Villain Is on Vacation

Chapter 71 Arya's Obsession (2)


Dear Diary,

People have finally stopped bothering me about Rain. It's a relief, but at the same time, I can't help but feel a sense of emptiness.

Today was supposed to be the day of Rain's livestream, but he didn't go live. I wonder if something happened to him.

Will he ever come back? I know I won't get a second chance with him, but deep down, I still wish to be his friend. I don't want him to feel lonely.


"Ah, the anticipation..." Rain's eyes shimmered with a mixture of excitement and trepidation as he paused, his gaze fixed on the horizon. 

The realization that Arya yearned for his presence and genuinely desired to be his friend, despite their previous declarations, didn't seem to stir any profound emotions within Rain.

"Will I ever come back?" Rain's voice trailed off, a mix of contemplation and resignation seeping into his words.

His brow furrowed as he wrestled with the uncertain path ahead. The weight of the question hung heavily in the air, as if time itself held the answer just out of reach.

There were no immediate plans to leave the island, not until he achieved the coveted rank of an A ranker. The journey to reach that pinnacle would demand time and unwavering dedication, potentially stretching over more than half a year.

Furthermore, even after his departure from the island, Rain harbored no intentions of enrolling in the prestigious academy that awaited many aspiring adventurers. His lips curled into a slight smile, a glimmer of mischief dancing in his eyes.

"I will go and collect hidden pieces while traveling around, enjoying the vacation." The words escaped his mouth with a mix of determination and excitement.

His expression softened, a flicker of anticipation brightening his features.

In that moment, his face revealed a sense of liberation, as if the world beckoned him with open arms, promising endless possibilities and thrilling adventures.


After Rain's second livestream.

Dear Diary

Phew. I've created this fan club now. Rain will never be alone. Many people will know him, but I will be the only one who truly understands him.

I have so many photos of him, but I won't share them with anyone. His body is so perfect, and his face and skin are more beautiful than any woman. 

Just wait, Rain. Your friend is becoming stronger day by day. I will come to meet you, and I will protect you from those bad girls.


As Rain read Arya's diary entry expressing their growing obsession and possessiveness towards him, a concerned expression crossed his face. He furrowed his brows, a hint of unease creeping into his demeanor.

"This isn't healthy... This level of fixation isn't what I intended." 

Rain's voice carried a mix of worry and discomfort. He understood that Arya's intentions stemmed from a place of admiration, but the intensity and possessiveness displayed in the words raised red flags for him.


Dear Diary,

Today I heard Rain's singing for the first time. It was so good that I couldn't help but hear it for more than 100 time. 

However, I can't help but feel a deep sense of concern when I think about Emma's impact on Rain.

How could she have caused him such sadness? It's difficult for me to understand.

But I want to reassure myself that everything will be okay now. As Rain's friend, it is my duty to protect him from any harm. Our friendship is special, and I will do whatever it takes to keep him safe and happy.

I just have to make those bad girls stay away from him. 

Oh, Rain... The longing I feel for you is overwhelming. I miss you more than words can express.

But I find solace in the belief that we will be reunited soon.

I want nothing more than to be by your side, offering my unwavering support. You are important to me, and I will cherish our friendship.

I want to be there for him whenever he needs someone to lean on. Perhaps, by being a constant source of comfort and understanding, I can just make him stay with me for 24/7 hours. It will be great. 


After reading Arya's diary entries filled with her fantasies and obsessive thoughts, Rain's expression turned grim.

He couldn't help but feel a mixture of concern and discomfort for the depth of Arya's infatuation with him.

"Oh, Arya," he muttered, his tone tinged with caution. "She's really taking this friendship thing to another level."

He understood that her intentions might come from a place of misguided affection, but yhe way she spoke about protecting him from others and the mention of "bad girls" raised a red flag in his mind.

He tried to brush off the unease with a light chuckle, attempting to diffuse the tension. "I guess it's nice to have someone looking out for you, but 24/7 protection might be a bit... excessive, don't you think?"

"Looks like I gained myself a full-fledged, card-carrying yandere," Rain sighed, his voice laced with a mixture of exasperation and concern. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to process the situation unfolding before him.

It was as if a switch had been flipped, revealing a side of Arya he hadn't seen before.

Soon Rain had an idea. 

As he scrolled through the contents of Arya's phone, his heart sank. 

The number of photos and videos she had captured of him, the extensive collection of his personal data, and the amount of time she had dedicated to documenting their interactions were overwhelming. It was clear that her infatuation had reached alarming levels.

With a mixture of concern and determination, Rain swiftly deleted the photos of him, erasing any traces of their past together from Arya's phone.

It was a decision made to safeguard both of them, to create some distance and prevent the fueling of her obsession.

"I hope this helps her gain some perspective," Rain murmured, his expression a mix of sympathy and worry.

He understood that such an action might initially cause distress for Arya, but he hoped it would eventually lead her to realize the need for healthy boundaries.

However, in the end, he also knew there won't be any cure for this. 

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