Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 159 - Story From The Past

When the time showed ten o'clock in the morning, Luna had arrived at her mother's house again. She immediately got out of the car and walked into the house while carrying a white plastic bag containing the groceries she had bought. the young mother immediately arranged several boxes of milk into the cupboard in the kitchen, then returned to the room with other groceries specifically for her personal needs.

Arriving in the room, Luna saw her mother cradling Keenan while Keyra was with Gita. the woman immediately took off her shirt and changed her jeans to shorts to be more relaxed, then approached her mother and invited her to talk by sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Mom. Are you and dad so ashamed of what happened to me with Ethan? the sudden marriage incident because of the pregnancy incident before marriage?" asked Luna with her head down languidly.

"No," Rita replied, then stared ahead blankly. "Because I'm sure you didn't mean that. it's just that it was your destiny that brought you within the scope of that event," she continued, remembering the moment where Ethan asked for her blessing to marry Luna in front of Ananta.

"Do you often hear people gossip about me? Did you and dad also get insulted because of me?" asked Luna with a probing look.

"Yes, but mom and dad ignore those who think badly of you. Dad has also accepted Ethan gracefully for his responsibility, then what else should we be afraid of? People's gossip doesn't affect us to continue to trust you like a good girl. I'm proud of you, Dear." Rita rubbed Luna's shoulder while remembering the late Ananta who remained patient despite being disappointed.

Flashback on:

Shandra entered the house with Luna and Ethan and Arsha who were also always beside her She wanted to talk about Luna's pregnancy to her parents.

"Sis, I'm afraid daddy will be angry," whispered Luna while looking down beside Shandra.

"Let's just be quiet, let Ethan and Arsha do the talking," Shandra whispered.

Ethan sat beside Arsha and faced Ananta who was sitting on the sofa with Rita.

"So, are you Luna's boyfriend?" asked Ananta with a friendly smile at the dignified-looking Ethan in a polite attire.

"No," replied Ethan a little nervously and continued to say, "I want to immediately marry Luna at the same time Shandra and Arsha's wedding."

Ananta frowned and asked, "what is this, why do you want to marry Luna right away? She's still too young and I don't think she's ready because he's working on his career."

"Just tell, Ethan," Arsha shouted.

Rita and Ananta are increasingly feeling uneasy, while Luna and Shandra are increasingly pounding for fear that their father will be angry.

"Luna is already pregnant. she is pregnant with my child, sir," said Ethan, looking down in shame for his actions.

Ananta got up from the sofa with successful eyes widening at Ethan. He immediately slapped the man who had impregnated his daughter.


after slapping Ethan, Ananta turned to look at Luna with disappointment. Meanwhile, Rita immediately approached Luna and hugged her, she was afraid that her husband would beat up her daughter who was pregnant.

"Luna isn't wrong, Dad. this is all because Ethan did it to Luna who was unconscious," said Shandra then glanced at Arsha.

"Calm down, Dad. This is all out of our control. Let Ethan explain what happened," Arsha said with a pleading look. while Ethan bent down holding his cheek which was still hot from Ananta's slap.

"I know I was wrong to have impregnated Luna. This all just happened when I saw Luna suddenly in the room where I was staying. At that time we were both drunk." Ethan began to explain.

"I was also a bit drunk at that time ... and Luna's beauty did destroy my faith, I made a mistake and it was the first time I had lovemaking with a woman," he continued as he bowed at Ananta's feet.

"Just let him marry Luna, Dad. before many people found out about Luna's pregnancy. Moreover, paparazzi always follow Luna's news because she is active in the modeling world," said Shandra, who continued to defend Luna.

Luna cried in her mother's arms while glancing at her father who was looking at her sadly. "Daddy must be disappointed in me, Mom."

"Stand up, Ethan. Before I get emotional and kick you out of here!" Ananta exclaimed with sharp eyes looking at Ethan who seemed sincere to admit his mistake.

"Let me marry Luna, I promise to make her happy," said Ethan pleadingly.

"That's the only way for both of them," said Arsha while glancing at Shandra who nodded in agreement.

"Luna, do you want to marry him?" Ananta asked while looking at Luna who was crying. For him, Luna's opinion and willingness are the most important. Because he wouldn't mind accepting Luna's state of being pregnant without a husband. Because he felt that Ethan was indeed guilty and his daughter was innocent.

"Yeah, well..let us get married," Luna whispered as she got up from the sofa and prostrated at her father's feet.

"Luna, why is your face like this? Daddy was just proud to see you achieve success." Ananta looked at Luna with teary eyes. "Stand up, I believe you are a good girl. You don't need to be afraid, dad is not angry with you. I still love you."

Luna immediately stood up and hugged Ananta in her sobs. Shandra and Rita also cry because they feel sorry for Luna. They all try to accept Ethan as a future son-in-law. until that night they negotiated a marriage that must be carried out immediately. And of course, all costs will be borne by Ethan and Arsha. Because they are the groom who is full of wealth.

Flashback off.

"Ethan always disappoints dad," Luna muttered blankly. "He promised to make me happy before my dad's died. Not even a month ago that promise was made, he broke it," he continued with tears that he didn't realize were falling remembering his late father while still dying

"Maybe he made a mistake actually, Ethan is a good man, he helped your dad a lot after marrying you. The money that has gone into your Dad's company is already incalculable." Rita admired Ethan's understanding and generosity, although there was also a sense of disappointment that came over her.

Luna sighed while glancing at Keenan who was sucking his thumb. "When it comes to material things, Ethan is never stingy. He even gave a lot of money to orphanage children during my seven-month pregnancy celebration. I was very proud of him at that time."

"Then he turned angry when he accidentally saw me with Edward, even though I had explained the truth. But he seemed not to care about my honesty. I was disappointed in his workaholic attitude, like to slam, run away when angry. and lastly, he forced me to do birth with cesarean section. Until it happened because I fell." Luna kept thinking about Ethan's ugliness.

"Don't you regret everything that happened? Wasn't it because of him too, you were able to have two little angels who are now your reinforcements? everyone has good and bad sides, and so does Ethan. I'm sure he will make a good father figure. Like your Dad loves you and loves Shandra." Rita keeps trying to change Luna's view of Ethan's ugliness. she would keep on persuading her daughter to come back to her husband because that was the way it was supposed to be.

"Mrs. Luna, Keyra seems to want to breastfeed," said Gita while giving Keyra to Luna's lap.

Luna immediately wiped her tears, then lifted her t-shirt to breastfeed Keyra. she has started to get used to it and is no longer in pain at the beginning of breastfeeding.

"Has Ethan been calling you since he got back from here?" asked Rita.

"Not yet, Mom," answered Luna while watching Keyra who seemed enthusiastic about sucking her breast milk. "Maybe he's been busy with work and forgot about us," she continued curtly.

Rita sighed and stood up. "You must be patient, surely he will change and come here as gentle."

"Mommy doesn't advise him," said Luna.

Rita smiled faintly, then responded, "no. I also want to see him be gentle like he used to be with your father."

"It has to be. Otherwise, I will stay here," said Luna.

"Yes, mommy wants to go out for a while, cause there is a need," said Rita while handing Keenan to Anna who was sitting on a chair not far from her and Luna

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