Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 289 - Sarah Is Like A Ghost

"Alright, now go before I'll be angry with you," Luna exclaimed after breaking her kiss with Ethan.

Ethan smiled with relief, like a child who delights in candy. Okay, maybe Luna is like candy that she must eat every day.


"Okay, I'm leaving now," said Ethan and then got up from his seat, kissed Luna's forehead for a moment.

Ethan immediately walked down the stairs leading out of the house accompanied by Luna to the terrace.

Ethan immediately got in the car and drove to the office. during the trip, the man was very relaxed driving while listening to Maroon 5's song, entitled memories.

Drett ... drett ...

Ethan pulled the car over when he realized his smartphone was ringing, he immediately answered the call which turned out to be Richard.

"Hello, Richard," said Ethan as he linked up with Richard.

"Hello, Ethan, I've got information about Sarah," Richard said over the phone.

"Tell me what the information is," said Ethan.

"Sarah lives alone in a rented house in Bandung, Mr. Hans or the baby is not there. And when I visited the rental, Sarah was gone because the owner had to throw her out," said Richard seriously.

"She was throw out?" Ethan frowned.

"Yes, because she attacked other residents several times and stole," explained Richard.

Ethan sighed, he remembered that Sarah always attacked Luna when they met. The man became worried that his wife would be attacked suddenly.

"Ethan, hello...."

"Hello, Richard." Ethan woke up from his daydream, then he said, "send Johan and Jack to my house, now. I'm afraid Sarah will come to Jakarta and attack Luna."

"Yes, Ethan, because according to some information from residents who used to live in the same neighborhood as Sarah, Sarah looks like a depressed person."

"Then we have to find him as soon as possible because if she was depressed, she should have been placed in convalescence," Ethan said angrily as he stared at the roadside view through the windshield of his car.

"Okay, I'll find her soon."

"Good luck."

the phone line was cut off, Ethan immediately put his smartphone back into his suit pocket, he returned to driving his car to the office feeling anxious, his happiness and calm seemed to be disturbed again.


Alexa and Andrew arrived at Ethan's house, they immediately got out of the car and walked into Ethan's mansion which looked deserted.

"Luna!" Alexa called while walking towards the living room which looked deserted.

"Probably she taking care of Keenan and Keyra." Andrew guessed while walking after Alexa.

Luna, who was in the room breastfeeding her two babies, heard Alexa calling, she immediately removed the source of her milk from the mouths of the two babies.

"There's aunty Alexa, let's go to her," said Luna talking to Keenan and Keyra, who looked disapproved of having to finish feeding before they were full. In the room, there were also Anna and Gita who were tidying and ironing the clothes of the twins.

"Anna, please take care of them, I'll be out in a bit," Luna called out.

"Yes, ma'am."

Anna immediately approached Keenan and Keyra, then invited them to play on the soft and fluffy blue carpet, giving them several types of toys.

Luna immediately came out and approached Alexa who had come out of the guest room with Andrew while dragging a suitcase.

"Alexa," Luna called.

"I just took my suitcase and guitar, I'm moving to Andrew's house right now," said Alexa.

"No breakfast first?" asked Luna.

"I'm not hungry yet, maybe later I'll just eat at Andrew's house," Alexa answered followed by Andrew's nod.

"Well then, if you're lonely, come visit here." Luna hugged Alexa.

"I'll be here often," said Alexa as she let go of Luna's embrace.

"Okay, we're going home now," said Andrew.

"Be careful," said Luna.

Alexa nodded then walked towards the exit along with Andrew carrying a guitar while she was dragging her suitcase.

Luna immediately returned to her room, but suddenly her smartphone rang. she immediately took the cell phone which was in the side pocket of her dress and then saw a call from Ethan.

"Hello, honey, are you at the office yet?" asked Luna when she was connected to Ethan.

"Alright, where are you now?" Ethan asked back, sounding worried.

"I'm at home," answered Luna. "So what?" She asked again.

"You'd better stay home, I'm afraid Sarah will attack you if you ever leave the house," Ethan called over the phone.

Luna frowned, then sat down on the sofa.

"What's wrong with Sarah? Why would she attack me?" Luna asked with a confused expression.

"Sarah wandered around in a state that was thought to be depressed, she had attacked several residents and stole until she was kicked out of her rented house, I was worried if she went to Jakarta and would attack you," explained Ethan from the phone.

"She's depressed, so what about the baby?" asked Luna.

"Richard didn't find the baby, maybe the baby was taken care of by Mr. Hans because Sarah had a life alone and she was evicted for disturbing us."

Luna sighed, imagining Sarah wandering about in a disturbed state of mind. "Honey, you have to help her, take her to rehabilitate so she can recover if she is depressed," she said.

"That's my plan. For the time being, Jack and Johan will take care of you and our child, take good care of yourself when I'm not with you." this time Ethan's voice sounded sad.

"You have to take care of yourself too," Luna cried sadly, remembering that Ethan had also been hurt because of Edward who had lost his mind.

"Okay, I have a meeting. I turned off the phone."

"Yes, Dear."

The telephone connection was cut off, Luna immediately returned to her second baby room, then watched her with her two babysitters. The young mother began to feel anxious, afraid that what had happened when she was kidnapped and Ethan was harmed would happen again.

'I just want to live quietly with my kids and husband, but why is someone bothering me,' Luna thought as she continued to stare at her two babies who were playing on the carpet.


Arriving at the house, Alexa and Andrew immediately entered the room to put the suitcase. Alexa saw for the first time Andrew's private room. Andrew's room is dominated by silver wall paint with brown ceilings, there are several posters of the legendary American band namely The Beatles and Queen, there is also a photo of her on the table near the king-size bed which is covered with plain silver sheets. the room is very identical to the favorite color of men.

"Put your clothes in the cupboard, I just happened to buy them before we got married," Andrew exclaimed, pointing to a large white cupboard with glass in the middle.

"I'll move it later," Alexa replied then sat on the edge of the bed she didn't expect to be alone with the man she loved, the journey of love felt so smooth for her.

"I'm out for a bit," said Andrew.

Alexa only responded to Andrew with a nod, then she lay down on the bed which would now be the bed where she made love every night with the man who had only married her for four days

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