Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 110 - The Distance Between Us

Sarah walked into the kitchen and poured a glass of drinking water, then drank it. Mike followed and stood leaning against the door.

"You should just go home to your Dad, Sarah. Instead of being a mistress for someone's husband," Mike said.

Sarah turned to Mike who kept advising her, then responded, "He just going to lock me up, even though I'm not crazy. He doesn't understand my feelings, Mike. I'm getting sad if I stay at home. I'm already happy with the path I've chosen. So don't keep advising me!"

Sarah just walked past Mike and was going out of the apartment. Before opening the door, she turned to look at Mike who was following her.

"Aren't you friend and always want to make me happy? So don't ever tell my family where I am and about the stuff I keep here, you don't ever touch it!"Sarah immediately opened the door and left without waiting for Mike to respond.

Mike sighed as he watched Sarah leave. He immediately closed the door and turned towards his room. the man opened the cupboard and took out the plastic bag containing the evidence. But he didn't open it, because he remembered Sarah's message.

Sarah immediately went home with a walk while ordering a taxi online. it was eleven o'clock in the evening, whether maybe there would be no taxi passing by or willing to take her home.

From a distance, Andrew keeps an eye on Sarah. It turned out that he wasn't home yet and was still waiting around the apartment. because he didn't have enough information about that girl yet.

Until a few moments of waiting, finally the taxi she ordered arrived. Sarah immediately got up and asked to be escorted to Edward's apartment.


Elsewhere, Luna is sleepless and continues to be restless. She tilted to the right and the left as she felt the discomfort in her body. Shortness of breath due to the aging of the pregnancy, stifling feelings, and wanting to urinate always make her unable to sleep well.


Ethan enters the room carrying a glass of milk and bread on a tray. He understood that his wife was often hungry at midnight. The man walked over to his wife and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Why have not you fallen asleep yet?" Ethan asked.

"I'm uncomfortable," replied Luna as she sat herself down.

"Eat and drink milk, so that you will be relieved and can sleep well," Ethan exclaimed as he brought bread with peanut butter to Luna.

Luna immediately took it, then ate it little by little. She glanced at Ethan, who had been staring at her sadly.

"Why to look at me like that?" asked Luna curtly.

"Eh... Nothing," Ethan replied, then looked away.

"Have you eaten?" asked Luna? because since the disharmony in her marriage, she rarely gives attention to Ethan's diet.

"I ate at the cafe" Ethan replied. 

Luna just didn't flinch and even thought that her husband was eating out with the girl who yesterday claimed to be his old lover.

"Did you have dinner with her?" asked Luna.

"I don't even know her name, how could I have dinner with him?" Ethan replied. "I even hate her because she hurt you and make you don't trust me anymore," he continued in the hope that Luna would believe him.

"But you took her home and carried her. you were making out while I was waiting for you at home, "replied Luna, who was still thinking about the photo.

"I accidentally found her by the side of the road and I was carrying her because she was passed out," explained Ethan.

"I don't know, it's so hard to believe you." Luna took a glass of milk and drank it. After that, she leaned back among the pile of pillows.

"Can I sleep here?" Ethan asked.

Luna just didn't flinch, then put the pillow into the middle of the bed. "Yes, but there are boundaries," she replied with a flat gaze.

Ethan gave Luna a strange look. Last night his wife asked to sleep in a hug while in the hospital, now instead she put up a barrier. The man tries to be patient with the mood of the pregnant woman in front of him, which is volatile.

Ethan put the tray and glass of milk on the table, then got up to the bed and lay down nearly a meter away from Luna. He remembered that the first time he slept with his wife, there had to be a distance and a barrier in the middle. And now he's experiencing it again. Poor luck to you, Ethan.

There was only silence between the two of them. Ethan wanted to hug Luna, but seeing her who had put up the divider first and turned her back on him made him feel rejected before taking action.

Luna couldn't sleep. she remained huddled with her back to Ethan. There is a longing for her husband's warm embrace and scent. However, she was reluctant to hug him because she felt prestigious and did not want to get too close. Or the girl's image came back to ruin her mood.

The husband and wife stay away from each other until they fall asleep by themselves. No kisses, no hugs, no chatter about the twins still in the womb. The night was bland for both of them.


when he was home, Viona immediately slept because it was late at night. Meanwhile, Edward chose to be alone in the workspace. Secretly he tried to contact Sarah. The man had been uneasy thinking about his mistress who was carrying out his evidence.

"Hello, Sarah. How, have you found that evidence?"Edward immediately asked Sarah's success as soon as the phone was connected.

"Yes," Sarah said, sounding relaxed.

Edward smiled in relief, then asked again, "Where are you now?"

"In your apartment," Sarah replied.

"Tomorrow I'll meet you to take the evidence and burn it," said Edward casually. How did he know that Sarah had hidden it in? Mike's apartment.

"Hmm, I want a celebration before I give that evidence," Sarah replied sounding rambling.


"Yes. I've worked hard for you. So I want you to make me happy with a celebration."

Edward didn't stop for a moment thinking about Sarah's request. 'Maybe, tomorrow I'll get rid of you along with the ev,idence. otherwise you will be very troublesome, ' he thought with an evil grin.

"Hello, Edward. Are you still there?" Sarah asked on the phone.

Edward woke up from daydreaming about his evil plan and said, "Okay. Tomorrow night we will have a romantic dinner. Just wait at the apartment, I'll pick you up. "

"Really?" Sarah asked, sounding enthusiastic.

"Of course. We'll always do romantic things after this," replied Edward with all his trickery.

Edward is sure that he will succeed in getting rid of Sarah, while Sarah is so sure that she will make him unable to move. The two dark couples are intimate with each other but want to ensnare each other too. Then, who will win it?

"Okay, I'll wait for you Tomorrow night," said Sarah.

"Yes, honey. I'll turn off the phone first."

"Love you."

"Love you too." Edward immediately hung up on the phone and put it on the table. He sat back in the chair with his legs stretched out over the table.

"You stupid girl, whoever will spend the rest of your life with you, I'm still more interested in Luna," muttered Edward. He looked like a criminal who was ready to accept his victory. Moreover, Ethan and Luna were drifting apart, as if he was ready to be in their midst

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