Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 144 - : The Crown Princess’ Letter (2)

 "Csille, where does the letter came from? Why are you staring in thin air?"

 I shake my head at Rufus. I stare at the letter and reads it. 

Dearest Csille,

 How are you doing? I'm sorry if I haven't sent any letter to you these past few years. You probably know what happened to me. As much as I want to send you one but my situation won't let me do that. But you shouldn't worry, I am in a safe place. 

 I write to ask how you are doing. It's been years since the last time we have seen each other. I wish I could visit you, but my situation won't allow it. If I am given an opportunity, I will visit you. Also, I heard you are engaged with Prince Fraser now. I am happy for the two of you. I know even before that, the two of you look great together. I hope you can be there for each other. I will be waiting for the day I can see the two of you again. Take care always



 "Csille, where does the letter came from? Why do you need to act like that?"

 I look at Rufus and throw the letter at him, which he immediately catch. I let him read it so I can think on my own.

 I don't understand why does Princess Paislee send me a letter. For what? Asking how I am doing? She definitely knows how I am doing because she is just with us. So, I don't understand why is she doing this? 

 The frustrating thing about this is I couldn't even do anything to ask her. Why does she send me a letter if she can talk to me in person? What is she doing? 

 I heard Rufus gasp. "It's from the Crown Princess! It's from the Crown Princess of the Aeslaerean. The long lost Princess Paislee Saintizin!? But why would she send you a letter? Out of all the people in this world, the one whom she sends a letter is the fiancée of the Crown Prince of her rival Kingdom?"

 I grab the letter from Rufus' hands and put it inside my drawer. "He—I mean, she is a friend of mine. Maybe she already sends a letter to her parents too. How can we know we're not Aeslaerean." I shrugged my shoulders at Rufus. 

 Rufus shakes his head. "No, purplany. You don't understand how big this issue is. If the Aeslaerean Kingdom received a letter from their Crown Princess, their King would definitely look for the messenger who sends that letter. They will definitely find a way to track Princess Paislee with the letter. Their King will definitely announce it to the whole Kingdom that they received news from the Crown Princess."

 "Okay, maybe she didn't send a letter to her parents because of what you said. And so?"

 I don't understand why he is making a biggie about this. Also, I'm more concerned about why did Princess Paislee send me a letter as her real self. What would she get from doing that? I don't understand.

 She didn't even mention something important to me. Just those typical letters. So, why would she make some effort to do this? It doesn't make sense.

 "You still don't understand, do you? What will the Aeslaerean say when they know that their Crown Princess sent a letter to you? They will probably think that you will trying to hide Princess Paislee from them. We need to tell Prince Fraser about it."

 I shake my head at Rufus. I don't think that is the real purpose of Princess Paislee. She is currently in the Vrawyth Kingdom and even if she is an Aeslaerean. She knows she cannot betray the Kingdom that gave her shelter for years and made her wish come true to become a knight. 

 "Can you calm down? That is just a simple letter, and why do you need to be so worked up? We are the only one who knows about the letter. Do you think it will be leak? If we let others know it don't you think we're risking here? The more people know about the letter, the bigger the chance that it will be leak. What if someone heard about it accidentally. And you have read the letter, right? It's just a simple letter. I don't think we need to be this cautious with a letter."

 "Because she is connected with the Aeslaerean, and you do know how's our relationship with them, right? As much as possible, we don't want to have a war against them. Not for now."

 I sigh. I definitely understand his concern. However, I think it will be futile to overreact this way. "I know Princess Paislee. She is a good lady. She won't harm us. I can assure you that. Even Prince Fraser can assure you that."

 Rufus shakes his head and sighs. "Okay. If that's what you say. But please be careful. As much as possible, avoid sending a reply to her or to even receive another letter from her. I know you are friends with her. However, you should remember where she came from purplany. Her loyalty will always be with her Kingdom."

 Rufus stands up and looks at the clock. "It's time for breakfast now. Are you joining breakfast?"

 I shake my head at him. I am sure Prince Fraser will be there, and I still don't want to see him. After the dream I had. I don't think I can see him without experiencing the pain I had in my dreams. So, I would rather be in here. 

 Also, I want to have time to think about what is happening right now. My mind is pretty clouded with everything, and I think I need to sort my thoughts first.

 "I'm still full. You go join them. I will meet you in the library later. Are you going to train for the Physique again?"

 He shakes his head. "No, I'm planning to take a break from the Physique category and focus more on the Intellect."

 "Will Prince Fraser do the same?"

 Rufus pause for a minute to think. "I think so. Since the teachers ask Prince Fraser to take days off from the training ground, he will be probably in the library too."

 "I'll see you in the Etiquette room then." 

