Chapter 377 Ability of Creation

The druid, her eyes a mix of trepidation and resignation, gestured for Wang Jian to follow her. Together, they moved away from the towering World Tree, heading towards a path that seemed unassuming at first glance.

As they walked, the forest around them seemed to come alive with an ancient energy, the very life force that pulsed through the World Tree. The path they were on, although hidden from plain view, appeared as a well-worn trail, etched by centuries of footsteps.

The druid's voice was hushed as she explained, "The Fountain of Essence is not visible from here. It lies beneath the World Tree, connected to its roots. To reach it, we must descend underground, into the heart of the tree."

Wang Jian followed her silently, his mind abuzz with anticipation. The path gradually inclined downward, and they entered a tunnel that led them into the depths of the earth. The walls were lined with gnarled roots, and the air was thick with the scent of earth and age-old magic.

As they ventured deeper, the passage widened, revealing a vast underground chamber. In the center of the chamber, the roots of the World Tree intertwined, forming a lattice that cradled a shimmering pool of water. The Fountain of Essence.

The pool glowed with a radiant light, casting ethereal reflections across the chamber's walls. It was the very essence of life, a source of energy that sustained the World Tree and, by extension, the entire elven dominion.

The druid spoke softly, her voice filled with reverence. "Here it is, the Fountain of Essence."

Wang Jian stood in awe of the breathtaking sight before him.

Wang Jian stepped forward, approaching the Fountain of Essence with a sense of determination. He extended one finger and gingerly dipped it into the shimmering pool. The moment his fingertip made contact with the liquid, he felt a powerful energy, much like the essence coursing through his system.

As his fingertip made contact with the Fountain of Essence, a prompt from the system appeared in Wang Jian's mind.

[Does Host wish to absorb this Fountain of Essence?]

Without hesitation, Wang Jian replied with a resolute "Yes" within his mind.

The power of the Fountain of Essence surged into Wang Jian's body with a remarkable speed. The ethereal energy flowed through him, blending seamlessly with the innate strength of his system. It was a merging of power that promised to be monumental.

The druid, her eyes filled with awe and wonder, watched the events unfold before her. She had never imagined that someone other than the World Tree itself could handle the potent energy within the Fountain of Essence. Wang Jian, standing before her, was defying all expectations and norms.

As Wang Jian absorbed the energy, the World Tree, no longer connected to its life source, let out a low hum and began to tremble. Its roots, which had previously cradled the Fountain of Essence, now hung loose and disconnected.

The entire elven dominion residing within the Enchanted Forest felt the tremors and was filled with anxiety. The World Tree was their lifeline, and its distress was felt by all. The Elf Queen, unconscious at this moment, could not investigate the cause of the tree's turmoil.

Wang Jian, having absorbed the Fountain's power, turned his attention to the trembling roots. With a decisive thought, he ordered the system, 'Use 1 Million Points and heal the World Tree as much as possible.'

Now that he had harnessed the might of the Fountain of Essence, the effectiveness of his healing was multiplied tenfold. The World Tree's wound would be mended by 1%, a percentage that held immense significance. Each percentage would ensure the World Tree's well-being for tens of thousands of years.

As the healing energy flowed from Wang Jian's outstretched hand, he turned to see the druid treating him with reverence. She seemed to be bowing in his direction, her respect evident in her every gesture. The once-innocent spirit of nature now regarded him as a being of extraordinary power and importance.

As Wang Jian completed the healing process, his mind buzzed with multiple responses from his system.

[Congratulations, Host. You have absorbed the Fountain of Essence! The price of everything in the system has been reduced to one-tenth.]

[Congratulations, Host. You have gained a new ability. This is the ability of creation!]

The realization of these newfound abilities filled Wang Jian with a sense of exhilaration. The potential for his powers had expanded exponentially. He could feel the energy coursing through him, vibrant and potent.

