After coming home from the hospital, Luna packed some of Ethan's work clothes, because there were already a lot of other clothes in the apartment.

"Can I still see the kids or you?" asked Ethan as he looked at Luna who was stuffing her clothes into the suitcase.

"You can meet the kids when I'm not at home because if we meet, Edward will act again because he feels we have been lied to," answered Luna with a flat look. After all, she felt lethargic and sad about this situation.

"I'm very didn't think we would have to part again, I definitely couldn't sleep well," said Ethan sadly.

Luna stopped her activities, glanced at Ethan who was already sad before separating. she went to her wardrobe, opened and took one of her favorite negligees, then gave it to Ethan.

"Hug it if you can't sleep, later you bring Keenan and Keyra's clothes too," said Luna with a stoic smile. "Don't just think about harmony, honey. We do this for good. I've even sacrificed to meet Edward who sucks to the point where Sarah slaps and insults me, sometimes I'm sick of this fate!"

Ethan looked at Luna's negligee sadly, then glanced at Luna who was starting to feel sad. "Do you regret marrying me?" he asked.

"No need to ask that, you should be aware, I even rejected you from the start, but I persevered and learned to love you, that means I have no regrets." Luna instead reminisces about her hatred for Ethan.

"But you said you would always stand by me, please don't be angry and give up," said Ethan pleadingly.

"I don't know what to do? How can I be happy when something makes me feel like I'm sick of being your wife." Luna closed the suitcase feeling annoyed and sad, then dragged it in front of Ethan. "Hurry up before Edward stalks us and throws a tantrum. Or I'll just go if you mind!"

Ethan looked at Luna with a sad look, then hugged her for a moment. He hung his wife's negligee on his shoulders, then took the suitcase in front of him. "I'm leaving now," he said, feeling very sad.

"Be careful," said Luna sadly.

Luna looked pityingly at Ethan who left feeling disappointed at this separation, but this had to happen to avoid any more chaos. The woman could only hope that Edward would soon be stopped and this feud would end.

Ethan walked down the stairs with slow steps while looking at Keenan and Keyra who were playing with two babysitters and Ira.

'Everything feels shattered and as if nothing will ever go back to how it used to be, all because of Edward, I'll deter him!' his mind was furious.

Ethan walked over to his kids for a while, kissed them, without caring the two babysitters looked at him strangely for bringing Luna's negligee too.

From upstairs, Luna watched Ethan who was saying goodbye to Keenan and Keyra. 'It's only temporary like that, what if I surely want to separate? NO... I HAVE TO HOLD IT,' she thought.

"Keenan, Keyra, Daddy will go away for a while, when things are safe, dad will come back for you and mom," said Ethan while looking anxiously at Keenan and Keyra who were prone on the gray fluffy floor mattress. He bent down to kiss them one by one.

"Take good care of them," he called to Anna and Gita, then glanced at Luna who was still standing upstairs.

"I'm leaving," he said maybe Luna didn't hear. He immediately walked out of the house to his car. the man left with only one bodyguard and left three bodyguards to save his wife and kids.

From a distance, Edward was watching Ethan who had just come out of the house. "So they're going to split up? At least I didn't lose because Ethan couldn't have Luna either." Edward smiled slyly, satisfied with seeing Ethan's disappointment.


At night, Luna had put her two babies to sleep, she chose to relax while playing with her smartphone.

on Instagram, she saw Fito's post featuring a portrait of her at the fashion show last night with the caption.

"sexy mom"

Ting... tong....

The bell rang, Luna immediately got up from the sofa and walked towards the main door, then opened it.


The guest was Fito. "Are you busy?" he asked.

"No, come in," said Luna, then walked towards the kitchen to tell Ira to make tea, after which she returned to the living room.

Luna sat on the sofa not too far from Fito. "Sorry, I didn't attend the photo shoot," she said languidly.

"I know, I've read the news about your husband's company on the internet," Fito replied casually.

"I'm dizzy because that." Luna massaged her forehead with her elbows resting on the edge of the sofa.

"Has the perpetrator not been caught yet?" Fito asked while glancing at Luna who was getting more and more charming because she looked sexy. Currently, Luna is wearing an oversized black t-shirt combined with thigh-length jeans and tying her hair in a ponytail.

"I already know the culprit, but Ethan can't catch him because there's no evidence," said Luna curtly.

"Who is it?" Fito asked while glancing at Ira who was putting a cup of tea on the table.

"Edward," said Luna.

"Edward your ex?" Fito confirmed.

Luna just nodded in response.

"Isn't he your husband's half-brother? Vira once told me."

Luna nodded again and said, "He left me but he didn't want me to be with his brother. even though I didn't mean to. That man is selfish and shameless."

"Then how was your relationship with your husband after Edward acted like that?" asked Fito.

"We parted for a while," answered Luna.



Fito didn't move with a wide smile on his lips. 'That means I have a chance to approach Luna, moreover, she can also make a lot of money for me,' he thought.

"Anyway, there is a cooperation offer from a famous company in Surabaya, can you still accept the contract?" asked Fito.

"Yeah," Luna exclaimed as she looked at her phone.

"But this is an advertisement for yoga clothes and you will act in the boxing ring with Evelyn," said Fito, hoping that Luna would accept the work contract.

Luna smiled faintly when she heard Evelyn's name. She remembered that the flirtatious model had approached Ethan. "No problem, I'll be acting with her in a boxing scene, it looks like fun."

"Okay, don't you think about the issue of the honor?" asked Fito.

"You manage it, if I don't work, I still have a lot of money," said Luna casually. because she was upset about the fate of her family, making her act as she pleased.

"You look so arrogant." Fito looked at Luna who had been talking without looking at him.

"I'm feeling dizzy, Fito."

"Don't think too much about problems that will make you dizzy. enjoy this only live once," said Fito, then took the tea on the table and drank it immediately.

"Hmm, yes you are right."

Drett ... drett ....

Luna looked at her ringing smartphone and it was a call from Ethan. She immediately picked up the phone.

"Hello, Ethan. What's wrong?"

"I can't sleep," Ethan answered over the phone, sounding sad.

"Besides, at this hour is not a good time to sleep, you better find entertainment, watch tv, movies, or whatever," said Luna casually. H

She was really sad to think of Ethan's sad face who had always been sad these days.

"I miss you."

"I'm busy, Ethan. There are guests," said Luna while glancing at Fito who was watching her.

"Who?" asked Ethan sounding curious.

"Fito," answered Luna. "We're talking about work, I'll call you later," she continued.


Luna immediately hung up the phone and continued to talk about her job as a model with Fito, not caring that Ethan would get angry or jealous. She's starting to be stubborn and self-absorbed even though she's paying attention


in his apartment, Ethan stared lazily at the tv showing action movies. Even though it's his favorite movie, he doesn't like it because his heart isn't calm. Of course, because he thought about Luna who was with Fito.

"It's only been a few hours since I left you, someone has dared to come with the excuse of work. I'm sure he has other intentions." Ethan has a bad feeling about Fito, he suspects the manager likes his wife.

Constantly annoyed by his loneliness, Ethan got up from the couch and walked into the living room where Richard was lying on the couch.

"Richard, let's go out. Get some food or something, I'm bored here," said Ethan.

Richard just nodded in agreement, because he too was hungry. in that apartment he can't eat anyone to eat. After all, Ethan doesn't hire a maid to cook, and tells him to eat out whenever he's hungry.

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