Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 290 - Shaving Husband's Beard

When it was nine o'clock at night, Luna had just put Keenan and Keyra to sleep in their private room. After that, she waited for Ethan who had not yet come home by sitting on the living room sofa. Sometimes the woman walked over to the collar of the terrace and saw that it was so cold outside because it was raining.

"It's more than nine o'clock, why aren't you home yet?" Luna started to get restless, she paced back and forth on the terrace occasionally embracing her body when the wind blew. lucky she wore a maroon blazer paired with white pajamas with a small star print.


Until ten minutes of waiting on the terrace, Luna breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Ethan's car enter the gate directly to the garage. The man immediately got out of his red sports car and then ran to avoid the rain to his wife who was waiting on the terrace.

"Aren't their umbrellas in the car?" asked Luna with a frown, then wiped Ethan's face which was a bit wet from the rain.

"No," said Ethan as he took off his suit.

"Well, let's go in," Luna exclaimed then brought Ethan's suit.

they immediately walked into the house to their room upstairs. Luna told Ethan to take a shower immediately, while she prepared a change of clothes, then walked out of the room to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"If you're sleepy, just sleep, ira. let me prepare food for Ethan," Luna exclaimed when she saw Ira was warming a side dish for Ethan.

"Okay. Then I go to my room, Ma'am, " Ira replied with a nod, then she immediately left the kitchen.

when Ira was gone, Luna immediately took her place to warm some side dishes, then transferred them to a plate, bringing them to the dining table. She prepared rice and hot tea for Ethan.

until a moment of waiting, finally, Ethan came out of the room wearing white pajamas with the same pattern as the ones Luna was wearing. The man walked over to his wife who was waiting in the dining room.

"Are our kids asleep?" asked Ethan as he sat in the chair right next to Luna.

"Yes, before you go home," answered Luna while getting rice and side dishes for Ethan. "Eat it with a side dish of stir-fried shrimp or soup?" She asked.

"Soup," said Ethan.

Luna immediately got the rice with her homemade chicken soup, because she always cooked Ethan's favorite main course if the two babies weren't fussy.

Ethan immediately ate while Luna only accompanied him while playing on her smartphone.

"Why don't you eat?" asked Ethan.

"I'm still full," Luna answered then put her phone on the table. "Is the office so busy that you have to work overtime?" She asked.

"Not bad, since Andrew and I haven't worked for a few days," Ethan replied as he ate his food.

Luna nodded in understanding then remembered about Sarah, she wanted to talk about Sarah, but seeing her husband who was tired from overtime, she canceled her intention.

After a few minutes of eating, finally, Ethan finished, he immediately returned to the room with Luna and chose to relax on the sofa while watching tv.

"Your beard is already very thick, isn't it uncomfortable?" Luna asked while feeling Ethan's jaw. She sat leaning against his husband's body.

"No, I'm lazy to shave it," replied Ethan while focusing on watching an action film called Mission Impossible.

"What if I shave it?" asked Luna in a sensual tone.

Ethan glanced at Luna who seemed to be teasing him "do you want me to enter you tonight?"

"No, I'm just offering to shave your terrible beard. You look like bandits!" Luna immediately moved her body away from Ethan.

Ethan chuckled then approached Luna again by bringing her forehead together with Luna's. Luna couldn't resist, instead of hoping that Ethan would understand if she wanted to be comforted, forgetting all the worries Sarah had caused.

"I'm like a bandit, hm?" asked Ethan then kissed the crook of Luna's neck.

"Yeah," Luna whispered.

"Then I'm a very lucky bandit." Ethan immediately swallowed Luna's pink lips.

Luna returned Ethan's kiss with her hands reflexively slipping into Ethan's pajamas. she felt her husband's sexy stomach, occasionally moaning when the kiss broke.

"Let me shave your beard because it makes me so ticklish when you kiss me," Luna exclaimed as she touched Ethan's jaw.

Ethan sighed, kissing Luna's lips again for a moment. "Okay, just shave in the bathroom, because all the equipment is there," he said.

Ethan and Luna immediately got up from the sofa, walking towards the bathroom. Luna immediately took the foam and then squirted it at Ethan's jaw which was covered with beards.

"You're like a Christmas gift-giving character." Luna chuckled at the sight of Ethan's foam-filled jaw.

"Hurry up, shave, or I'll kiss you until you get covered in this foam," Ethan shouted, staring intensely at Luna with his dark blue eyes.

Luna stopped laughing then immediately shaved Ethan's beard with a razor slowly and carefully.

"Honey," Ethan called in such a low voice, his eyes never leaving Luna's face so close to his.

"Hmm," said Luna as she focused on shaving.

Ethan felt the soft part of Luna's chest. "We've never made love in this bathroom, looks like it will be very exciting," he said with a groan like a hungry cat.

"It's very cold tonight, I don't want to get colder because I obeyed you making love here," said Luna, amused by Ethan's touch on her chest.

Ethan glanced at the bathtub located three meters from him standing with Luna. "What if while soaking in warm water, it looks like it will make us no longer cold."

Luna felt heat on her cheeks, her lower body seemed to be twitching and wet from hearing Ethan's plan which sounded very tempting, evoking the passion she had been holding back for so long.

"Are you ready?" asked Ethan as he slid his hand into Luna's pants until it penetrated the underwear and felt his wife's lower body wet.

"Emmhh, I'm shaving you, honey. don't act or your jaw will be hit by this razor," Luna exclaimed, her breath starting to catch on due to Ethan's touch on the bottom of her body.

"Okay, but you are willing, right?" asked Ethan in a sensual tone, fiddling with his fingers more and more on Luna's lower body.

"Oh God! you even know the answer!" Luna immediately threw the razor away, wiped Ethan's face with a tissue, then kissed his lips aggressively.

"You've been so wet for me, can we start now?" Ethan asked then bit Luna's lips with her soft hands still naughty playing with Luna's wet lower body.

"I haven't prepared warm water," Luna said with a breath as she ran out of oxygen.

"How about warming up here, then we continue in the bathtub after preparing warm water?" whispered Ethan.

"That means we're going to do it in two rounds." Luna wrapped her arms around Ethan's neck.

"Even more than two." Ethan immediately lifted Luna's body, sat her on the bathroom table so that some of the toiletries fell, he kissed his wife and impatiently pulled her pajamas.


"It seems, you have a hobby of tearing my clothes." Luna glanced at her pajamas which Ethan had thrown in any direction.

"Too long to let it go slowly, while I can't help but want to see this beautiful body of yours." Ethan bent down to kiss every inch of Luna's naked upper body, impatiently his hands stripped off his pants until his talisman, which was already tense, looked ready to enter Luna's which was already wet.

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