Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 143 - : The Crown Princess’ Letter

 I feel my body jolted, and when I open my eyes, I am now lying on my bed in the Saiven Kingdom. 

 I look at my trembling hands. It feels surreal. It feels like it really happened. I hug myself tightly. Mother and Father died to save me, and Prince Fraser is the reason why they died. He even wants to kill me. But why?

 I tried to remember my dream. Why are they so mad at me? Why does he hate me so much?

 "Don't you dare touch me. I hate you, Csille Lauretré. You betray the Vrawyth Kingdom, and you dare to run towards me for help? Do you think I will be so dumb to help you? I hate you so much I wish I never met you."

 I betray the Vrawyth Kingdom? Wait, isn't that a part of what I have written in the first novel. When Csille was known as the traitor of the Vrawyth Kingdom. The King stripped the title off from the Count and the Countess and made them a commoner. While Csille runs away from all of what she did.

 But why is my dream like that? Why did my parents end up dying? Prince Fraser is there, and he didn't do anything to save my parents. I could understand if he would hate me to the core. Csille deserves all the hate, but what about the Count and the Countess? They are all innocent, and they let him die like that? 

 I'm sure that what happened in my dream is not what I have written in the first version of the novel. But why did I dream about it? Is it some sort of reminder for me that I need to follow the script as the Villainess, or else it will happen in the future?

 Speaking of dreams. Up until now, I still haven't talked to the Virtuouse. It's as if they disappeared, which is questionable since the Virtouse is the guide of the spirit of the real world. What have happened to them? I have a lot of things to ask them, and now the dream adds to the list.

 I was startled when someone suddenly knocks on my door. I look at the clock and frown. It's six in the morning. Too early for people to wake up. Who is knocking on my door?

 "Purplany? Are you awake now?" 

 I sigh when I recognize the voice of Rufus. I immediately wear a thick robe and opens the door. Rufus won't knock on my door early in the morning for nothing.

 He sighs when I open the door. "Thank goodness you're awake now. I have so many things I need to talk about with you. For now, may I come in?"

 I make a face and let him inside. It's a good thing I am awake before he knocks on my door, or else I would have thrown him out of my room now. 

 "So, what do you want to talk about this early in the morning?" I yawned. I'm still sleepy. I haven't slept much because of what happened last night. And my mind is still clouded because of the dream I just had.

 Rufus sits on the chair in front of me. "You sneak out last night?"

 I raised my eyebrow at him. "So you bother me early this morning just to ask me if I sneaked out last night? Are you kidding me, Rufus?" I throw him a pillow which he catches with ease.

 "No and yes. I have something to talk to you about other than this. But you need to answer me first. You sneak out last night?"

 I nod my head at him. "Yes, I did, and so?"

 "You sneak out at night without bringing any guards with you? Are you insane, Csille? What will we do if something happened to you? Do-"

 I rolled my eyes at him and gestured my hand at my body. "Well, look at me. I am alive and kicking. So, what's there to be worried about?"

 Rufus gasp in disbelief at me. "Csille, are you for real? Have you forgotten the threat of the Strzalka? What if they attack you when you are not prepared? Don't be too complacent."

 I sigh. "Okay, okay. I won't do that again. So, chill."

 "You are saying yes, but why do I feel like you're not serious about it?" 

 I snort at Rufus. "What do you want me to do? To make an oath in front of you?"

 Rufus shakes his head. "What happened last night? I heard you went home late, and Sir Farren interrogated. I also heard Prince Fraser saw you? Did he talk to you?"

 Did this guy talk to me to ask if I talk with Prince Fraser? I cannot believe him. I scoff at him. "Didn't your source told you the full details? That's sad."

 Rufus' face immediately heats up. This nosy guy. I shake my head at him. "Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but he didn't even talk to me. I didn't even see him."

 "He didn't talk to you? Are you serious? He really didn't say something to you? I thought..." Rufus didn't continue his words and just sighed. "What do you mean by you didn't see him? My source told me that Prince Fraser saw you. How come you didn't see him?"

 "It's because my back is facing him. Is that enough explanation for you, Rufus?"

 Rufus got silent for a moment before he shakes his head. "I couldn't believe that happened. Before when Prince Fraser knows you sneak out, he will be waiting for your arrival so he can scold you. But he didn't even say a word at you last night. He hay..." Rufus stared at me and didn't finish his words.

 I smile sadly at him. I know what he is about to say. "He hates me. I know." 

