Till the Berserk Gang Army got to their side and attacked, the Axe Gang Army had no idea and this was all due to the genius of a single warrior, Aragorn.

Aragorn's talent as a mystic mechanic were generational, all that he previously needed was a platform to channel it and with Rex providing this platform through the Berserk Gang, Aragorn flourished like a dragon in its domain.

While the Axe Gang Army was still focused on invading and eradicating their enemies, another enemy of theirs hit them where it hurt the most.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The war machines of the Berserk Gang roared with fire concentrated at the center of the Axe Gang Army as the same explosions that rocked the territory of the Kong Gang started rocking through the middle of their battle formations.

While the war machines temporarily destabilized the momentum of the Axe Gang, the over a hundred thousand warriors of the Berserk Gang rushed into their enemies following their gang leader to prove their strength and courage.

For the first minute, the clash was bloody and one-sided.

The spirited Berserk Gang Army charged into their enemies like a bull. With the melee warriors leading the battle line, blood was spilled to form a river.

For this ultimate showdown, Ben outdid himself. During the 4 hours of preparation that Rex gave since morning, apart from helping the soldiers to return to their peak state, Ben also improvised their battle formations.

Their battle formations that were taught by their previous Commanders were already amazing, but Ben modifying them increased their might even more.

Now, they shone on the battlefield like fireflies in a night sky.

With the ranged warriors behind them assisting them, the melee warriors put their lives on the line and fought the battle of their lives. With no regards given to their life or death, they were able to flourish and shine like peacocks.

Deaths in the Axe Gang army increased to hundreds every second due to the incredible momentum that the Berserk Gang Army came with.

This only lasted a minute though since the Commanders of the Axe Gang Army finally improvised. Once they improvised, their warriors also improvised as they got ready to counter the Berserk Gang Army.

This was the exact moment that he had been waiting for, while the enemies improvised, Ben finally gave the order for the first taking of the minotaur pool's water. Melkor's hard work meant that every warrior had one.

Once they ingested the water, tens of thousands of warriors of the Berserk Gang transformed mid-battle into huge, powerful, and menacing Minotaurs.

The enemies were shocked and caught off-guard, before they understood what was going on, the Minotaurs' guttural roars reverberated like thunder in the sky before they rushed into them like a truck ramming into a little kid.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

This time, the Axe Gang was really in for a hammering.

For 20 minutes straight, the Berserk Army dominated while the effects of the Minotaur pool's water lasted as they killed their enemies as effortlessly as Chucky chopping off the arms of his victims.

To the Axe Gang warriors, it was like they were hearing the words. "I'll make you a deal. Kill Jake and I'll let you live".

That was how horrifying the momentum of the Berserk Gang was at this moment and at the center of it all was Rex Vector, their gang leader.


[You have drunk water from the Minotaur Pool!]

[You have transformed into a Minotaur!]


+100% increase to all base stats

+100% critical hit chance

+150% vitality

[Side Effects:]

-20% intelligence


Rex was in the strongest state that he had ever been since he became a mystic warrior, in this state he felt invincible and he was invincible.

Losing 20% of his intelligence temporarily for such power was absolutely worth it. After all, when he was consumed by battle and his eyes started glowing red, he tended to lose his rationality so it didn't really matter.

He already gave targeted orders to his subordinates before he started the battle. All that was needed for him now was to wreak havoc and damage to the enemies as much as possible and that was exactly what he was doing.


You have activated shadow skill: Ghost in the Night!

You have activated Advanced Shadow skill: Shadow Doppelganger!

You have activated Advanced Shadow skill: Dark Arrow!

You have activated Advanced Sword skill: Annihilation Slash!

You have activated Master Level Sword skill: Phoenix Ash!

You have activated Master Level Sword skill: Precision Slash!

You have activated Master Level Sword skill: Master of the Elements!


At this moment, Rex was a beast on this battlefield!

He spammed skills on the enemies like a maniac. Skills were instinctively activated by him as with his living sword, they painted a beautiful explosive art of death and blood on this massive battlefield.

Rex was so destructive at this moment that in just 30 minutes, he killed more than 10,000 enemy mystic warriors singlehandedly, painting himself once again to these warriors as an unstoppable sword god.

Max Fury was leading the invasion against the Kong Gang, his attention was focused on the invasion and hence could not divert his attention here.

He instead sent 2 Advanced mystic warriors which was a choice that he would regret not long after he made it, Rex soloed both Advanced mystic warriors.

Not just soloed, Rex comboed them to death.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

His hands were so fast and strong that the 2 mystic warriors could only passively react to his actions as he used Berserker to torture the life out of them, he battered them till the extent where life lost its meaning to them.

Till their death, they still didn't understand how they were unable to put up a resistance, they still didn't understand how Rex was so freakishly strong.


You have killed an Advanced mystic warrior!

You have gained 2,800 mystic energy points!

You have killed an Advanced mystic warrior!

You have gained 3,200 mystic energy points!


This feat by Rex was what broke the camel's back, the warriors of the Axe Gang were now literally horrified at his mere presence alone.

As for the warriors of the Kong Gang who watched this from afar, only shock, awe, and respect filled their minds as they saw Rex display his masterpiece art.

It was during this exact same moment that Princess Elanor deduced that it was time to make her move. Without hesitation, she ignited Aragorn's monster truck and drove straight towards the military base of the Kong Gang.

"Let me in, I want to meet your leader".

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