Arriving at the hospital, Luna walked down the corridor crossing with other visitors who occasionally noticed her, because she was followed by two bodyguards.

Ethan was waiting in front of the infirmary with several bodyguards and police, they seemed serious about something.


Ethan approached Luna who had just arrived.

"Where is Andrew being treated?" asked Luna with a flat look.

Ethan noticed Luna's cheeks were slightly red. "Why your cheek? Did someone slap you?" asked Ethan with a probing look, feeling the slightly red cheek.

Luna sighed. "Just a slap from Sarah," she replied as she pushed Ethan's hand away.

"How dare that crazy woman slap you! Did Edward know that? Or did he hurt you too?" Ethan looked emotional and disapproved.

"Come on, Ethan. No need to get emotional or bother replying, I'm tired and I just want peace." Luna turned her face away, staring at the several doors of the infirmary that were lined seven meters apart from each room. "Now where is Andrew, I want to see how he is," she said.

"I'll take you," replied Ethan while holding Luna's hand walking towards the door not far from where he had been talking with the police and his bodyguard.

Luna and Ethan entered the infirmary. they saw Andrew lying naked cheat and his hands were wrapped in thick bandages and there were a few see-through bloodstains. Beside him was Nathalie who was sitting on a chair while playing on her smartphone.

"Andrew, how are you. I didn't think you'd be a victim of this too." Luna looked pityingly at Andrew who looked limp, then glanced at Nathalie who stared at her silently. "Are you hurt too, Nat?"

"No, ma'am. although I was confined, I was not injured at all," replied Nathalie while remembering the tense incident a few hours ago when she and Andrew, and Ethan were suddenly attacked by gunfire.

"Thank God." Luna breathed a sigh of relief, then glanced at Andrew.

"Luckily, Ethan immediately ducked down. Otherwise, he might have been shot," said Andrew.

"Yeah, I owe you my life, Drew," Ethan replied.

"Has the shooter been caught?" asked Luna while remembering Edward who looked calm and didn't look like he had done something evil.

"No, I don't think it's Edward or just Edward's errand," Ethan replied.

"He wasn't in his office at the time of the incident. But he came dressed neatly and calmly, he was very relaxed and didn't look like he had committed a crime. But he admitted he did this because he was jealous of you." Luna turned to look at Ethan.

"Why is he jealous? He should have realized we got married by accident and I didn't know you were his ex-girlfriend." Ethan cursed Edward for not understanding the situation and putting forward jealousy.

"I don't know, it's hard to make him understand." Luna sighed, then walked over to the sofa and threw her body. She leaned back while holding her forehead because she felt tired and dizzy.

Ethan followed Luna on the sofa, he sat beside her. "I will imprison him as soon as possible and you don't have to be afraid anymore," he said blankly.

"I told him that we were going to separate," Luna whispered as she looked at Andrew who was lying limp, and Nathalie who looked shocked. "Staying away from each other is the best way. So, he did not feel jealous of us and stop throwing tantrums. I don't want anyone else to get hurt behind our togetherness, I hope you understand."

Ethan didn't budge, looked at the injured Andrew, and thought about being selfless and willing to separate for a while. "I'll be moving into the apartment this afternoon," he said heavily.

"It's only temporary, Ethan. But it's all up to you, if you can catch him fast, maybe we'll be back together soon."

"Yes." Ethan turned to look at Luna and smiled stoically. "I'll try and prove that I can make you comfortable again."

Luna only responded with a faint smile. ' I don't know whether I'll be comfortable with you again or not, because we'll be happy over Edward's misery when he in the jail,' she thought with a restless heart.


Edward looked lazily at Sarah who was still sitting on the sofa in his room, he felt angry because his wife dared to be rude to Luna.

"Just so you know, I want to divorce you!" he said in a high tone and sharp eyes.

"Why? do you still want to chase her? She doesn't want to accept you, Edward!" Sarah emphasized, she couldn't understand why her husband was so obsessed with Luna, even though Luna had openly refused.

"If I can't be with Luna, at least I will find a new love, not by loving you!"

"Why, do I mean nothing to you? Have you forgotten how we started together? We are very affectionate and I feel so in love and have high hopes for you." Sarah looked down with teary eyes, remembering the first time she met Edward at her house, at that time she enjoyed her relationship with Viona. But after She was married, only the wound she got.

"Honestly, I used to be attracted to you because I felt lonely, I imagined you were the Luna who the most I love. I'm tormented by this feeling, Sarah, especially when she's with Ethan!" Edward shows a fragile side of himself because he can't let Luna go.

Sarah leaned closer to Edward, felt his firm jaw, and stared at him sadly. "Look at me, Edward. I was hurt more than you when I was depressed because of my lover who died. But now look at me, I can rise by loving you."

Edward looked at Sarah who was trying to seduce him. "Do you think I can just assume Luna is dead and replace her with you? That's so hard, Sarah."

"You certainly can. Moreover, she also not be with Ethan, so let her be happy in her way and you won't continue to be jealous." Sarah kept trying to persuade because she had seen Edward start to melt.

Edward was silent digesting what Sarah said and remembering how Luna kept rejecting him, even giving up on her marriage to Ethan. 'If Ethan didn't have it, maybe I'll learn to forget it too, but I'll keep making sure they're separated,' he thought.

"Please, don't chase her anymore, and let me try to make you comfortable and love me, Edward. Like you always came to me when you were bored with Viona," Sarah said pleadingly.

"But I'm not sure the child is mine." Edward glanced at Sarah's belly, which had begun to grow. he seriously doubted that it was his child because he believed the birth control pills were very effective in preventing Sarah from getting pregnant after making love with him.

Sarah sighed, tossing her long hair back in the heat, plus Edward again doubting the baby in her womb.

"If it's not your child. then who has impregnated me, Edward? I'm pretty sure it's yours because you're the only one I relate to." Sarah grabbed Edward's hand and directed it to touch his stomach. "Learn to accept and love it, then you will believe that it's your child."

Edward stared at his hand which was now on Sarah's belly, sometime he could feel the belly twitch very weakly and made him smile faintly in surprise. "It can move," he said.

"It hasn't been able to move in a long time and it's must be happy to have your touch," Sarah replied with a relieved smile. She could see Edward's cold heart begin to melt.

Edward pulled his hand away from Sarah's stomach. "But to make sure that it is my child, after birth a DNA test must be carried out," he said.

Sarah couldn't help but feel the pain that Edward kept on not believing it was his child, but if it was convincing this time, it would only lead to arguing, and her husband would return to being cold.

"Alright, we can do a DNA test after it is born. but I beg you, give it a little attention and don't be rude again." Sarah finally agreed because she didn't feel like she was pregnant with another man.

"I'll try," Edward said flatly, then got up from the couch. "I'm hungry, we should have lunch outside. Would you like some?"


Sarah happily accepted Edward's invitation, because usually, she had to try to seduce him if she wanted to eat together

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