Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 334 Wang Jian's Forceful Night With Empress Victoria

With a wretched grin on his face, Wang Jian leaned closer to Empress Victoria in the dimly lit tent, his eyes filled with a lustful hunger that sent shivers down her spine.

She, once a mighty Empress, now found herself captive in the clutches of Wang Jian, the conqueror who had seized her empire.

"I want you as my concubine," Wang Jian's voice dripped with depravity as he uttered those chilling words. He relished the shock that briefly crossed Empress Victoria's face.

For a moment, Empress Victoria was rendered speechless. The audacity of his demand left her stunned. She had anticipated many possible outcomes when she was captured, but this was beyond her imagination. She was no longer an Empress, but the thought of becoming a concubine to her enemy was a bitter pill to swallow.

However, Wang Jian showed no remorse, no hint of hesitation. His grin widened as he continued, his voice oozing with desire, "You heard that right. It wasn't your skills or your influence that I coveted. I only coveted your beauty. And a beauty like yours should forever serve me."

Empress Victoria's eyes blazed with anger and fear. She was a woman of strength and dignity, and the notion of submitting to this man, this conqueror who had torn her empire asunder, was nothing short of an abomination. Yet, she also knew the harsh reality of her situation. In the tent's dim light, she realized the futility of resistance.

"You are despicable," she spat out, her voice quivering with a mixture of rage and apprehension. "You may have defeated me in battle, but you will never break my spirit."

Wang Jian chuckled darkly, tracing a finger along the curve of her cheek. His touch sent a shiver down her spine. "Oh, my dear Victoria," he purred, his breath hot against her ear, "I don't intend to break your spirit. I want to possess it."

Empress Victoria's heart raced as she felt the heat of his body pressing closer. She was trapped, physically and emotionally. She knew that resisting Wang Jian's advances might only invite more suffering. A bitter realization settled in; she had lost her empire, her power, and now her freedom. Would she lose her dignity as well?

"I won't be yours willingly," she whispered, her defiance warring with the dread that threatened to consume her.

Wang Jian's grin remained unyielding, his fingers now tracing the contours of her neck. "Oh, Victoria," he murmured, his voice husky with desire, "I enjoy a challenge."

As the night wore on, Wang Jian's relentless pursuit of Empress Victoria took on a dark and lustful intensity. He circled her like a predator stalking its prey, his gaze fixed on her trembling figure. Each step he took seemed to increase the electric charge in the air, causing Empress Victoria's heart to race uncontrollably.

"Victoria," Wang Jian's voice dripped with seduction, "you can't deny the irresistible allure that binds us together. Your resistance only ignites the flames of my desire."

Empress Victoria remained steadfast, her resolve unyielding, but it was clear that Wang Jian was determined to bend her will to his own. He extended his hand to touch her, his fingers gliding over her skin with a tantalizing, feather-light caress. She recoiled, but the confines of the tent offered no escape.

"I will not become a pawn in your wicked games," she hissed, her eyes blazing with determination.

Wang Jian responded with a sinister chuckle, a sound that sent a shiver down her spine. His breath was hot against her ear as he leaned in, his voice a persuasive whisper. "Oh, my dearest Victoria," he purred, "you underestimate the ecstasy I can bestow upon you. I assure you, you'll come to ache for it."

His relentless pursuit continued, with his words alternating between promises of overwhelming pleasure and veiled threats.

His hands roamed freely, exploring her body with an unsettling familiarity.

Empress Victoria clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms, as she fought to maintain her composure.

As the long hours dragged on, Wang Jian's persistence appeared unrelenting. He employed every seductive tactic at his disposal, shifting seamlessly between tender caresses and forceful smacks.

His lips brushed against her earlobe, and his voice turned into a siren's song. "Victoria, I can make you forget all your worries. Just surrender to the fiery passion between us."

Empress Victoria's mind was a battleground of emotions. She felt anger and fear, but beneath it all, an undeniable attraction simmered, one she struggled to suppress.

Wang Jian's advances, though unwelcome, stoked a desire within her that she desperately tried to quell.

The tent bore witness to this unsettling dance of captor and captive. Flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows, accentuating Wang Jian's relentless pursuit.

Empress Victoria's anger waned, replaced by exhaustion. She had never felt so vulnerable, so powerless.

