When it was afternoon, Keyra and Matthew returned to the hotel. But when she was just in front of the majestic building, she stopped when Aaron was already standing near the entrance and looking at her blankly, then also at her best friend.

"Where have you been?" asked Aaron.

"Take a walk," Keyra said curtly, then walked towards the door without taking Aaron or Matthew.

Aaron immediately followed Keyra but before he glanced at Matthew sarcastically. 'How dare she go out with another man!' he was furious.


Keyra walked down the hotel lobby towards the elevator with fast steps. Even considering Aaron's gaze, which seemed to be holding back anger, she could already guess that her husband would be angry and would end up fighting. she had just had the pleasure of being a little comforted by being with Matthew but had already been confronted with the anger of her selfish and temperamental husband.

"KEYRA!" Aaron called as he jogged after Keyra who had now arrived at the elevator and entered. he ran faster and faster until he got into the almost closed elevator. The man looked directly at his wife with a ragged breath.

"Who is he? Are you trying to be duplicitous? Playing behind my back?" Aaron immediately carelessly accused.

"He was just my best friend when I was studying in Singapore. Coincidentally he also stays at this hotel," explained Keyra curtly, then turned her face away.

"Stupid! You chose to go with your best friend while I was your husband instead you just left without saying goodbye, without giving news." Aaron angrily gripped Keyra's chin. "Are you trying to run away from me?"

Keyra looked up at Aaron who only wanted to be prioritized but did not respect her as a wife at all. She immediately brushed off her husband's hand and glanced at the elevator that was already open. the woman immediately left without responding to her husband's anger who now immediately followed her.

"Keyra!" Aaron was getting annoyed at Keyra's silence.

Keyra continued walking down the hotel lobby until she arrived at her bedroom door. She immediately opened the door with a code, then entered without paying attention to her angry husband.


Keyra turned to look at Aaron who kept calling out to her. "Why? You'll be angry? Hit me, hit me if it can satisfy you!"

"Don't you think before you act? 

Left without saying goodbye and ignoring my calls. I've been looking for you all day and you're having fun with another guy! It turns out that you are not much different from your mom who likes to seduce other men!" Aaron drew closer to Keyra.

Keyra is getting annoyed with Aaron who even insults her mother. "Then what about you who don't think about my feelings? You act like your forehead, torture me, deceive me. What's wrong if I seek entertainment for a while? I'm sick of being around you while you will only hurt me!"

Keyra looked at the selfish Aaron with teary eyes. Aaron couldn't help but remain silent.

Seeing Aaron who was silent, Keyra immediately walked to the bathroom to clean herself. 'Selfish, heartless! And why does he always say mommy is a temptress? I'm not sure mommy is a tease, there must be something else wrong with that past story.' She thought.


Aaron fell silent as he sat on the couch. Sometimes she glanced at the bathroom which wasn't open yet because maybe Keyra hadn't finished bathing yet. 'I'm also sad because of this feeling. I can't let you be with another man! You are mine, only mine forever!'

Drett... Drettt...

His phone which was located in the jacket pocket he was wearing rang, Aaron immediately took it and saw an incoming from his grandfather.

"Hello, Grandpa," Aaron greeted as he linked up with Hans.

"Aaron, your mom ...." Hans said from the phone sounding stammered.

"What happened with mommy?" asked Aaron frantically as he got up from his seat.

"Your mother tried to end her life, now she is in critical condition in the hospital," Hans answered, sounding sad.

"Oh my God, isn't Mom's condition getting better? Why does she want to end her life again?" asked Aaron angrily.

"I don't know. But there was a nurse who said that someone had met your mother, after that, your mother often became angry and tried to end her life."

"Who, who met Mommy? Wasn't it only us who knew where she was?"

"I didn't know either, but the nurse said that person was a man the same age as your mother."

Aaron sighed, then sat back down on the couch. He felt uneasy at the thought of how his mother was again shaken and hurting herself.

"I'll be home soon, Grandpa. I want to see how mom is doing," Aaron said sadly.

"Yes, but you have to make Keyra suffer a lot, just like how your mother felt! Don't make her feel happy with the honeymoon, or grandpa will hate you!"

Aaron was silent in a dilemma. He feels sorry for Keyra who also wants to feel calm, but on the other hand, he also hates it because Keyra's mother made his father die until his mother went crazy.

"I'll do it. Take good care of mommy..I'll be back after making her just enjoy this honeymoon with misery!" Aaron said with an emphasis on tone.

The phone line was cut off. Aaron put his phone on the table in front of the couch, then turned to look at Keyra who had just come out of the bathroom wearing only a white bathrobe while stroking her wet hair.

The man looked at his wife with a gaze so cold full of anger. he rushed to her and pulled her towards the bed.

"Aaron!" Kira was shocked and fell on the bed. She stared in surprise at her husband who suddenly dragged her away. What torture is this again?

"Because of Luna! Because of Luna, my mother suffered and now she died in the hospital!"

"Death? What do you mean? What happened to her?" Keyra is even worried about her crazy mother-in-law.

"Mommy killed herself!" Aaron answered then took the towel that Keyra was holding. "If my mom wasn't crazy, she wouldn't always be trying to end her life! and She's crazy because of Luna. Damn Luna, bitch!''

Aaron continued to be angry while tying both of Keyra's hands with the towel. Keyra was scared and worried. She shuddered at the thought of what her husband would do.

"Aaron, what are you going to do?" asked Keyra narrowing her eyes.

Instead of answering, Aaron stripped his clothes until he was completely naked, then went to the bed and lay down on Keyra's body roughly. the man put his wife's hand on top of her head and then pressed her, pressing her body until she couldn't move.

"Aaron, let me go!" Keyra cried while struggling, but Aaron was too strong.

"You must suffer!" Aaron replied angrily, then opened Keyra's bathrobe strap open, revealing his wife's breasts which looked very sexy.

Aaron squeezed Keyra's chest very roughly, while his left hand was still pressing Keyra's hands above her head. occasionally he hit his wife's chest until it turned red.

"Ahhh. Stop it!" Kyra exclaimed while struggling.. She winced in pain from the heat of Aaron's hand hitting her chest. 

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