 Rufus is about to say something, but he just sighs and walks out of my room. 

 I slump my body on the bed and stare at the ceiling. There are many things I don't understand. What does my dream mean? Why haven't I heard anything from the Virtouse? Why did Princess Paislee send me a letter as herself? 

 I groan and roll on the bed. My head is already hurting from thinking too much, and my heart is still breaking from what happened last night and because of my dream. 

 I get up and try to calm myself. "Ysavel, calm down. You won't get an answer if you panic like that," I tried to do some breathing exercises. "But how can I not panic if I could not get any answer no matter how much I talk to myself. What I need to do is to talk to the Virtouse. However, how can I talk to them? They won't even show themselves to me." 

 I slump on the bed again. Why am I the only one who is facing several problems at once? This is so unfair. Why didn't I become a side character? It will be better. At least I wouldn't have to deal with all of this. 

 I close my eyes. I'm exhausted. I cannot answer why I dream about that scene. I cannot also answer why I haven't heard anything from the Virtouse. But...I can ask Princess Paislee!

 My eyes immediately widened, and I get up from the bed. All I need to do is to inconspicuously ask her about Princess Paislee. Right. That's what I will do.


 It's already noon, and I haven't talked to Princess Paislee. She got too busy reading in the library. So, what I did is I busy myself training in the Etiquette room.

 I am sitting on the table set in the garden that is close to the Etiquette room. When suddenly, I heard someone walks behind me. I look back and see Princess Paislee walking towards me with a basket?

 I stand up. "Sir Farren? What are you doing here?" 

 Princess Paislee puts the basket down on the table before she looks at me. "I'm sorry. Am I interrupting you?"

 I shake my head at her. Her timing is actually great. I am about to look for her to talk about the letter. But then she's the one who offers herself to me. So, that's much better.

 "No, you're not. But what are you doing here?" I look at the basket she just put on the table. "And what's with the basket?"

 Why does the female lead keep doing things that don't make sense? Does she want to have a picnic here? 

 Princess Paislee did not answer me. Instead, she takes the food out of the basket and puts it on the table. "I am here to bring your food Lady Csille. Prince Fraser heard you didn't eat breakfast, and now you also didn't eat lunch. So, he asks the chef to cook your favorite food and ask me to deliver it to you." She said in a very earnest voice. It's as if what she is saying is truth but nothing but the truth.

 But I know more than anyone else that this is not from Prince Fraser. I sigh and sit on the chair again. "Sir Farren, why are you doing this?"

 Princess Paislee got silent for a moment. She just stares at me. "As I told you, Lady Csille, Prince Fraser asked me to deliver this to you. I am just following his highness order."

 I sigh. "Sir Farren, you do know that using the name of the Crown Prince is against the rules of the Vrawyth Kingdom, right?"

 I see her eyes widen, and she gulps. "I don't understand why you are saying this, Lady Csille? Did I do something wrong?"

 I stare straight at her eyes. "I know this is not from Prince Fraser. If he does something like this, he won't ask anyone to deliver it for him. This is not how he acts, Sir Farren. So, why? Why are you doing all of this?"

 Princess Paislee bows her head. She's guilty. Does she think I would fall for this? I was the one who made Prince Fraser. How can I not know my own character? 

 Princess Paislee sigh and stare at me. "Lady Csille, please forgive me for lying to you. However, I just do that because I want to do something for you and Prince Fraser. I can see that the both of you are hurting. So, I thought maybe I could do something for the two of you. That maybe if you see that he still cares for you, you will soften and be with him again."

 I think I know the answer to why she sends me a letter as Princess Paislee. It just dawns on me. In the letter, she specifically mentioned she was hoping that Prince Fraser and I end up together. She thought if Princess Paislee sends me a letter, I will rethink my breakup with Prince Fraser since Princess Paislee is a good friend of Csille. 

 There is one thing I just don't understand. Why does my female lead keeps shipping her own prince to the Villainess? This doesn't make sense at all.

 I sigh and shake my head. "Sir Farren, I appreciate your concern. However, don't you think this is something between me and Prince Fraser only? What will Prince Fraser say if he knows what you did?" I hold one of her hands. "Sir Farren, I know you are loyal to Prince Fraser. However, you also need to accept the fact that maybe you cannot do something about this. Please respect my decision, Sir Farren, or else I don't know what will I do next time."

 I stand up. "You can eat the food for yourself. I hope this is the last time you would matchmake Prince Fraser to me. I will let you off before because I like you as a person. However, it doesn't mean I will let you do as you please."

 After saying those words, I immediately walk out of the garden. I definitely need to get away from Prince Fraser. I need to make Princess Paislee realize that the thing between Prince Fraser and I is over.

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