Finally, as the pale light of dawn seeped through the tent's fabric, Empress Victoria's spirit, battered and nearly broken, could resist no more. Her voice, quivering with surrender, conceded defeat. "Very well," she whispered, "I will become your concubine."

Wang Jian's grin widened into a triumphant, lustful smile. He had achieved his dark objective, and the conqueror reveled in yet another conquest.

Empress Victoria, once a mighty ruler, was now Wang Jian's object of desire, a symbol of his dominance over her.

As Wang Jian exited Empress Victoria's tent, he was met with the curious and expectant gazes of his four women. Han Xifeng was the first to break the silence, her tone laced with curiosity and a hint of mischief.

"So, how was she?" she asked with a knowing smile, her eyes sparkling mischievously. It was clear what she was inquiring about, referring to Empress Victoria's body.

Wang Jian couldn't help but wear a smug grin, one that revealed his depraved satisfaction. "Pretty good," he responded with a chuckle, seemingly pleased with his encounter with the former Empress.

Lady Zhuoran joined in with a playful tone, "I hope you didn't forget about us while you were enjoying yourself, Emperor."

Wang Jian turned to her, his expression light, and the atmosphere relaxed among them. "Of course not," he assured them. "You are my treasures. Nothing can change that."

Luo Qiu and Yao Niu, although part of the group, had a somewhat different dynamic with Wang Jian.

They were still acquaintances rather than being as close to him as Han Xifeng and Lady Zhuoran.

Their conversations with Wang Jian were less casual, marked by a degree of hesitation and formality.

Luo Qiu's voice carried a hint of caution as she spoke, "Emperor, we should stay focused on our journey and our mission. Our path ahead is not without dangers."

Yao Niu, echoing similar sentiments, added, "She's right. We need to ensure the safety of the dwarves and travel a long way to reach the Empire."

Wang Jian nodded, acknowledging their concerns, and replied, "You're right. We've come a long way, and there's still a challenging road ahead. Let's stay vigilant and work together to reach the Everlasting Mystical Empire."

Empress Victoria emerged from her tent, her graceful demeanor somewhat compromised by her unsteady steps. She glanced around the campsite and spotted Lady Zhuoran, Han Xifeng, Luo Qiu, and Yao Niu gathered around a small campfire. Their faces bore knowing smiles, and they exchanged secretive glances as they noticed her arrival.

Lady Zhuoran was the first to break the silence, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she commented, "You seem a bit unsteady, Empress Victoria. Did you have a good night?"

Empress Victoria couldn't help but feel her cheeks flush with a mixture of embarrassment and frustration. "I... I don't know what you're talking about," she stammered, attempting to maintain her composure.

Han Xifeng chimed in with a teasing tone, "Oh, we heard some rather... enthusiastic noises from your tent last night. It seems you had quite an eventful evening."

Luo Qiu and Yao Niu shared knowing glances and nodded in agreement.

Empress Victoria, her pride wounded, tried to regain her composure. "It's none of your business. I don't see how my personal affairs concern you."

Lady Zhuoran leaned in closer, her voice adopting a seductive undertone, "You see, Empress, here's the thing. Wang Jian has a way of making these nights unforgettable. And once you've experienced one, there's no going back."

Han Xifeng continued, "But you don't have to worry. He's rather generous. You'll have the privilege of experiencing these pleasures regularly."

Empress Victoria was caught between humiliation, anger, and frustration. She realized she had no escape from this relentless teasing. Luo Qiu leaned in, her expression more serious, as she stated, "You can fight it, or you can embrace it. Resistance is futile, and it's much more enjoyable when you surrender to his desires."

Yao Niu added, "I was once in your shoes, resisting his advances, but it only brought pain. Once I submitted, I found a world of pleasure."

Empress Victoria was torn between her pride and the undeniable attraction she felt toward Wang Jian. She knew that these women spoke the truth, and it was clear she had no way out of this predicament. She sighed in resignation, her cheeks still slightly flushed.

With a hint of submission in her voice, she finally spoke, "I get it. I'll... consider your advice."

The four women smiled knowingly, their point made, and their power over her evident. The night's teasing would continue, but Empress Victoria had taken her first steps down a path she couldn't escape.

As the campfire crackled and their conversations continued, Empress Victoria came to terms with her new reality. She had become part of Wang Jian's harem, a journey filled with both pleasure and submission, and there was no turning back.

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