By nine o'clock in the morning, Luna was in the hospital again. She already looks fresher by wearing cream-colored basic pants combined with a white top, letting her beautiful hair down, and wearing light make-up. After having breakfast and breastfeeding her two babies, the beautiful model couldn't help but immediately visit her husband.

Ethan has been transferred to the ward with VVIP capacity because his condition has stabilized even though he is not conscious. Edward's body had been buried at Hans' residence, occasionally Luna still felt sad when she crossed the room where the last time she saw Edward was dead and Sarah was crying.

Luna looked at the burly body of Ethan who lay weak, to be cleaned by the nurse using warm water.

"Let me." Luna took over to wipe Ethan's body.

"Okay, ma'am, be careful," said the nurse.

Luna nodded. The nurse immediately went out of the room.

"Honey... Edward has died. Sarah is very devastated, I am sad too, I also know you will be very sad when you find out because you love him too," said Luna while gently rubbing Ethan's arm with a cloth that had been given warm water.

"I don't know, are we going to be happy over Sarah's misery? Are we guilty of all this? I don't want Edward to die either, but he's so out of control that the cops have to shoot him."

Luna sighed, then dipped the cloth in a container of warm water and wrung it out."I feel so sorry for Sarah, even I can't be angry or retaliate when she slaps me, this heat is certainly nothing compared to her broken heart," said Luna while sobbing rubbing Ethan's chest and stomach.

"Honey, why are you so kind when I've disappointed you so much and even cried? I don't know how stupid I was to not realize that you're the only best man for me! I hope I won't disappoint you again, we don't disappoint each other again."

while crying, Luna continued to wipe Ethan's burly body who was only silent and weak breaths until it was finished. She kissed Ethan's forehead gently and felt her straight, beardless jaw.

"Hurry up, the kids are waiting for you at home, at least mommy won't be even sadder when she comes here, because. Mom must have been very devastated by Edward's death," whispered Luna, then kissed Ethan's forehead again.


the infirmary door opened, Andrew came in with Richard. Luna looked at their arrival, then distanced herself from Ethan and cleaned up the cloth and container to wipe Ethan's body earlier.

"Mrs. Dina has come, now she is at Mr. Hans's house," said Andrew.

"Is Edward buried?" asked Luna.

"Not yet, maybe soon," Andrew replied.

Luna breathed a sigh of relief. At least, Dina could see Edward one last time before he was buried. Then he glanced at Ethan who was still asleep.

'You didn't see your brother for the last time, I hope you will be strong when you wake up,' she thought sadly.

"Drew, take me to Edward's funeral," Luna called.

"But Sarah will lash out when she sees you, she still blames you for this," Andrew replied with a doubtful look.

Luna was silent for a moment, then said, "I'll just watch it from a distance. At least, even though Ethan can't attend, I represent to attend. Edward is also part of our lives, he's our family."

Andrew nodded in understanding. Then Luna looked at Richard. "Please look after Ethan while I'm away, don't leave him here alone," she cried

"Very well, Ma'am. Me. Ethan will be safe with me," replied Richard.

Luna sighed, then walked out of the treatment room followed by Andrew. They immediately headed for Edward's funeral which was quite a distance from the hospital.


At ten in the morning, Dina and Sarah, along with Hans, were still in the cemetery area. they stared at Edward's grave which was still red on the ground, even the mourners had just returned.


Sarah continued to cry shaking her head in disbelief looking at Edward's grave, she leaned her head while hugging her husband's tombstone. Likewise, Dina sobbed because after not hearing news from Edward for a long time after marrying Sarah, she got news of his death. Even though she was just a stepmother, she was devastated.

"Patience, dear. Sincerely ... so that Edward will rest in peace," said Dina while rubbing Sarah's shoulder.

Sarah could not say anything, almost all night she cried, passed out, cried, and so on. Although Edward had only put a wound in her heart so far, it did not reduce her love so that she was so devastated.

"Our child hasn't been born yet, Mom I want him to realize when he saw this child born, acknowledge as his child, take care of it together. All hopes were dashed in an instant!"

Dina couldn't say anything, because what Sarah was facing was very hard. "Patience, Dear. There must be a lesson in all this incident. Mommy is also very devastated, Mommy also loves Edward very much.".

"No wisdom for me! Because Ethan and Luna must be happy because of Edward's death, they are evil, they have no conscience. If Ethan hadn't jailed Edward, maybe Edward wouldn't have taken revenge like this and had to be shot by the police!"

Sarah still blames Ethan and Luna. She doesn't understand how evil and dangerous Edward is, so Ethan is forced to put him in prison.

feeling Sarah's tantrum again and being disrespectful, Hans immediately invited his daughter to go home.

"Sarah, let's go home. You should rest at home," he said.

Sarah stood staring at Edward's tombstone. 'Goodbye, honey,' she thought.

"Excuse us, ma'am," said Hans.

Dina nodded, then Hans immediately led Sarah out of the cemetery area to the car.

From a distance, Luna, who had been standing there watching Edward's funeral procession, ventured closer because Sarah had already left. with a limp, she approached her mother-in-law, followed by Andrew who had been accompanying her.

Dina who was looking down at Edward's grave, felt someone touch her shoulder, she turned and looked at the person.


Luna immediately hugged Dina and cried, they both cried in that hug.

"I didn't expect things to turn out like this, Mom. Only because of me, Edward died and Ethan was seriously injured," said Luna in broken tears.

"Don't blame yourself, dear. this all happened because of fate." Dina let go of her arms on Luna, then wiped her tears. "Indeed Edward is hard to advise and does not accept the fact. There's no point in regretting, we'd better pray for his peace," she said later.

Luna nodded, then looked at Edward's tombstone. "Just yesterday he looked so good, prepared dinner for me, just to make me love him again, but today, he's gone. It feels so fast, I feel I don't deserve to be happy over Sarah's suffering," she said while sobbing

Dina sighed. "Just pray for him, and stay Ethan's wife, don't give up. You are not happy at anyone's misery, Sarah just needs time to accept all this reality."

Luna nodded because she also couldn't afford to leave Ethan who had sacrificed his life for her.

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