As the fiery clash in the sky between Wang Jian and Empress Victoria raged on, the ground below was no less chaotic.

Lady Zhuoran and Han Xifeng, with their martial prowess, took on the numerous soldiers who swarmed around them.

Their movements were a mesmerizing display of martial arts, blocking and countering strikes with grace and precision.

Lady Zhuoran, her long silver hair flowing behind her as she fought, exchanged a quick glance with Han Xifeng. "Hold your ground, Xifeng. We have to deal with these soldiers and quickly remove that formation's effects. "

Han Xifeng nodded, her face focused and determined. "Agreed, Zhuoran. Once the array formation has been destroyed, husband will definitely win quickly."

Their coordinated efforts allowed them to hold their own against the soldiers. Their martial skills, honed through years of training, were evident as they swiftly incapacitated their opponents without causing fatal injuries.

Meanwhile, not too far away, Luo Qiu and Yao Niu remained hidden, observing the battle from a safe distance. Neither possessed combat skills, and their role was that of vigilant onlookers while keeping the four dwarves close to them.

Unbeknownst to Empress Victoria, her own disciple, Isabella, was subtly manipulating the battle formation to favor Lady Zhuoran and Han Xifeng.

Isabella had been tasked by Wang Jian to support his women and help them navigate the suppressive array formations laid on the ground.

In return, Wang Jian had promised not to harm Empress Victoria.

Isabella's motives were multifaceted. She had a deep affection for Wang Jian, and her feelings for him drove her to assist in this battle.

Furthermore, she held no doubts about Wang Jian's ability to defeat her master, Empress Victoria, if he chose to. Thus, she chose to support him, believing in his cause.

The battle on multiple fronts continued to unfold, with each participant playing their role in this intricate dance of power and strategy.

As the battle on the ground raged, Lady Zhuoran and Han Xifeng continued to press the soldiers, gradually thinning their numbers. The constant barrage of martial techniques and coordinated strikes began to take its toll. With each defeated soldier, the suppression arrays they had maintained grew weaker.

Wang Jian, engaged in a fierce aerial duel with Empress Victoria, keenly sensed the diminishing effect of the suppression arrays. His flames burned with renewed intensity as the oppressive force lifted, allowing him to unleash his full power.

The decisive moment arrived when Wang Jian, seizing the opportunity, unleashed a devastating attack, his Scorching Solar Incineration Domain reaching its peak. The explosive release of energy engulfed Empress Victoria, and when the blinding inferno subsided, there was no sign of her.

Wang Jian's voice, resolute and commanding, reached their ears. "Empress Victoria is no more. I intend to leave now, and anyone who dares to obstruct me will face the consequences."

The soldiers, now leaderless and disheartened, began to put down their weapons. It was clear that without Empress Victoria's leadership, their resolve had crumbled.

Isabella, Empress Victoria's devoted disciple and the strongest individual left in her absence, stepped forward. She accepted responsibility and ordered the remaining soldiers to withdraw.

Once the soldiers had retreated, Isabella remained behind to speak with Wang Jian. He revealed to her the unconscious form of Empress Victoria, draped in a purple robe. It was a symbol of her defeat and humiliation.

Wang Jian spoke with a stern yet measured tone. "Isabella, I will take Empress Victoria with me to my Empire. She must answer for her actions—attacking me and betraying my trust."

Isabella, though somewhat dissatisfied with this outcome, understood that she had no choice but to comply. She nodded in agreement, her loyalty to Wang Jian remaining steadfast.

Wang Jian continued, "While Empress Victoria is in my custody, I entrust you with the responsibility of ruling and managing the Verzen Empire. You must also address the threat posed by the Dwarves."

He assured Isabella that if her Empire ever faced a dire threat, she could seek assistance from the Azure Spirit Lion. With that, he made a promise to Isabella that she would eventually be allowed to return.

With Empress Victoria in his custody, Wang Jian prepared to depart.

The clash of powers and alliances had left its mark on this battlefield, and as the dust settled, the fate of the Verzen Empire hung in the balance.

Isabella, now the ruler in her master's absence, would face the formidable challenge of managing her realm and confronting the looming threat of the Dwarves.

