At night, many people celebrate New Year's Eve by partying with their family or friends. Eating together, singing together, chatting late into the night, then setting off fireworks, watching the fireworks spread across the sky from the crowds of people lighting it. tonight is lively and memorable for young people or anyone, hope and have good resolutions for the next year.

Among the many residents who celebrated, Sarah mourned Edward's death which had just happened last night. After being buried this morning, She still couldn't accept her husband's death, she continued to lock herself in her room, not wanting to eat or drink. The sound of fireworks explosions seemed to make her feel even more devastated, feeling that many people were happy while she was always suffering.

silently she stared at her wedding photo with Edward. From the photo, she saw a portrait of her husband smiling while holding her waist and looking at her with a warm gaze, even though it was just a fake stare directed by the photographer because he still couldn't accept having to marry her. but for Sarah, it is the single most beautiful photo with Edward that will always be remembered by him.

"Honey... how can I be without you? I can't be a single parent, I want to be like the others, but why did you leave so soon?"

Sarah buried the photo into her chest, hugged her, leaned back, and cried, remembering the night before her husband was arrested by the police, still giving her a chance to feel love and pamper her, want to touch and kiss her belly. The memories seemed to make her more and more unwilling to let it all just stop. Sarah wasn't nice, but she was also so weak and so genuinely in love with Edward that she had even tried to kill her.

"All this because of Ethan and Luna, they are evil. They are happy for my suffering, Edward's suffering and my future child's suffering!" Sarah rubbed her slightly enlarged belly, imagining how her baby would never have the chance to see his father, touched, held, loved.


Mike entered Sarah's room, saw her crying while hugging the photo. He sighed then walked over to her.

"Sarah, I'm so sorry. I didn't expect your husband to leave so soon." Mike looked pityingly at Sarah who was pale with a face already filled with dried-up tears.

"My child will be born without a father, Mike. I can't be without him either, he means a lot to me."

"Patience, Sarah. I will always be there for you," Mike said then put his arm around Sarah.

Mike's embrace made Sarah feel a little relieved. In fact, since then no one has been able to calm her down.

'Why is Sarah so easy on me? even though before she got pregnant, she just acted normal like a friend, but why am I also so close and comfortable, feel like I have to continue with her. Could it be that child...'

Mike began to feel suspicious that the baby Sarah was carrying was his child because as long as Edward was still alive, he still didn't admit that it was his. As jerk as Edward was, he must have good reasons for not acknowledging the child.

'Maybe I should talk about this when Sarah has calmed down, so she won't be saddened by the fate of the child when it was born,' Mike thought as he rubbed Sarah's shoulder which was still in his arms.


At the hospital, Luna is still faithfully waiting for Ethan who doesn't wake up. all-day she was with her two babies and then moved back to Ethan's house, then rested while telling all the chronology of events to Dina. Currently, her mother-in-law is at home looking after her two babies with the babysitter. Luna also asked Andrew to pick up his mother from Batam, because she missed her very much and so that her mother would also visit Ethan and meet the two babies.

Luna sat in the chair just to the right of Ethan's chop. she looked at the handsome face of her husband who was still asleep, occasionally she kissed the back of her husband's hand lovingly. "Honey, why haven't you woken up yet, I miss you, miss your attention and your sweet attitude."

Luna sighed, in the silence of the infirmary where only the sound of Ethan's heartbeat monitor could be heard. Occasionally she also heard the sound of fireworks that adorn New Year's Eve.

"Honey, it's New Year's Eve now. Don't you want to wake up and make resolutions with me for the next year? I want to pursue the dream that you also dream of, we will fight together towards happiness." Luna spoiled spoke to Ethan who didn't respond in the slightest.

"Don't you want to celebrate our wedding anniversary which has been messed up because of that damn Bastian? Don't you want us to have a delayed honeymoon? I will fulfill all your requests, spoil you every time you sleep. Come on, wake up, I'm tired of watching you sleep like this. Keenan and Keyra must also miss sleeping in your arms."

Luna exhaled roughly, looking at Ethan who still didn't move a bit. She felt tired of persuading, until finally yawning several times, glancing at her watch which was already bowed at 00:16 am, she looked down, leaning her head on Ethan's bed.

Luna leaned her head while singing in a low voice until slowly fell asleep. She hopes her subconscious will take her to meet Ethan's soul and bring him back to life together with a new atmosphere and new hope.


Elsewhere, Mike was back from Sarah's house. he lay on the king-size bed with the white sheets dominated while imagining how sad the fate of Sarah who was again abandoned by her loved ones.

"Before Edo, now Edward. If you allow me to be your life partner forever, I will make you happy, not continue to dissolve in sadness. I want to end your misfortune, make you a better and honorable woman." mike monologues with himself while staring at the ceiling of his room. Then he glanced sideways.

Mike recalled how he had presumptuously touched the unconscious Sarah. he remembers, that night several times he spilled the seeds into his best friend's womb, then let her go back to sleep until the morning took her home.

"Could it be my child? If so...." mike developed a smile on his lips, imagining life with Sarah and the little angel Sarah was currently carrying. He was so delusional about it all and hoped that Sarah would come back to life when she found out that the future child still had hope of meeting his father, which was him.

"Sarah is very upset with me, maybe if I tell the truth, she will still accept and even allow me to be her husband. Pregnant women will always melt at the father of the baby they are carrying and I'm sure it will be mine!"

Mike is getting more and more crazy fantasizing. Ah, but what's wrong? if indeed he felt he had impregnated her, he should be responsible. Who knew it could make Sarah relieved that her future child still had a father and she could slowly forget about Edward.

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