Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 206 - : Arrival Of The Illorians

 I groan out of exasperation. My morning class just ended, and I still need to rush to freshen myself because I will be welcoming the Illorians today.

 "Finally, it's lunchtime already. Hey, Lady Csille, do you know who will arrive today?"

 I stop arranging my things and look at Lilla. "What do you mean?"

 "Didn't you notice? Our Professors are all formally dressed today. It is not common for them to dress formally. I guess a very important guest will arrive today. Is it the Ingvar family?"

 Ingvar family? Before they could even seek justice for their son, we had already turned the table. 

 "But it's impossible." Lilla shakes her head. "It will take more than two weeks if they want to travel from Ouqeaseon Kingdom to Alderrdeen City. So, it doesn't add up. But if it's not from Ouqeaseon Kingdom. Who could it be?" Lilla looks at me. "Do you have any idea who, Lady Csille?"

 I put the last book in my bag and just smiled at her before exiting the room. I still need to return to my dorm to change my dress. After that, I still need to meet the others. We will welcome the Illorians at the entrance of the Alderrdeen City. So, we need to get out of the campus to welcome them.

 Lilla immediately follows behind me. "Lady Csille, you know who is it, right? Is it the reason why you excuse yourself in our afternoon class?"

 "Lilla, you'll know it too. You just have to wait because I cannot answer your questions." I look back at her. "I need to go now. I still need to return to my dorm to freshen up. I'll see you later."

 I didn't want for her to reply and immediately rushed to my dorm. I only have an hour to freshen myself and dress myself up. So, I need to be quick. It won't be good to make the Illorians wait.

 I just picked an elegant formal yellow dress with red details. I put light makeup and put on a simple necklace and earrings to match my dress. For the final touch, I just brush my hair and put on a red ribbon. 

 I look at my own reflection in the mirror and smile at myself. I look like an elegant noble lady today. The yellow dress helps emphasize my hair color and my eye color. It also suits my fair skin. I look like a living doll now. 

 "Why are you so beautiful, Csille? Too bad you're the Villainess." I mumble to myself.

 I look at the mirror once again before I grab my pouch and leave my dorm.

 Rufus and the others were already in the waiting area when I arrived. Rufus immediately smiled widely at me when he saw me walking towards them. 

 "Purplany, it's the first time I saw you dressed up like this. You look beautiful as ever." 

 I just smile at him. Rufus and his sweet tongue. 

 Leander didn't say anything and just stared at me. Princess Paislee, on the other hand, nods at me and smiles. "Lady Csille, you become lovelier since the last time I saw you dressed up like this. I'm sure if his highness, Prince Fraser, is here, he will compliment you too."

 I smile awkwardly at Princess Paislee. It's quite weird to hear the female lead compliments the villainess. Also, it was even weirder when she told me that her own Prince Charming would definitely compliment my look.

 "Aren't you all complimenting me too much?" I shake my head at her and look at the carriage in front of us. "Why don't we all get inside the carriage. It won't be good to make the Illorians wait."

 Rufus immediately opened the door of the carriage and let me in first. I sit on the left side of the carriage close to the window. 

 Rufus is about to sit beside me, but Princess Paislee sits beside me first. "I'm sorry, Prince Rufus. It's my responsibility to protect his highness, Prince Fraser. But since his highness is not here, my responsibility becomes Lady Csille. I need to protect his highness' fiancĂ©e, Lady Csille."

 Rufus didn't say anything and just sat on the opposite seat. 

 The carriage started to move. We just travel for a short while before we stop beside the gate of the Alderrdeen City.

 We all got off the carriage and decided to wait outside. I frowned when I saw a group of people waiting in the opposite direction.

 Isn't it Brother Ernest? What is he... 

 My eyes wander around the people beside him. I saw some Alderrdeen Professors, and even Principal Germund is here. 

 I know Principal Germund is a friend of Ruler Laird, but I didn't expect him to be here. Since it's only Illorians who will come here and not Ruler Laird himself, he could have asked some Professors to represent him. But he didn't do that.

 Isn't he putting too much importance on Illorian City? Or is he's just a true friend of Ruler Laird?

 "Eh? I didn't expect that it would be crowded here. It's a good thing we arrived earlier than what we agreed, or else we won't have space to welcome the Illorians." Rufus exclaimed. "To think we would see the Principal of the Alderrdeen School of Knowledge waiting for Illorians is something I didn't expect."

 "It seems like Principal Germund is really putting importance to the Illorian City. At least with this, we can be half assured that he will listen to the Illorians request." 

 I look at Princess Paislee and nod my head. I really hope Principal Germund listens to the Illorians.

 I look at Brother Ernest, and he just smiles at me. I smile at him in return. He then points his finger on the umbrella he is holding as if asking if I need one. I just shake my head at him as an answer.

 I'm not really worried about the sun. I'm more concerned about the arrival of the Illorians. I really hope they can help us resolve Prince Fraser's issue.