As Wang Jian's group embarked on their journey, the weight of their responsibilities and the presence of their captives hung heavy in the air. Lady Zhuoran, Han Xifeng, Luo Qiu, and Yao Niu moved with a determined grace, their grace evident in every step they took.

The four dwarves, captured by Wang Jian during the chaos at the Immortal Ore mine, were bound and secured, ensuring they posed no immediate threat. These scholars and researchers, once excited about their discovery, were now reluctant passengers on a journey to an uncertain fate.

At the heart of their group lay the unconscious former Empress Victoria. Her beauty, even in her vulnerable state, was striking. Her features were the source of countless rumors and tales throughout the Central Region.

The road to the Everlasting Mystical Empire, nestled in the Southern Region, would be a long one, and it required them to traverse the entirety of the Central Region. It was a journey fraught with uncertainty, danger, and intrigue, for the Central Region was in a state of chaos. The once-peaceful land was now a battleground, as small human sects had formed unlikely alliances with the devil race and the Sea Monster Race. They had banded together to challenge the dominance of the Ten Great Sects, each residing in its own Immortal Dominion.

As they made their way through this tumultuous region, they encountered skirmishes, the remnants of battles, and towns and villages devastated by the ongoing conflict. The land bore scars of magical clashes and had witnessed the might of devilish forces.

Lady Zhuoran, her sharp eyes assessing the surroundings, remarked, "This Central Region is in turmoil, more so than we had anticipated. These sects seem desperate to challenge the Ten Great Sects."

Han Xifeng nodded, her voice carrying an air of concern. "The alliances between humans, devils, and Sea Monsters are an unprecedented development. It's creating an upheaval in the established order."

Luo Qiu, with her acute insight, added, "The Ten Great Sects may have held power for centuries, but the tide seems to be turning. These sects supporting the devil race and the Sea Monster Race have found strength in unity."

Yao Niu chimed in, "And here we are, right in the middle of it all. This journey won't be without its challenges."

Wang Jian, as their leader, contemplated the situation. "Our path may be treacherous, but we must continue. Our mission is to bring these dwarves to the Everlasting Mystical Empire, and nothing should deter us."

As they pressed on, they encountered various groups of sect members, as well as roving bands of devils and Sea Monsters. Confrontations were inevitable, and Wang Jian's group had no choice but to engage in combat.

The ongoing chaos and uncertainty served as a constant backdrop to their journey. They had to remain vigilant, not just against their physical adversaries but also against the shifting alliances and politics of the sects and races around them.

As night fell and Wang Jian's group set up a makeshift camp in a secluded area of the Central Region, there was an unexpected development. The former Empress Victoria, who had been unconscious since her defeat, began to stir. Her recovery was nothing short of remarkable, considering the injuries she had sustained during her battle with Wang Jian.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing their striking azure hue. She lay still for a moment, gathering her bearings and assessing her surroundings. It didn't take long for her to realize that she was no longer in the midst of the battle, and the presence of her abductors was evident.

Wang Jian, ever perceptive, noticed the subtle fluctuations in her spiritual energy. He had been keeping a close watch on her condition, and her awakening didn't come as a surprise to him. With a sense of caution mixed with curiosity, he decided to pay her a visit in her tent.

Inside the dimly lit tent, Empress Victoria lay propped up on a makeshift cot. Her attire was simple, a stark contrast to her former regal garments. Despite her injuries, her countenance retained an air of elegance and poise. She turned her gaze towards the entrance as Wang Jian entered, her expression a mix of curiosity and defiance.

Wang Jian spoke first, his tone calm and composed. "You've awakened sooner than expected. Your recovery is impressive."

Empress Victoria regarded him with a mixture of emotions, her voice carrying a hint of resignation. "I was sure that I had died to that attack. I guess I have you to thank for showing me mercy. "

He nodded, acknowledging her words. "You're correct."

She sighed softly, her azure eyes locking onto his. "So, what is your plan now, Emperor Wang? You've defeated me, humiliated me in front of my soldiers, and taken my as your captive. What is it that you seek?"

With a wretched grin on his face, Wang Jian answered, "…I want you to be my concubine."

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