When it was seven in the morning, Ethan just woke up and hurried back to the upstairs room. He quickly showered and got ready for the office. Sleeping in the twins' room hugging their clothes and Luna's negligee was too restful for him to wake up late.

Ethan combs his hair in his favorite pompadé style, then puts on shoes, a black tuxedo suit and puts on a gray tie as he walks down the stairs. He walked hurriedly out of the house when he looked at his watch which said it was half-past eight.

"Breakfast first, Sir," Ira called when she saw Ethan pass through the living room.

"I'm just having breakfast outside, Ra. It's late," said Ethan as he walked through the main door.

Ira exhaled roughly as she looked at Ethan who ignored her. 'The task of warning for breakfast has been done but the person doesn't want breakfast,' she thought.

Ethan drove his sports car at high speed towards his office. He is enthusiastic about his work activities today. because by busy working, the man can eliminate the feeling of sadness and longing for his wife and children.


Elsewhere, Luna is preparing to go to the mini-market to buy the milk that the twins usually drink as an interlude for their breast milk. because she is worried that the babies will not be full if they only get nutrition from their breast milk. She wore black jeans combined with a black t-shirt and wore a dark blue levis shirt and let her beautiful hair down. The young mother again looks attractive with her body that is no longer fat, only her belly is still stretched because she has not been allowed to exercise for the time prescribed by the doctor.

Luna approached a babysitter named Anna who was dressing for Keenan. "Anna, I live to the mini-market first," she said goodbye.

"Yes, Mrs. Be careful," replied Anna with a friendly smile. The babysitter looked elegant and motherly in her white-blue formal dress and tied her hair in a ponytail. She looked like she was 30 years old.

Luna lowered her head to kiss Keenan who looked even more adorable. "Mommy's gone for a while. Don't be fussy, honey."

After saying goodbye to Keenan, Luna turned to Keyra who was being bathed by a babysitter named Gita. "I want a mini-market first. Take good care of her."

"Yes, Mrs."

Gita nodded with an awkward smile because maybe she wasn't used to Luna yet. The babysitter looks cute informal clothes like Anna's clothes and lets her shoulder-length hair down. She looked like she was in her 25's, about the same age as Shandra.

"Keyra, don't be fussy. Later if was growing up, I'll take you for a walk," said Luna, looking down at Keyra, who seemed to like taking a warm bath. Even the baby grabbed her hair when she was kissed.

"Keyra with aunty Gita first, then mom will buy a lot of milk," said Luna as she let go of Keyra's hand that was gripping her hair. The baby is very adorable with a body that is not too fat or thin. It's just that her hair is not as thick as Keenan's.

Luna immediately walked out of the house while carrying her small black bag. She entered her flagship car as a girl. The car was a gift from her father on her 20th birthday when she was making achievements as a model.

casually, Luna drove her car to the mini-market which was about three kilometers from her house. She enjoyed the cool morning air in her hometown. because if she's late, it will feel hot because it is close to various industrial places which makes the atmosphere arid during the day.


After almost 14 minutes of driving, Luna finally arrived at the intended mini market. She immediately got out of the car and entered through the main door that said "open". The young mother immediately went to the shelf that provided various types of milk brands for babies. She took a special brand with an age limit of 0-6 months for her baby. after that, she also bought shampoo to increase the growth of Keyra's hair which is not as wide as Keenan's.

Sometimes, Luna throws her sweet smile when a visitor recognizes her and greets her in a friendly manner. because she is quite famous as a model and daughter of the late Ananta.


When her name was called, Luna immediately turned her head and smiled when she saw who had called her.

"Karin," said Luna. She immediately approached the girl named Karin and hugged her.

"I miss you so much... yuh. You're just getting more beautiful, Luna. Since when have you been in Batam?" Karin let go of Luna's embrace. She looked at Luna who did look more beautiful because her belly was no longer bulging.

"Just two days ago I came here. I miss my hometown," said Luna with a friendly smile. She didn't expect to accidentally meet her best friend since she was in middle school.

"Is your handsome and rich husband also here?" Karin asked with a laughable smile. Because she idolized Ethan since she met on his wedding day, Luna.

"No, he's still in Jakarta because he takes care of the company," replied Luna as she continued to walk slowly choosing what to buy.

"Why don't you come along? uh, you have to be careful, your husband is handsome." Karin suddenly asked Luna to be alert.

"Why is it so handsome?" asked Luna, furrowing her brows.

"He'll be taken by another girl," Karin replied warily. "Don't leave your husband for too long, he'll end up looking for aside," she continued, making Luna even more afraid.

"Eh, my husband is not like that, Karin. He is quite loyal and does not like to be ambiguous. I am sure of that," said Luna confidently. but she was afraid that Ethan would turn his back on her.

"Yes, I hope your husband is not like other rich men who like to look for the side," Karin replied in a sarcastic tone that made Luna even more scared. "Hey, I want to go home first because my boyfriend is waiting outside."

"Yes. If you have free time, visit my house," said Luna.

"Okay. Bye-bye."

Karin immediately left the mini market, while Luna continued her shopping activities. she bought some lotion and make-up, hair clips so the baby wouldn't grab her hair again, bought perfume and a few other things she thought were necessary.

While shopping, Luna heard two middle-aged women talking rather quietly while glancing at her.

"Isn't that the daughter of the late Mr. Ananta who became a model and became pregnant before marriage?"

"Yeah, she's already given birth."

"Why did she return to Batam? Lest she marries just to cover her disgrace and return after her child is born."

"That could be so. It's really sad, if I were her, it's better not to come back here because here she will surely be the subject of people's bullying."

At least that's what Luna heard. Their conversation pierced her heart because she had mentioned her late father as well. She immediately went to the cashier to total groceries.

Luna returned to the car with a plastic bag containing many of the groceries she had bought. she was driving her car while thinking about the middle-aged woman's gossip earlier.

"Are mom and day affected by the disgrace that befell me? They must be very embarrassed because of me. And it's all because of Ethan." Luna had a monologue with herself as she continued to drive. instead, she hates Ethan again for the bullying she just got.

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