Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 385 - Coincidentally Met A Good Friend

When it was 07:15 Paris time, Keyra had woken up and already looked beautiful wearing blue jeans combined with a maroon sweater top and wearing a black scarf. She also wore a kind of robe like a black shirt because the weather there was very cold. The woman put a hairpin in a part of her hair back, then wore black shoes with white laces.

Keyra glanced at Aaron who was still sleeping wrapped in a thick blanket up to his chest. Her husband had gone somewhere all night and gone straight to bed without wanting to touch her or torture her. The woman felt a little relieved because at least the pain in her body from her husband's rudeness the other day had subsided and today she decided to go for a walk.

Keyra has put her camera, books, pencils, purse, and phone into her medium-sized sling bag, which is expensive. She immediately grabbed the bag and walked out of the room without waking Aaron first. She didn't want to start the day with a fight or see her hot-tempered husband get mad at her.

"I'd better go alone, find peace. I hate you because you have also torn a very important book to me," Keyra muttered as she opened the door with a code she also knew.

Keyra walked leisurely down the hotel lobby which was magnificent and dominated by cream-colored wall paint. She walked until he got to the elevator and got in immediately, then pressed the button for the ground floor.

When the elevator door was about to close, someone who might also be a hotel visitor got into the elevator in a hurry and hit Keyra so that she fell on the floor.

"Ow!" Kyra screamed as her buttocks hit the floor.

The man panicked and immediately helped Keyra to stand back up. "I'm sorry, miss."

Keyra frowned and stood up, then picked up her bag that had fallen on the floor.

"Are you okay?" asked the man while glancing at Keyra who was looking down.

"Sorry I was in a hurry," said the man again with a look full of regret.

"It's okay," Keyra replied as she brushed her hair and looked at the man. She had a smile on her lips when she realized the man in front of her was her friend when she was still studying in Singapore. "Matthew."

"Hey, it turns out you're Keyra. Gosh, it's a coincidence that we meet here," the man smiled and seemed speechless with what he just saw.

"Yeah, I just arrived yesterday afternoon and stayed at this hotel." Keyra shook hands with the man named Matthew, then glanced at the elevator which had opened again. "Let's get out."

Keyra and Matthew walked out of the elevator. They walked down the hotel lobby to the main hall where there was a door that led to the hotel's restaurant.

"Oiya, who did you come here with?" Matthew asked.

"My husband," said Keyra.

"Well, you're married. It's only been a few months since you graduated."

Keyra smiled faintly and chose not to respond to her best friend's words. She kept walking until she passed the main door of the hotel, then stopped at a courtyard where there were several luxury cars lined up neatly on the left side of the hotel. There is also a cake shop and a shop with a typical Parisian style building that provides various types of clothing and accessories.

"Where are you going?" Matthew asked.

"I ... I want breakfast," said Keyra, a bit nervous because it wasn't clear from the start where she was going for a walk.

"Oh, I have a recommendation for a great breakfast place. The food is delicious and the place is cozy." Matthew glanced at a restaurant located a few meters from the hotel grounds.

"Where?" she asked.

"Over there," Matthew replied, pointing to a restaurant building adjacent to a building that sells various types of snacks because there are pictures of snacks and bread.

"We can have breakfast together if you want," said Matthew.

"Okay, let's go there," replied Keyra.

Matthew and Keyra walked towards the restaurant. There they had breakfast while chatting about when they were still studying in Singapore, talking about the world of design and occasionally Matthew asked about Aaron, whom Keyra had not known for long, but Keyra had already wanted to marry.


The time is 10:07 Paris time. Aaron squirmed and slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the clock on the wall, then glanced at the couch.

"Where's Keyra?"

Aaron got out of bed and walked to the bathroom in hopes of finding Keyra there. He opened the door and could not find his wife there. The man walked back to the bed and took his phone which was located on the nightstand, then tried to contact his wife via WhatsApp.

Until several times contacted, Aaron did not get a response at all from Keyra. He also began to get annoyed and furious at his wife who left without asking him or saying goodbye. Hem, it's your fault for being horrible.

Aaron rushed to clean up and planned to find Keyra. He didn't even eat breakfast because he was in a hurry to find his wife. There is anger, but there is worry. Worried if his wife was strayed or robbed or whatever happened that was not wanted.


Keyra and Matthew are near the Eiffel tower, precisely in a wide courtyard with green grass that is neatly planted and some plants soar not too high made in the shape of a box, where many tourists meet photos with the background of the tower which has always been a symbol of the city of Paris. that.

Matthew glanced at Keyra, who had been silent for a long time while looking at several couples who were chatting while gazing at the splendor of the Eiffel Tower, some were taking photos together by hiring photographers around the location.

'I always wished I could come here with the person I love the most, but it turns out that the person I love the most only married me for revenge and let this honeymoon feel so bland and sad,' Keyra thought sadly until tears were already streaming down her cheeks...

"Keyra, why are you crying?" Matthew asked.

"Eh, I ... I was just remembering something," said Keyra nervously while wiping her tears. She smiled at Matthew who shouldn't have known what the problem was. "Oiya, do you want to take a picture of me? I happen to have a camera with me."

Keyra deliberately distracts Matthew from asking the reason for her sadness. She took the camera from her sling bag and gave it to him.

"The photos over there look good."

"Okay, I'll take your picture," said Aaron.

Keyra immediately put her sling bag on the bench she had been sitting on for a long time. Then she walked a little closer to the tower and Matthew got ready to take her picture.

At that time, Keyra enjoyed the atmosphere of Paris accompanied by Matthew.. With her best friend, she felt comforted and could forget her sadness even if only for a while.

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