 I suddenly remember my dream. When he told me he hates me, and he wishes he didn't meet me. I could still feel the hatred from his voice. He really hates me to the core. The way he looks at me in my dream. It really feels like he wants to kill with his own hands. 

 And I feel my own heart started to shutter again. It might be a dream now, but I know there will come a day that he will hate me. I just only wish he would not harm my parents, the Count and the Countess. I can take all the blame and the retribution as long as he won't touch my parents. 

 Only in this world do I feel what it feels like to have a loving parent. And I will do my best to keep them from any harm even if it causes me my own death.

 "Csille, are you okay?"

 I look at Rufus and smile at him. "I'm okay. Sorry, I just remembered something."

 "Something hurtful? You look like you're in pain earlier."

 I just smile at him. "Anyway, you said you have something else to talk to me, right? What is it?"

 Rufus snaps his fingers and looks for something inside his vest. "Yes, Eve, ask me to bring this to you. She received two letters for you. I almost forget about it. It's a good thing you remind me." He then hands me two letters.

 Two letters? The first one will definitely come from my family in Vrawyth, but where does the second letter come from?

 I take the two letters and inspect them. The first letter is from my parents. Informing me about the current happenings in the Vrawyth Kingdom. They also asked me how I am doing and how they are missing me now. They even said that Brother Pascal is missing me too.

 I hug the letter on my chest. I miss them so much. My longing for them worsen after the dreams I just had. It is still fresh on my mind what happened, how my parents ask me repeatedly to run away, how my father run towards me to protect me even though he has a gunshot on his legs, how my mother blocks those guards who are trying to catch Brother Pascal and I. I cannot forget how she was shot in the head by the guard. 

 My mother who is always warm and loving to me. In her last seconds, she is even thinking about me. 

 I carefully hug the letter on my chest and cry hard. I miss them. I badly want to hug them. If only the Saiven Kingdom is close to the Vrawyth Kingdom, I would have run to the Vrawyth Kingdom just to embrace them. 

 Rufus immediately panics when he saw me crying. He stands up and hugs me. "Why are you always crying when you are with me. I suddenly feel bad for giving you the letter." He then caresses my hair and gently taps my back using his other hand.

 It's a good thing Rufus is here with me, or else I don't know what I will do after I read this. I look up at him. "Rufus, I miss my parents. I want to see them badly." 

 "I know purplany, and I also know that the Count and the Countess definitely miss you too. Cry it all, and I know you will definitely feel good after." 

 I look at Rufus. "Thank you for always making me feel better. I don't know what I would do with you."

 Rufus smirks. "I know my charm is really irresistible, purplany, but may I remind you that you cannot fall in love with me. We're just fr—"

 I push him hard that he fell on the floor. "Rufus!"

 Rufus just laughs at me. "Chill. I am just lightening up the mood. You cannot always be crying when you are with me. Where's my happy go lucky Csille?"

 I just ignore him and stare at the second letter. I couldn't find the name of the sender on the envelope. The only written on the envelope is my name. But where did this come from?

 There are two ways of sending letters in this world. The first one is through a messenger bird, and the second one is through a human messenger. Most people preferred a messenger bird since it's much efficient, but the messenger bird can only send one letter at a time. Unlike the human messenger, where you can send several letters at once.

 "Do you know where that letter came from? There's no indication of who's the sender. Wouldn't it be better if you won't open it, Csille? I heard from somewhere that there are people who put a powder that can harm people inside the envelope. So, when the receiver opens it and she sniffs the powder, and she will be harm."

 I frown. That thing is also common in the real world. But I don't think the sender wants to harm me. Something is telling me that the sender doesn't want to harm me.

 "I don't think it's something like that." I am about to open the envelope when Rufus suddenly grabs my hand.

 "I think it will be best if you let me open that letter. What if there's a powder inside that envelope? I don't know what will I say to Prince Fraser if ever." Rufus anxiously said to me.

 I roll my eyes at him. Prince Fraser, Prince Fraser. All he talks about is Prince Fraser. "Just tell him I was so dumb to sniff the powder. Is that difficult?"

 "Csille!" Rufus snaps at me.

 I sigh and look at him. "I can assure you that nothing will happen to me. Just let me open this, okay. What if this is something important?"

 Rufus sigh and let go of my hand. I immediately tore open the envelope and took the letter out. 

 My eyes immediately widen when I recognized that familiar paper. I hurriedly open the letter and true to my assumption it's really from that person.

 "Where does the letter came from? Why do you need to react like that?"

 It's from the Crown Princess.

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