Richard and Andrew along with two police officers visit Edward's company. Incidentally, there was also Sarah who deliberately wanted to accompany Edward to work. It seems that two of Ethan's henchmen have got evidence from Mike and are ready to put Edward in jail.

"Is Mr. Edward in his room?" the police asked Edward's secretary.

"Yes, sir," replied the secretary.

"Tell him we want to meet up," the policeman shouted.

The secretary immediately contacted Edward with a short distance telephone.

"There's the police and two other people want to see you, sir."



the secretary hung up the phone and looked nervously back at the two policemen. Andrew and Richard just stood there waiting.

"Please come in, sir. Mr. Edward has given permission," said the secretary.

The police immediately entered Edward's room which was not far from the secretary's room. Andrew and Richard followed with triumphant expressions, one step closer to their task finished.

Arriving at Edward's room, the police immediately gave him an arrest diploma. Edward read the letter, then glanced at Sarah who was beside him.

"You said you burned the evidence, how come they can still find it?" he whispered furiously.

"I don't know anything, Edward." Sarah lied and turned her head away, glancing at Andrew, who had been in the car with her on the way to Ethan's house. 'This must be the work of those spies, I have to meet Mike whom I've been assigned to keep the evidence,' she thought furiously.

"You should come with us, you can defend yourself with a lawyer in this case," said the policeman with great authority.

Edward glanced at Andrew and Richard who looked at him as if laughing, but he tried to remain calm.

"Okay, I'll come with you," Edward said coldly.

"Edward . . ." Sarah took Edward's hand as if she didn't want to be left behind.

"You have to help me," Edward whispered.

Sarah nodded and hugged Edward for a while, she was so sad because she had just felt the warmth of Edward's love as a husband, but instead was about to be left.

Andrew let out a shaky breath, looking away because he was lazy to see Edward and Sarah's drama. as someone who knew how the two of them got Ethan and Luna into trouble all the time, Andrew was sick of seeing them both.

'Evil couple,' he thought with a scornful glance.

"Come on, sir."

The police took Edward back.

"It's okay, Sarah, if you help me right away, we won't be apart for long. Take good care of yourself." Edward let go of Sarah's embrace, then kissed her forehead for a moment then looked at the police who were waiting for him.

"I'll help you right away," Sarah said sadly, her eyes welling up with tears.

Edward immediately walked out of the room escorted by the police as well as Andrew and Richard.

Sarah, who was still in the room crying, didn't want Edward to be taken away by the police. "You just showed an attitude of accepting me as a wife, why did you even leave, I just felt the beauty of being loved"

Sarah remembers the hot night with Edward last night, she was sure her husband had accepted it and intended to forget about Luna, but all her happiness collapsed in an instant.

"I should have surely burned the evidence, stupidly I left it to Mike. Yes, Mike should be responsible for helping Edward get free, I will also ask father for help."

Sarah wiped her tears roughly, trying to stay strong to free Edward. If necessary she would plead with Ethan.


Luna stripped off all her clothes, she felt hot and dizzy, felt she had to take a shower immediately to cool her body, who knows after bathing it will make her fresh and a little calm. The beautiful model immediately turned on the shower, letting her body drenched in cold water. Her eyes closed feeling the cool water and trying to forget the problems that befell her.

After 30 minutes of cooling her body, Luna came out of the bathroom wearing only a towel.


Ethan, who was still waiting by sitting on the floor in front of the bathroom, walked over to Luna.

"What do you want? Explaining, pleading, complaining, I'm tired and sick of you, Ethan."

Luna spoke while opening the closet, taking clothes to wear.

"I surely had no intention of making out with her." Ethan looked at Luna who was wearing underwear.

"Then what should I do? Forgive you, hm? It's NEVER!" Luna confirmed with a cynical glance at Ethan who showed sadness on his handsome face.

"Luna, you have dinner with Bastian. I try to be patient, even though I am waiting for you with all the surprises I have prepared. My heart hurts to see each of you together!" Ethan showed his disappointment last night, ah he was hurt too. Just imagine, he was enthusiastic about preparing everything sweetly, but all he got was a disappointment.

Luna sighed, glancing at Ethan who brought up the events of last night. "Ethan, last night I didn't have dinner, but I just met the CEO who hired me as a model and at that time there was Fito, maybe the photo was taken when Fito went to the toilet," she explained.

"I also didn't know that the CEO was Bastian, last night I also rushed home and went straight to bed with the kids," she continued and put on a baggy t-shirt and his favorite short jeans.

"But why are you not answering my calls at all?" asked Ethan.

"Because I didn't hear!" Luna answered curtly, then walked to the dressing table. She sat down and took the dryer day to dry her hair.

Ethan was relieved that Luna wasn't having dinner with Bastian. he approached Luna who was drying her hair and looked at her from the mirror.

"Why are your eyes bruised?" asked Ethan when he noticed that there was a bruise next to Luna's eye.

Luna smiled faintly, then answered. "This is because of your mistress."

"I'm not cheating, honey. let me give her a lesson for daring to be rude to you." Ethan was about to touch Luna's cheek but was immediately pushed aside.

"DON'T TOUCH ME! Your hand has touched that damn Evelyn!" Luna glared at Ethan who was saddened by her refusal.

"I didn't mean to touch her. I even hate her."

"Hate but want to make out, you hypocrite, DIRTY, I don't want you to touch me again!" Luna confirmed. Then got up from the chair and walked out of the room. Maybe she wanted to meet Keenan and Keyra.

Ethan, who couldn't stop Luna because he was too angry, just stared at his reflection in the mirror.

"I'm dirty? Yeah, maybe that's right, there are traces of that bitch on my clothes and my hands, my neck, I have to clean this all up."

Ethan shuddered at the thought of Evelyn presumptuously sitting at his lap, clutching several parts of her body. The man immediately went to the bathroom, took off his clothes, and turned on the shower, letting the cold water wash away his body.

"I'm dirty and Luna doesn't want me to touch her. I hate being touched by that bitch Evelyn too. I will make calculations with her! She has to make Luna trust me again."

Ethan monologued with himself while rubbing the part of his body that Evelyn had touched very hard. his skin was red from rubbing too hard, he seemed to feel no more pain to wipe the traces of Evelyn's hands clean.

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