is hesitating.

 In the end he just remain silent. "Laird, you just arrived in Alderrdeen. Why don't you rest first? I'll send someone to let Prince Fraser go after. You can rest assure that Prince Fraser will be out of his confinement before this day end."

 "Forgive me for interrupting, Principal Germund but may I be the one who let Prince Fraser go? I haven't seen my cousin for a couple of days."

 I look at Rufus. I didn't expect him to speak up. "I want to be there too." 

 Principal Germund look at Rufus and me before he sigh. "Okay, I'll let all of you." He then look at Principal Paislee. "Sir Farren, can you show them where Prince Fraser is staying. I'll send someone to exp—"

 Godfather stand up. "Never mind. I'll be the one who'll let my Godson go." Godfather look at Princess Paislee. "You're Sir Farren, right? His personal Knight? Can you show me where Prince Fraser is staying?"

 Princess Paislee stare at Principal Germund to ask for his permission. She nods after receiving Principal Germund permission. "It will be my honor to show you Great Ruler."

 Princess Paislee bows her head at Principal Germund before she left the office. "Follow me, Great Ruler. I'm sure his highness, Prince Fraser will be glad to see you here."

 Great Ruler didn't even say anything to Principal Germund and just left his office.

 I didn't immediately follow Princess Paislee and Great Ruler. I sorrily look at Principal Germund who looks stressed over what happened.

 "I apologize for my Godfather's temperament, Principal Germund. Don't worry, I'll try to talk to him. He's just worried about Prince Fraser. I hope you can understand."

 Principal Germund shakes his head. "That's okay. I understand that old guy's temperament. Also, it my fault for mishandling the situation."

 I smile at Principal Germund. I understand his situation. He isn't like Godfather who have people that has innate strength with them. The Alderrdeen relies on scholars and intelligent people. And since Alderrdeen's students are mostly from outside the Alderrdeen, it's difficult for him to just set aside the concerns of each students.

 "You shouldn't worry, I understand your predicament Principal. Prince Fraser has a fault here too. So, I also apologize."

 Principal Germund waves his hand at me. "You should go follow your, Godfather. I'm afraid he'll be mad at me again if he knows you talk to me."

 I smile at him before I follow Princess Paislee and Godfather. 

 "I pity Principal Germund. He is only doing his job but he was reprimanded by Ruler Laird like that."

 I look at Fraser and nods my head. Although I am happy with what is happening. I feel bad for Principal Germund. I just hope everything will end well.


 I found Princess Paislee and Ruler Laird standing in front the door of Prince Fraser's room.

 "Eh? What happened? Why is my cousin not opening the door?" Rufus immediately ask when he noticed Princess Paislee and Ruler Laird standing in front of the door.

 Princesses Paislee and Ruler Laird immediately look back at us. Princess Paislee points her finger at the closed door. "His highness, Prince Fraser doesn't want to open the door."

 I frown. What's with this guy? Ruler Laird personally came here to get him of his confinement and he isn't opening the door? 

 I walk towards the two of them. "Why isn't he opening the door?"

 Princess Paislee looks at Ruler Laird for a few seconds before he looks back at me. "The Great Ruler doesn't want to informed Prince Fraser about his arrival and wants to surprise him. However, Prince Fraser doesn't want to open the door."

 Now I understand. If Prince Fraser knows that the Ruler Laird is here, he would surely open the door. 

 However, there is one thing I don't understand. "But why isn't he opening the door? Is Prince Fraser mad at you?"

 It's the only logical thing I can think of. Usually Prince Fraser would let Princess Paislee in. 

 Princess Paislee paused and shake her head. "As far as I know, he isn't. But he said just now that he will only open the door if you're the one outside. I think he's mad at you because you didn't visit him yesterday."

 What? I refused to believe Princess Paislee's words. Not because I don't trust him, but because I don't believe Prince Fraser would said those words.

 But why did he said those words to me the last time? How can I explain that? Isn't that unbelievable too, Ysavel? 

 I sigh and shake my head. I didn't visit him yesterday because I was afraid that I couldn't stop myself from having feelings for him. So, I made an excuse to Princess Paislee and didn't see him.

 I knock on the door. "Your highness, Prince Fraser, this is Csille Lauretré. Can you open the door? I need to talk to you."

 A few seconds had passed but Prince Fraser won't still open the door. I look at Princess Paislee and Rufus. 

 I sigh and shake my head. "He won't open the door. I'm sorry, I thought he—"

 My words got stuck in my throat when the door suddenly open. Prince Fraser gave us a quick glance before he laid his eyes on me. He frown and without any warning drag me inside the room and close the door.

 I anxiously look at the close door and Prince Fraser. He doesn't look mad at all but I couldn't help but feel anxious.

 Prince Fraser stare intently to my eyes before he sigh. "You don't need to look at me like you are scared of me. I won't do something to you neither shout or scold you. So, you can relax now." He then gestured his hand on one of the vacant chair. "Please, sit."

 After a couple of seconds of contemplating, I walk towards the chair and follow Prince Fraser's every move. 

 Prince Fraser pour me a tea before he sit on the chair in front of me. "Csille, why didn't you visit me yesterday? I was waiting for you to come. Why?"

 I blink a couple of times. I couldn't believe that he drag me inside his room just to ask me this question. 

 I sigh. "Apologies, Prince Fraser I was exhausted yesterday and I had a lot of things to do last night that's why I couldn't meet you. Please, forgive this count's dau—"

 Prince Fraser raised his hand. Telling me to stop talking. I immediately close my mouth and look at him. 

 "Is it about what I said the other day?"

 I frown. About what he said? Is he talking about when he said he won't let anyone insult me? 

 I shake my head at him. Although it's true, I don't have the gall to said it to him. "Please, don't misunderstand your highness. It's not about what you said, I just had a lot of things to do last night that's why I couldn't see you. So, I'm really sorry."

 Prince Fraser stare at me for couple of seconds before he sigh.. "Csille, I don't why you are avoiding me but I just want you to know that I will be waiting for you."

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