After staying there for a little longer, Andrew and Rachael left. Reeta and Michael insisted they stayed over for lunch but they didn't.

Andrew had no objection and was about to say yes when Rachael politely turned them down.

"We have a lot of work at home," she remarked. "We will come over for dinner this weekend."


[Collins Mansion]

Andrew was about to get down from the car when Rachael grabbed his hand.

He stopped and looked at her. "What happened?"

"Thank you." She gently squeezed his hand. She wanted to thank him before but couldn't find the right moment.

"You don't have to thank me," he remarked. "Your family is now my family too. And besides, it wasn't a big thing." Running his fingers through her hair, he said, "We should thank Justin later."

"I am not thanking you only for solving George's problem," she said. "I am thanking you for everything."

Rachael was grateful for every little thing he had been doing for her since the very beginning. He had always been so observant, caring and sweet to her. This made her feel happy and guilty at the same time. He was doing so much for her but what was she doing for him? Rachael couldn't think of anything.

Little did she know that for Andrew, only her presence in his life was enough. He was willing to do anything for her if she stood by his side.

Lowering her head, she pursed her lips. "I feel like I haven't done enough."

"Who said you haven't?" Andrew gently grabbed her chin and lifted it up until their eyes met. "Agreeing to marry me, making my home yours, being the first thing I see when I wake up….you have done more than enough already."

"Rach, I want to be the best husband for you. I want to dote on you, I want to spoil you, I want to always treat you like a queen, my queen."

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ears, he smiled, "Let me do it, okay?"

Rachael looked at him with misty eyes. His words hit her heart like delicate flowers. The feeling of being loved and treasured enveloped her heart. She felt so special, he made her feel very special.

The more she stared at him, the more mesmerized she felt. She could see nothing but genuine care and honesty in his eyes.

"And what if I get too spoiled?"

"Then I'll spoil you more." He tapped the tip of her nose. "I am willing to spoil you all my life."

Pausing for a while, he asked, "Will you let me?"

Without any hesitation, Rachael smiled and nodded. How could she possibly reject him? All women irrespective of their independence and careers want to be pampered, loved and cared for by their significant other. Rachael was no exception.

Suddenly Emma and Tina's words struck her mind.

'Andrew is your husband, he is yours. And there is nothing wrong in feeling a little possessive over something that is yours.'

'Why are you feeling so hesitant? For one time, can't you just go with the flow?'

They were right, Andrew was her husband, they were a lawfully married couple irrespective of the situation they tied their knot in.

When he was trying so hard to make their marriage work, she should also do the same. It wasn't just the right thing to do but it was also something that felt right.

There was no need for her to hold herself and her feelings back. If she wanted her relationship with Andrew and their marriage to work, she had to give her all without any kind of hesitation. She had to leave everything behind and go with the flow.

Noticing how she was immersed in a deep thought, Andrew was sure she was overthinking again. He didn't want her to feel pressured or burdened to keep up with the pace their relationship was moving for him.

"You refused to stay back for lunch at your parents place, do you want to go eat somewhere else?" He tried to divert her mind.

She shook her head. "No, I want to cook for you. In fact, I have decided to cook for us everyday."

"Isn't that too bothersome?" He didn't reject the idea. No one would be more happy than him if he got an opportunity to return home to a fresh meal prepared by his amazing wife. But on the same hand, he didn't want her to force herself in the kitchen everyday after work.

"Not at all," she remarked. "When you were a bachelor, it was okay to eat out every now and then but now it's different. You have a wife at home who knows how to cook."

"Anyway, eating outside everyday is not healthy," she added. "Unless you don't like my cooking."

"Even if you serve me salt and rice, I'll eat it without complaining." Gently caressing her hair, he said, "Aunt Maria wants to go back to Russia."

"For a vacation?" When he shook his head, she asked, "Forever?"

"She has been taking care of me since I was born. After mom and dad passed away, she was the only one I could rely on. But now since I have you, she wants to go home and spend time with her family."

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her she can go but she has to let me take care of her forever," he answered.

Placing her hand on his arm, she asked, "Will you be okay?"

"I have you now, why wouldn't I be okay?"



While the couple were sharing a lovely time inside the car, Samuel and Yuri were arguing amongst themselves.

"You knock.'

"No you knock."

Samuel frowned and snapped at him, "I don't wanna do it."

"Neither do I," Yuri snapped back.

They had been waiting near the car, waiting for Andrew to step out for more than fifteen minutes now. They had to tell him something important but the latter showed no signs of stepping out.


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