Rex took the leader's position again and addressed his subordinates. "The result of the collective votes favored the 2nd option which is to try negotiating with the Gang Leader of the Kong Gang".

"Following the result of the votes, this is my plan".

"During my time out, I thought deep about both options".

"The first option is the one where we have full control but it is also the one with the most risks. As for the 2nd option, it is more out of our control since our next step depends on the response of the Gang Leader of the Kong Gang".

"I also understand the problems that both Erling and Jacob pointed out which is why I say we should address them first".

"We should not just go in and start negotiating with the Gang Leader of the Kong Gang, that will put us at the back foot with few choices left for us".

"I say we wait until the Kong Gang suffers enough damage".

"Probably, by afternoon. With the incredible momentum of the Axe Gang, if everything goes well, by then, they would be hammering the Kong Gang already".

"At the moment where they hammer the Kong Gang is the perfect time for us to enter the scene, not to negotiate but to fight".

"We'll ignore the Kong Gang and focus our whole army on the Axe Gang. We need to stop their incredible momentum, we need to show not just to them but to the Kong Gang what we are made of".

"After showing both sides what we are capable of before we would take the first step to form an alliance, the Kong Gang won't take lightly to a straight subordination plot, we need to take things steadily".

"This is my plan to turn the tides in our favor during this war".

"If anyone opposes the plan or sees any problem with it, speak now or forever stay silent".

After a minute of no one speaking, Rex stood up. "That's it".

"From now till 12 noon, I want all of you hard at work preparing the whole Berserk Gang for war, our mystic warriors need to overcome their fatigue and be in their peak state, do anything to make sure this is done".

"As for myself, I'll also go work on myself to regain my peak state".

While his subordinates fulfilled his orders, working hard to bring the Berserk Army back to peak performance state, Rex locked himself in his room.

His strategy to bring himself back to his peak state was through meditation.

His physical state already recovered to its peak, what needed attention now was his mental state and he believed meditation was up to the task.

After sitting cross-legged, Rex closed his eyes as he breath calmly.


[You have activated Blackfire skill: Zone!]

[Your concentration has increased by 100%!]


As soon as the zone ability activated, Rex felt all the distracting thoughts in his mind turning into fleeting clouds and disappearing into the heavens.

His increased concentration put him in a state of absolute stillness and silence, and in this state, his mind entered a state of pure calmness.

In this state, Rex lost perception of time until 2 knocks reverberated from his door. He opened his eyes and looked at the time. "4 hours already passed".

Rex smiled and stood up, he cracked his neck and his knuckles. "I'm back".

Rex grabbed Berserker who reacted with excitement as he finally went outside. On going outside, he met Princess Elanor at the door.

"Rex, it's time, the army is waiting for you".

"Any news from our spies in the Western region?"

"The Kong Gang already lost majority of their prime territories".

"Good". Rex nodded and led the way to the army.

This time, Rex's address to the army was relatively short. "Let us go out there and fight the good fight that will determine our future".

"Let us fight the good fight that will determine the future of our children".

"Let us go out there and make history".

"For the Berserk Gang!"


The old warriors of the Berserk Gang responded like usual. As for the new warriors, having seen Rex trample through them like a god, they had godly respect for him and the fact that they were fighting alongside him now pumped them.

"FOR THE BERSERK GANG!!!" They roared at the top of their voices.

With that, an army exceeding 100,000 mystic warriors left the Southern region with Rex as they made their way to the Western region which was now the focal point of this inter-region war.

The journey to the Western region lasted less than an hour, they spent over 30 minutes only because Rex wanted his army to stay under the radar.

On arriving, they met chaos, they met death, they met disaster, they met war. The Western region already seemed to turn into the focal point of a fire apocalypse that was ravaging through a whole planet.

Explosions filled everywhere with hundreds of warriors and civilians dying every moment as both sides gave their all to destroy the other.

Despite the fierce retaliation of the Kong Army, the Axe Gang Army was losing. They were much more than their opponents, and they had more ways to torture the life out of their opponents.

The Axe Gang Army from afar was like an unstoppable colony of ants at war.

The scene of the war alone set Rex's already cold heart ablaze again. His battle will started turning fiery again, and in no time, his eyes started glowing red again as he turned to his soldiers.

"Follow me and exterminate every Axe Gang warrior!"

"Today, we celebrate on earth or we dine in hell!"


,m You have activated Master Level Skill: Master of the Elements!


Rex rushed forward first and started the first attack.

Storm followed tightly after its master as the sky instantly turned blueish dark with thunder rumbling in the heavens. From the clouds came the sharp wind that was shaped in the form of a sword ready to cleave the world in twain.

The warriors of the Axe Gang saw it but they could not stop it.


The massive wind sword energy descended and swept across the warriors like a plague, over 500 mystic warriors died from Rex's first attack.


With him opening the way, the warriors of the Berserk Gang whose energies were already rising to the nine heavens finally charged in to unleash their energy.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

An army clashed with an army, and war began.

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