Sarah immediately came out of Viona's room carrying the evidence. Sneaking through the gates made sure the security guard wasn't there. Because she was carrying a plastic bag, while she just said would take the smartphone she left behind.

Since the security guard wasn't around, Sarah got out safely. She immediately walked while ordering a taxi.

"I'm going to hide this evidence so Edward can't retrieve it," Sarah muttered as she walked on.

From a distance, Andrew keeps an eye on Sarah. "What is she carrying, why hurry too? " Andrew muttered as he watched Sarah carrying a black plastic bag.

Until a few moments, Sarah got a taxi. She looked around to make sure no one was following her, then immediately climbed up.

"Take me to the suite's green gem area, sir," cried Sarah.

"Okay, Ms," replied the taxi driver, then immediately drove the taxi.

From a distance, Andrew continues to follow Sarah. He never gave up following the wild girl, even though it was already very late. the man did his job with totality, feeling sorry for his boss's grumpy wife due to constant misunderstandings.


Elsewhere, Edward is in the room with Viona. his wife was not asleep and still focused on staring at the laptop, while he felt anxious thinking about Sarah who was doing her action.

"Honey, is it okay if I go out for a bit?" asked Edward. Because if he barks away, his wife will get him into trouble.

Viona is still focused on staring at her laptop and instead asks, "where are you going?"

"Uh, want to find a snack outside," replied Edward

Viona nodded in understanding, then closed her laptop. She looked at Edward who was still beside her.

"I am coming along," she said.

"I'll only be a moment and I'll be right home after I buy it." Edward tries to stop her because he plans to meet Sarah.

"It's okay, I just want to get some fresh air outside. What's wrong with me if I come anyway?" Viona got out of bed and put on her blazer.

Edward sighed and looked lazily at Viona who was getting ready. He didn't expect his wife to come with him. That means he can't go to Sarah to make sure he has the evidence for his crimes.

"Come on," said Viona as she reached out her hand to Edward.

Edward immediately grabbed that helping hand and got up. He took Viona's hand and walked out of the room through the stairs. Sometimes his wife hugged his arm and looked happy.

"Where are we going to find a snack?" asked Viona.

"Wherever is up to you," replied Edward with his gaze. Because he was annoyed, Viona came along.

"Hem, I know a restaurant that is open 24 hours. The food is delicious. You will like it."


Edward looks lazy in responding to Viona's every chatter because he thinks that Sarah is on a mission to find the evidence. Sometimes he reached into his pocket and looked at his smartphone, waiting for a message or call from the girl. But there is no information at all.

Edward immediately entered the car with Viona and drove to a restaurant that is open 24 hours. He was trapped in the wrong choice of excuses and couldn't see Sarah tonight.


The taxi carrying Sarah stopped right at the side of the road in front of the green gem Suite apartment, Jakarta area.

"Here's the money, sir." Sarah gave the taxi driver the money. "Just take the change," she exclaimed and immediately came out carrying the black plastic bag.

Sarah walked hurriedly into the apartment building. She still doesn't realize that Andrew has been following her all along. The girl entered the elevator and pressed the button for the seventh floor.

"What is she up to there?"

Andrew immediately got out of the car and followed Sarah's path. but unfortunately, he even lost track of the direction in which Sarah was walking.

"Damn it!" Andrew chuckled irritably and got back into the car.

When the elevator opened, Sarah immediately got out and walked to a door, and knocked on it.

Knock ... knock ...

until a few moments of waiting, finally, the door opened. She immediately entered without waiting for the owner to invite her.

"Sarah, don't think you're here." Mike stared in surprise at Sarah who had suddenly arrived. yes, the owner of the apartment is Mike, a man who accidentally met Sarah while going to the mall.

"I want to hide something here," Sarah said as she looked for a safe place in the room.

Mike frowned and asked, "What do you want to hide, Sarah?"

"Evidence of someone's crime," Sarah replied as she pulled open a chair to the cupboard. She immediately went up and put the plastic bag into the top of the cupboard. the girl was acting casually on her own in a place that was not hers.

Mike sat down on the sofa and did not understand why Sarah had hidden evidence of someone's crime in his apartment. He chose to remain silent and wait for the girl to explain.

"I hope you don't mind and still won't touch the thing I keep. Or you will be the accused," Sarah said threateningly.

Sarah sat on the sofa right next to Mike and leaned back in a sigh of relief. she glanced at Mike, who was just silently staring at her with a meaningful look. She won't know what the man thought, he seemed resigned to whatever she did.

"Why you look at me like that?" asked Sarah.

"It's all right," Mike replied. "I just don't understand why you can deal with bad people. Are you the one up to it?" He asked.

"Hahaha ..." Sarah even laughed at Mike who was confused. "Don't worry, I won't commit a crime. it's just that I want to protect that criminal because I like him," she said.

Immediately Mike changed his position to face Sarah. He looked at the girl in amazement and asked, "What do you mean like the culprit? Is your lover a criminal?"

"No," Sarah replied and then got off the sofa. "He is a good and handsome man. He accepts me as it is even though his wife is a wealthy woman," she continued.

"Huh, is he a married man?" asked Mike again. He increasingly did not understand Sarah. confused him by hiding evidence of a crime and now saying that his lover had a wife. Mike felt Sarah was getting out of his mind. Or maybe she is a stressed girl running away from home.

"Yes, his wife is my boss," Sarah replied casually. the girl seemed to like her affair with her boss's husband. She is like a crazy girl who has become obsessed with her forbidden love.

"Sarah. Why do you have a relationship with someone's husband? Is there no other man you love besides him? you are beautiful and educated, don't smudge your honor by being someone else's husband." Mike tried to advise Sarah.

"He's the only one I'm interested in and comfortable with. It's a challenge, Mike. I liked him, had a secret relationship, saw him afraid of being caught but could not avoid me, it was very interesting." Sarah imagined every time Edward was afraid of being caught by Viona any time with him. That girl does look crazy and likes challenges.

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