376  Negotiations with Druid

The druid, a spirit of nature, manifested as a green-haired young woman, had an air of innocence about her as she approached Wang Jian near the World Tree. Her emerald eyes sparkled with curiosity, and she tilted her head, a childlike wonder in her gaze.

"Why are you here?" she asked, her voice carrying a melodic tone, as she gazed at Wang Jian with genuine interest.

Wang Jian regarded her coolly, his features masked by an air of indifference. "I'm here to take away the Fountain of Essence," he stated matter-of-factly, making no attempt to hide his intentions.

The druid's expression fell, and a subtle frown appeared on her face. "The Fountain of Essence is exceptionally important to the World Tree," she said, her voice filled with concern. "It's not something that can be taken lightly."

Wang Jian's calm expression remained unshaken, and he stubbornly repeated, "I want the Fountain of Essence."

The druid took a step closer to Wang Jian, her green hair shimmering like leaves in the wind. She began to explain, her voice gentle yet urgent, "You need to understand the significance of the Fountain of Essence. At this very moment, the World Tree is the one maintaining the barrier around our world, the Sky Martial Continent. This barrier prevents experts and otherworldly beings from entering our realm."

Wang Jian listened intently, though his expression remained stoic.

The druid continued, "In the ancient era, when the Sky Martial Continent was plagued by wars and battles with otherworldly beings, the Elf Queen of that time sought a boon from the World Tree. She asked the World Tree to establish a barrier that would safeguard our world from intruders."

As she spoke, the druid's voice carried the weight of history. "The World Tree granted her wish. For centuries, the barrier stood strong, shielding our world from the threats of other realms. But as time passed, the people of the Sky Martial Continent forgot the danger that once loomed over them. Some even desired greater challenges, yearning to battle even stronger foes."

Her eyes took on a distant, pensive look. "One of these individuals was the First Patriarch of the Heavenly Asura Devil Clan. Nearly ten peak Immortal Realm experts launched an attack on the World Tree, intending to shatter the barrier and invade our realm. They encountered powerful resistance from our people."

Wang Jian's gaze remained unwavering as he absorbed the story.

The druid's voice grew solemn. "In a desperate attempt to destroy the World Tree, the First Patriarch sacrificed his own life, launching a devastating attack. It severely wounded the World Tree and endangered our dominion. At that moment, the Elf Queen of that era made a difficult decision. She broke the Heaven Vein of the World Tree Elven Dominion and transferred all its power into an artifact – the Fountain of Essence. This artifact sustains the World Tree and prevents it from falling."

Wang Jian listened intently to the druid's words, contemplating the gravity of the situation. The importance of the Fountain of Essence had become clear, and he had to consider his options. After a moment of silent reflection, he turned to the green-haired druid.

"If I could heal or sustain the World Tree's wound," Wang Jian began, "would you allow me to take the Fountain of Essence?"

The druid, taken aback by the unexpected proposal, seemed to hesitate for a moment. Her eyes held a flicker of doubt, but slowly, she nodded her head. "If you truly have the power to mend the World Tree's wound and prevent it from falling, then I suppose it would be acceptable."

A triumphant smile graced Wang Jian's face as he said, "Lead the way. Show me where the World Tree is injured."

The druid turned and beckoned for Wang Jian to follow.

They had to fly for quite some time, their path taking them higher and higher, closer to the canopy of the immense World Tree.

As they ascended, the world around them appeared small and insignificant, yet the intensity of the situation grew with every passing moment. The air grew thinner, and the atmosphere became charged with an ancient, mystical energy.

Finally, they reached their destination – a spot on the immense trunk of the World Tree where a massive, jagged wound had been inflicted.

The injury extended deep into the World Tree, harming it greatly. The energy within the tree flickered weakly, and its immense presence seemed diminished.

As Wang Jian gazed at the wounded World Tree, he turned his thoughts inward, mentally addressing the system within his mind, '<nulli>How many points are required to heal this wound of the World Tree?'

The system's response came quickly.

[According to the current power of the system, the number of Destiny Points required to heal this wound of the World Tree is 1 Billion Destiny Points.]

A sly smile played on Wang Jian's lips. His plan was still within reach.

Turning his attention to the green-haired druid, he wore a thoughtful expression as he began, "...With my current power, I can't heal this wound of the World Tree entirely. I can only heal it partially."

The druid's emerald eyes widened with disbelief, and she couldn't help but inquire, "...You can truly heal the wound of the World Tree?"

"Indeed," Wang Jian replied with a hint of confidence. He further explained, "Let me demonstrate it to you."

With a deliberate motion, he stretched out his hand, silently commanding his system, <nulli>'Use 1 Million Destiny Points to heal the World Tree.'

The system obediently executed his request.

One million Destiny Points were immediately deducted, and an enigmatic power radiated from Wang Jian's palm, flowing toward the wounded World Tree.

The druid, sensing this mysterious energy, watched in awe.

It was the same mystical power that the World Tree channeled when granting a boon to the Elf Queen, a power she had never witnessed in anyone else.

This revelation sparked a thought in the druid's mind – Wang Jian might be a sacred entity, akin to the World Tree itself.

The ethereal energy from Wang Jian's palm began to mend the World Tree's wound, albeit imperceptibly to the naked eye. However, the druid could sense the subtle transformation. The World Tree had indeed healed, if only slightly. It was undeniable proof of Wang Jian's genuine abilities.

All the thoughts racing through the druid's mind had been expertly anticipated by Wang Jian. This was precisely why he chose to expend a million Destiny Points. He sought the druid's respect, understanding the pivotal role she played within the Elven Dominion.

He understood that while the Elf Queen held immense respect, power, and influence over the elves in the enchanted forest, it was the druid who commanded the respect of the Elf Queen herself. He believed that any command issued by the druid would be followed by the Elf Queen without question.

Thus, Wang Jian knew that if he aimed to conquer the entire Elven Race and make them submit to his rule, he needed to start by earning the respect and trust of this druid.

His plan was unfolding just as he had envisioned.

The druid, her eyes now filled with excitement, leaned closer to Wang Jian. "If you're willing to take the oath that you will help heal the World Tree once every year," she proposed with an air of anticipation, "I can permit you to take the Fountain of Essence."

Wang Jian furrowed his brows in contemplation, his mind racing as he weighed the consequences of such an oath.

After a brief pause, he put forth a condition of his own, his voice cool and unyielding. "I will agree to this oath under one condition," he stated, his eyes locked with the druid's.

The druid frowned, her curiosity giving way to concern. "And what is your condition?" she inquired.

Wang Jian's tone remained calm, but there was an underlying hint of menace as he replied, "You must grant me authority over the Elf Queen and all of her elves."

The druid's frown deepened, and she shook her head slowly. "I cannot do that," she said, her voice reflecting her inherent sense of virtue. "I cannot force the elves to submit to your authority without their consent."

Wang Jian, however, remained eerily calm. In a tone as cool as the wind rustling through the leaves, he subtly threatened, "If you don't agree, I can just as easily worsen the condition of the World Tree."

The druid's eyes widened with fear as the implications of Wang Jian's words settled in. The well-being of the World Tree was paramount to her, and the thought of its further deterioration terrified her.

She hesitated for a moment before finally nodding in reluctant agreement. "Very well," she conceded, her voice trembling. "I will agree to your condition."

A wicked and depraved smile tugged at the corners of Wang Jian's lips as the oath was formed. He couldn't help but think of the Elf Queen Ilyndra's buxom body, her golden hair cascading like a waterfall, and her piercing blue eyes. The future seemed promising indeed.

With the oath sealed, the druid led Wang Jian to the Fountain of Essence.


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