Villain Is on Vacation

Chapter 70 Arya's Obsession (1)


Dear Diary,

I found out that Rain blocked many people, not just me. I guess I shouldn't take it personally, but it still hurts. It feels like he doesn't care about our friendship anymore. I tried to convince myself that it's not a big deal and that I should move on. 


As Rain read Arya's diary entry about his decision to block multiple people, he felt she was too slow to see things. 

"She didn't notice anything?" He couldn't help but wonder. He continued reading the diary. 


Dear Diary,

Today was the day of the entrance exam. Many students came to take the exam, including myself. I hope I score well and get admitted to the academy.

But something strange happened. Rain, the person I considered a friend, didn't show up. I wonder why he wasn't there. I heard rumors that he ran away, but I don't know what to believe.


"She still doesn't know... Doesn't know the real reason I wasn't there. How can she be so oblivious?" Rain felt the heroines were truly different characters. 

"Rumors... always spreading like wildfire. They don't know the truth." Rain smirked because the rumours were spread by him. 

It wasn't work of Kaya. With a few anonymous post and comments, it was easy feat. 

He couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment in their inability to see beyond the surface.


Dear Diary,

The results of the entrance exam were announced today. I ranked 10th among the freshmen, and I'm so happy about it. My parents were proud of me too. However, there's still no news of Rain. People keep bothering me, asking where he is and why he didn't come to the exam. It's becoming frustrating not knowing what happened to him.


As Rain read Arya's diary entry about the entrance exam results and the inquiries regarding his absence, a sense of detachment and calm washed over him. He maintained a composed expression, unaffected by the frustrations expressed in the diary.

"10th place... That's quite an accomplishment for Arya." Rain thought. 

According to the original plotline, Arya wasn't supposed to ranked 10th. However, because of Rain's absence in the academy the rank of other people was raised by one. 

"People asking about me, huh? It's no surprise. I've always been a topic of curiosity." Rain's tone remained nonchalant, unaffected.

From the childhood Rain was hot topic among his peers and other people. Therefore, this much wasn't big deal for him. 

"It's their own curiosity, their own need for information. It doesn't change anything for me." That's what Rain always thought. 


Dear Diary,

Today, I discovered that Rain has become a streamer. It's quite surprising, considering how he used to be.

Rumors say he ran away from his family and even called off his engagement.

It's all so shocking. He changed his username to 'NightSoul' for his streams. But what hurt the most was when he said he didn't see me as a friend.

Was our friendship not genuine? I can't help but question everything now.


"Ah, she also saw my post about streaming. How amusing." A faint smile curved on his lips. He remained composed and confident, seemingly unfazed by the revelations.

He didn't think Arya would be this much interested in him. 

"Not seeing them as a friend... How intriguing."

Rather than feeling hurt, Rain welcomed the questioning and doubts that Arya expressed. He saw it as a catalyst for change and a chance to redefine their bond. After all, it didn't feel like friendship. 


Dear Diary,

Today was the first day of the semester, and I got assigned a good room because of my ranking. But despite that, I felt a deep sense of loneliness throughout the day.

I couldn't help but think about Rain. If he were here, he would have joined me for some sparring, and I wouldn't feel so alone. But he's not here. He didn't even come to the academy.

He just ran away, seeking his own freedom. Even the Holmes Family, known for their investigative skills, can't find him.

It's as if Rain was waiting for this moment to escape. I don't know where he is or what he's doing. He never shared any details with anyone. And as he so clearly stated, we are not friends.

We were just former classmates who occasionally exchanged a few words. I was foolish to consider myself anything more than that.

I remember reading posts about Rain, how lonely he was and how everyone talked about him. But he just focused on his training, disregarding the attention.

Even his fiancée ignored him, pushing him further into isolation. And then he chose to run away, seeking freedom. It's hard not to blame myself.

If only I had treated him as a friend, maybe things would have been different.


"Loneliness, huh?" Rain couldn't help but wonder how would she react if he told her; he was living on an unknown deserted island alone. 

Moreover as he saw how she wrote about people couldn't find him, he was happy with his decision. 

When Rain thought about leaving the plot, there were other options too. Such as going to other countries. 

However, travelling to those countries was difficult and risky. He was also troubled if he got into some mess with any character of the story while traveling. 

In the end, he came to the island. 

"After all, there weren't any other gates or portal leading to other countries." 


Dear Diary,

Just like the previous day, I found myself alone. But I won't let that discourage me. I will make an effort to make friends.

I don't want to end up like Rain, a loner.

I'll do my best to build connections and create meaningful relationships here at the academy.


Rain was surprised by how much mood swings Arya had. 

"A loner like Rain..." Although it was truth, it felt like she was treating him as a example which shouldn't be followed. 


Dear Diary,

People have finally stopped bothering me about Rain. It's a relief, but at the same time, I can't help but feel a sense of emptiness.

Today was supposed to be the day of Rain's livestream, but he didn't go live. I wonder if something happened to him.

Will he ever come back? I know I won't get a second chance with him, but deep down, I still wish to be his friend. I don't want him to feel lonely.


"Ah, the anticipation... She still hold on to that glimmer of hope."

The realization that Arya yearned for his presence and wished to be his friend despite their previous declarations didn't seem to stir any profound emotions within Rain. 

"Will I ever come back? That's a question only time can answer." Rain mumbled. 

He didn't have any plans to leave the island till he becomes A ranker. And the time it would take might be more than half year. 

Furthermore, even after leaving the island, Rain had no plans to go to the academy. 

"I will go and collect hidden pieces while traveling around, enjoying the vacation." That was his plan. 


After Rain's second livestream.

Dear Diary,

Phew. I've created this fan club now. Rain will never be alone. Many people will know him, but I will be the only one who truly understands him.

I have so many photos of him, but I won't share them with anyone. His body is so perfect, and his face and skin are more beautiful than any woman's.

Just wait, Rain. Your friend is becoming stronger day by day. I will come to meet you, and I will protect you from those bad girls.


As Rain read Arya's diary entry expressing their growing obsession and possessiveness towards him, a concerned expression crossed his face. He furrowed his brows, a hint of unease creeping into his demeanor.

"This isn't healthy... This level of fixation isn't what I intended." 

Rain's voice carried a mix of worry and discomfort. He understood that Arya's intentions stemmed from a place of admiration, but the intensity and possessiveness displayed in the words raised red flags for him.


Dear Diary,

Today I heard Rain's singing for the first time. It was so good that I couldn't help but hear it for more than 100 time. 

However, I can't help but feel a deep sense of concern when I think about Emma's impact on Rain.

How could she have caused him such sadness? It's difficult for me to understand.

But I want to reassure myself that everything will be okay now. As Rain's friend, it is my duty to protect him from any harm. Our friendship is special, and I will do whatever it takes to keep him safe and happy.

I just have to make those bad girls stay away from him. 

Oh, Rain... The longing I feel for you is overwhelming. I miss you more than words can express.

But I find solace in the belief that we will be reunited soon.

I want nothing more than to be by your side, offering my unwavering support. You are important to me, and I will cherish our friendship.

I want to be there for him whenever he needs someone to lean on. Perhaps, by being a constant source of comfort and understanding, I can just make him stay with me for 24/7 hours. It will be great. 


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