[Using the ability of creation, the host can create a natural heavenly treasure depending on your insights of an element along with your power. The ability of creation also allows you to empower artifacts and array formations. This ability also allows you to impart vitality to living beings. The limits of your ability to impart vitality depend on your power and cultivation.]

The descriptions of his newfound powers echoed in Wang Jian's mind. The world around him seemed to take on new dimensions as he pondered the possibilities. He had become a master of creation, capable of shaping and enhancing the elements, imbuing life and strength where it was needed.

With the Fountain of Essence now integrated into his being, Wang Jian felt a sense of invincibility that coursed through him.

Wang Jian, with a sly grin on his face, turned to the druid and commanded, "Druid, summon the Elf Queen Ilyndra here."

The druid, treating Wang Jian's words as divine edicts, nodded with alacrity. She extended her arms, her fingers splaying in a graceful pattern. With a whispered incantation, she tapped into her control over the Divine Tree Elven Dominion, channeling the power to teleport Elf Queen Ilyndra's unconscious body into the chamber.

Elf Queen Ilyndra had fallen into unconsciousness due to the significant loss of vitality she had incurred during the activation of the ritual and the utilization of the World Tree's boon to protect the Elves from a grave threat.

Fortunately, Wang Jian now held the solution to her condition. He tapped into his newfound ability of creation, channeling its power with a focus on the Elf Queen. The energy flowed from his fingertips, enveloping Ilyndra in a radiant aura.

As the vitality and life force flowed into Elf Queen Ilyndra, her form began to regain its vigor. Her features, once pallid, began to flush with life.

Slowly, her eyelids fluttered, and her eyes opened.

Elf Queen Ilyndra slowly stirred, her eyelids fluttering open as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. Her vision cleared, and she found herself in the chamber where the Fountain of Essence was placed. It was a sight she knew well, for it was the heart of the World Tree Elven Dominion. Her initial confusion gave way to recognition.

Her gaze fell upon the green-haired druid, and a wave of relief washed over her. The druid had always been the guardian of the World Tree Elven Dominion, a comforting presence in these sacred surroundings.

However, her eyes widened in alarm as they landed on Wang Jian, who stood confidently in the chamber. She remembered him, the human who had abducted her daughter, Selena. A potent cocktail of emotions coursed through her – anger, hatred, and a fierce determination to protect her people from this perceived threat.

Elf Queen Ilyndra couldn't contain her emotions. She stood up abruptly, her regal demeanor giving way to unbridled fury. She addressed the druid, her voice filled with outrage, "What is he doing here? Why is this human in our sacred chamber?"

The druid, who held a higher status within the World Tree Elven Dominion, responded calmly, acknowledging the Elf Queen by her name, "Ilyndra, this human is our benefactor. He possesses the ability to heal the World Tree."

The Elf Queen's expression wavered between incredulity and anger. She had been unconscious, and this turn of events left her confused.

"Benefactor?" she muttered, her tone skeptical. "How can a human be a benefactor to our kind, especially after what he did to my daughter?"

The druid remained composed, her voice steady as she explained, "Ilyndra, he has used his newfound powers to heal the World Tree and mend its wounds. In exchange for his aid, I have taken an oath that allows him to hold authority over the elves."

The druid added with a serious tone, "…This is the least the Elves can do to return the favor of the World Tree for all the times it has protected your race and even shared its power with you all."

Elf Queen Ilyndra's grip on her emotions tightened, her jaw clenching in frustration. The bitterness of the situation was not lost on her, but her sense of duty prevailed. She nodded slowly, acknowledging the druid's words.

The druid's eyes sparkled with approval, and she offered a serene smile. "Good. I knew you would understand," she said, her tone carrying a hint of relief.

Wang Jian took a step forward towards Elf Queen Ilyndra, a sly grin on his face. His eyes were locked onto her, but not with the reverence or respect one might expect. Instead, they held a greedy and lustful gleam as they hungrily roved over her form, lingering on her buxom and seductive figure.

His intentions were far from honorable, and the sinister aura that enveloped him was unmistakable.


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