At 11:30, Luna was feeling better after taking the medicine and lying down on the sofa for a while. Bastian continued to accompany her by sitting on the sofa next to her, while Susan chose to relax in her room.

"Bas, looks like I have to go home now," said Luna as she got up from the sofa.

"Let me take you, Luna," said Bastian. Looking at Luna worriedly because she still looks unstable.

"No, Bas. I can go home myself."

"But you're still dizzy, later you can't even control your car."

Luna was silent for a moment, considering Bastian's words. however, if she was escorted, it would only add to the problem because Ethan or anyone else would accuse her of having something to do with that man, considering that they had dinner together last night. She doesn't want people to judge her badly, because her profession is very vulnerable to being viewed by people who don't understand the real facts and prioritize what they see.

"I'm not as dizzy as before, Bas. I'll just drive slowly," said Luna confidently.

"Well, when you get home, let me know," Bastian exclaimed with resignation.

"Hmm. I'm leaving."

Luna walked out of Bastian's apartment with steps that were still a bit wobbly, but she tried to stay strong and balance herself.

"I shouldn't be drunk, Keenan and Keyra must be waiting at home, I've only been breastfeeding them since this morning."

Luna realized that her actions were not good, she remembered her two babies who still really needed their milk. If she is sick because she was drunk, then they will drink formula milk all day long, which she doesn't like, because formula milk is only for additional nutrition.

feeling worried that Luna would fall, Bastian followed and entered the elevator at the same time.


Ethan and Johan managed to find location of Luna's whereabouts via GPS. Now they are in the apartment building where one of Bastian's apartments is.

'Why did Luna enter this area? Where is he going? I don't think she has an apartment here.' Ethan walked into the corridor wondering why the GPS showed Luna was here.

Until they arrived at the elevator, Ethan and Johan waited patiently for the elevator to open.


"Why are you coming with me, Bas. I can go home alone." Luna looked lazily at Bastian, who even entered.

"I'm worried about you, Luna."

"I'll be fine, Bas. Don't overdo it, I still don't even like you getting too close to me like this!" Luna grumbled. Distance herself from Bastian by one meter.

"Luna, why? Can I not be close to you anymore? I still love you!" Bastian pulled Luna's hand until Luna was close to him again, their faces so close they almost kissed.

"Luna, please ... let me be your husband, replacing that bastard Ethan," Bastian whispered as he touched Luna's smooth cheek.

"Bastian let me go, you must realize that I am Ethan's wife, you can't be like this!" Luna struggled to try to escape from Bastian who wrapped his left hand around her waist.

The elevator opened, at that moment Luna managed to push Bastian off her body. Ethan who was already in front of the elevator saw Luna's action earlier, he grabbed Bastian's collar and dragged him out of the elevator.


Ethan twice punched Bastian in the face, leaving bruises and falling on the floor. Luna choked in surprise at Ethan's arrival, while Johan tried to intervene by holding Ethan's hand.

Ethan, who was burning with jealousy and emotion because Luna was almost kissed by Bastian, could not be controlled by Johan. He approached Bastian who was still lying on the floor, grabbed his collar, and glared at him.

"How dare you touch my wife!"

Ethan again punched Bastian's face until the corner of his lips bled. Bastian who was not ready to fight could only fall holding his bruised face, glanced at Ethan who looked savage and wanted to beat him again and again.

"Sir, enough, don't hit him again!"

Johan blocked Ethan by standing in front of him, but Ethan was out of control and instead pushed Johan to the ground beside Bastian. Ethan again approached Bastian, pulled his collar, and his right hand was already clenched into fists ready to punch.


Luna screamed as she pulled Ethan to release Bastian.

"Can you not be rude? I'm sick of seeing you like this!" Luna looked hatefully at Ethan who blindly beat Bastian mercilessly.

"Luna, he's going to harass you, why are you defending him instead?" Ethan looked at Luna in surprise furrowing his brows.

"I'm not defending him, Ethan. You guys are just assholes! You can only hurt me, why fight like this? I even hate you!" Luna cried again and ran down the corridor. The feeling of going home doesn't seem to be felt anymore because she was emotional to see Ethan beat Bastian, he also hated that Bastian dared to kiss her by force, lucky she was able to dodge.

"LUNA, WAIT!" Ethan ran after Luna.

Bastian stood back up, helped by Johan. he winced at the pain on his face

"Do you need me to take you to your room?" Johan asked with pitying eyes on Bastian, even though he was Ethan's subordinate, he also wouldn't have the heart to let someone get hurt because he didn't have time to fight back.

"I can do it myself," replied Bastian with a cold look, he walked into the elevator again pressing the button to the seventh floor. The man felt the need to compress his bruised face because of Ethan's actions.


Luna ran towards the yard where her car was, she immediately got in and drove at high speed to go home.

"I hate all of this, why are all men just good at being rude without thinking about my feelings. I'm not something they can fight over at will."

Luna cried while driving, cursing her fate of being surrounded by pushy men. Edward, Ethan, and Bastian had insisted on kissing her in the elevator. The CCTV camera must have covered the incident. What if it gets leaked to the media? surely she will return to the gossip of people, become public consumption.

Ethan continued to drive his car following Luna nervously. "Did I wrongly beat a man who would abuse my wife? Why doesn't Luna understand that I don't want a man to harass her?"

Ethan is getting frustrated and doesn't understand what will happen next, because Luna is very angry with him.


Arriving at the house, Luna immediately entered and walked towards the room with fast steps. Ethan had also arrived and chased Luna into the room.

"Luna, please don't be like this, I can't let him touch you like that!" Ethan spoke as he followed Luna until she arrived at the room.

Luna stopped and turned to look at Ethan with a sharp look of anger that seemed to be about to explode.


A slap from Luna's soft hand landed on Ethan's face. Ethan choked and glanced at Luna in surprise.

"You even touched That Bitch and let her sit on your lap! I should be the one protesting here, not you!"

"Oh my God! I didn't mean it like that with her. She suddenly came and was forced to sit on my lap. When I was about to push her, you came and misunderstood." Ethan tried to explain.

Luna just kept quiet and turned her face away. 'Liar,' she thought.

"Luna, I can't possibly turn away from you just for her sake, I don't like her!" Ethan kept trying to convince, he held Luna's hand but was immediately pushed away roughly.

"Don't touch me! You've been stained by that Bitch!" Luna gets angrier and pushes Ethan away. then she went to the bathroom to wash her face, cooling off the hot atmosphere.

Luna washed her face for a moment, staring at her reflection in the mirror with a sharp gaze.

"Am I not beautiful enough? Am I not sexy enough that my husband chooses to make out with my enemy? why, why is all this happening. Evelyn must be laughing happily at everything that happened today!"

"I hate Ethan! I HATE!"

Luna screamed while throwing the toiletries in front of her, she was frustrated and annoyed at Evelyn and Ethan.

From outside Ethan heard the mess from inside the bathroom, he sat languidly tired and at a loss as to how to make Luna believe him. The man seemed to almost cry because he was always hit by problems in his marriage.

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