 We all stand beside the gate, waiting for the Illorian carriage to stop. An hour has already passed, and we are still waiting for their arrival.

 "My feet feel numb already. How long do we need to wait?" Rufus grumbles. He then looks at me. "How about you, Purplany? Are your legs still okay? Don't you feel numb?"

 I shake my head at him. It's nothing. I used to walk around the park for hours while writing in the real world. How can I not bear standing up for an hour? "I'm okay. I think you're the one who is not okay? Why don't you sit inside the carriage for a while?"

 Rufus is about to respond, but his words get stuck in his throat when several carriages bearing the flag of Illorian City stop in front of the gate. 

 The two guards who are guarding the gate immediately ask for their pass, and when they make sure that it is really from Illorian city, they immediately inform Principal Germund. 

 The guards open the gate and let the carriages pass by. However, it was also stopped because Principal Germund blocked the way. 

 They are finally here. Prince Fraser is now safe.

 A laugh echoed inside the carriage, and someone got off the carriage. "Germund, I didn't expect to receive such a welcome from you. It's been a long time we saw each other. How are you doing?"

 My eyes widened when I realized who is the owner of that voice.

 It's Ruler Laird! He's here! But I thought he only sent a few of his men to help us resolve our problem. I didn't expect to see him here. He travels immediately here just to help us?

 I suddenly feel guilty again. I feel like I'm only using him for my gain. 

 I'm really indebted to this man. If I have a chance, I will definitely do something for him. If only I could bring his daughter back to this world, but I know I can't. 

 "The Great Ruler is here? Purplany, do you know that he will come here?"

 I shake my head as a response to Rufus. I don't have any idea that he will come here in person. I was shocked the same way as they are. Too bad Prince Fraser is not here to welcome him personally.

 Principal Germund laughs loudly. "Laird, I didn't expect to see you here today. I thought a few of your men would arrive. If I only know that you'll be coming here, I should have made this day a holiday to welcome your arrival."

 Ruler Laird taps Principal Germund's shoulders. "It's the reason why I didn't inform you. I don't want other people to know about my arrival. I'm only here for my Godchildren. I don't want to cause a commotion here."

 "How can I forget that everywhere you go, the public follows you." Principal Germund laughs and shakes his head. "Oh, you mentioned you're here for your Godchildren? How come you have Godchildren? Why am I not informed about this? And who are these Godchildren you are talking about?

 Ruler Laird looks around his surroundings. His eyes stopped in our direction, and he then smiled widely when our eyes met. "My dear Csille, what are you standing there? Don't you have any plan on greeting your Godfather?"

 I see the shocked expression of Principal Germund and the Professors. I even see Brother Ernest gaping at me. 

 I smile at Ruler Laird and shake my head. My original plan is not to let other people know my connection with Ruler Laird. However, my Godfather doesn't seem to agree with my idea. 

 I walk towards Ruler Laird, even though Principal Germund and the Professors are eying my every move. I gave him a big hug. "Godfather, it's great to finally see you after five years. I hope you are doing great all these years." 

 Ruler Laird looks at me with love in his eyes. I can see it. I can clearly see the love and care he has for me, which made me feel bad about myself.

 Will he look at me the same way when he knows that I was the reason why his daughter disappeared in this world? 

 "I'm doing great. Thank you for the letters you send me each month. That makes me strong" He winks at me. I just laugh at his teasing.

 Throughout the five years, the real Csille and Ruler Laird become closer to each other. To the point that Csille already sees him as her second Father. 

 Principal Germund, who is standing beside Ruler Lair, suddenly speaks. "I didn't know that the Godchildren you are talking about is Lady Csille LauretrĂ©. You should have told me, Laird. I should have given her more attention during her stay here."

 Ruler Laird waves his hand. "My Goddaughter doesn't want special treatment. So, even if I want to tell you, my Goddaughter won't appreciate it."

 Ruler Laird looks around again. He frowns when he can't find someone. "Where is my Godson?"

 I didn't answer Ruler Laird and waited for Principal Germund to ask him. 

 "You have a Godson? You have two Godchildren, and you didn't even tell me? Are you still my friend? Who is this Godson of yours? I'm sure he is such a nice kid too."

 Ruler Laird just laughs at Principal Germund's remarks. "My Godson doesn't want other people to know about my connection to him. If the world knows that I have Godchildren, they won't let those two kids go. So, to protect them from those people, I didn't announce their identity. But you also met my Godson. Haven't you met Prince Fraser Astalieu of the Vrawyth Kingdom?"

 I intently watched Principal Germund's reaction right from the start, and I almost laughed at his reaction. He is now looking at Ruler Laird with wide eyes. 

 "Your Godson is the Crown Prince of the Vrawyth Kingdom, Prince Fraser Astalieu?" 

 I even heard his voice trembles. I couldn't imagine how much shock he experienced today.. Poor Principal.

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