When Andrew closed his eyes, Rachael did the same.

A few seconds later, she felt a warm palm over the dorsum of her hand. A smile formed in her lips. Her hands were little cold, the warmth of his hand made her feel so nice.


[Few hours later]

Rachael gogglily opened her eyes when her phone on the bedside table started ringing.

Without looking at the caller ID, she recieved it.


"Are you still sleeping?" Emma sighed, "Rach it's lunch time."

"What?" She shot her eyes open and glanced at the watch. It was already 12:30.

Turning towards the man who was soundly sleeping beside her, she shook his shoulders. "Andrew wake up."

Burying his face on the pillow, he groaned, "Two more minutes."

"It's 12:30 already." Wasn't it supposed to be short nap? How did they end up sleeping till afternoon?

"I am on vacation," he stated.

Helplessly shaking her head, she sighed. She wanted to wake up again but decided against it.

"Rach, did you talk to George?"

"No, did something happen?" When Emma did not say anything, Rachael frowned, "Emma, tell me what happened."

"I think George got into a fight with someone yesterday. I saw bruises in his knuckles."

,m "What?" Rachael widened her eyes in shock. "With whom and why?" As far as she knew, George wasn't someone who picked up a fight. He usually had a very good temper, especially when he was outside.

"I don't know but he seemed very mad. I tried asking him but he didn't say anything." Emma sighed. After coming home last night, she couldn't sleep properly. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop thinking about George.

"I tried calling him in the morning but he did not receive," she added.

"Let me try calling dad."

"Okay, let me know if you find anything."

"Yeah, okay." After hanging up the call, Rachael quickly called her father.

"What happened?" Andrew got up.

"George got into a fight with someone." Her voice was laced with panic and worry.

"With whom?"

"I don't know," she answered. "I am trying to call dad."

"Hey—" He took the phone from her hand. "First you need to stop worrying. George is a grown up man and I am sure it wasn't a big fight. Maybe he got into an argument with someone."

"George is not like that, he never picks up a fight with anyone. Something must have happened."

"Okay—" he placed his hands on her shoulder. "Let's go there and find out." Andrew knew she wouldn't stop worrying until she personally made sure if George was okay.

Rachael nodded and quickly got down from the bed.


[Watson mansion]

Squeezing his eyes shut, George winced in pain.

"Oh so now you are in pain," Michael scoffed. "Where is the courage you had when you punched that guy?"

"Michael—" Reeta glared at him. "Enough."

"Why are you scolding me? You should scold this son of yours," Michael snapped. "Getting into a fight like that—how old do you think you are?"

"He told you already that it wasn't his fault," Reeta remarked. "He is already in pain, your yelling is making it worse."

When he scoffed, Reeta ignored her grumpy husband and continued cleaning George's wound. "Why didn't you wake me up yesterday? The blood has already dried but we have to clean the wound so endure the pain, okay?"

"When you are done getting pampered by your mother, call the lawyer and clean up your own mess. I am not going to do it for you. I want this matter to be solved by the end of the day."

Just then Rachael and Andrew entered the mansion.

"George, what happened?" Rachael rushed towards him. When she saw his bruised knuckles, she pursed her lips. "So you really got into a fight?"

"How did you find out?" George frowned.

"Emma told me you got into a fight or something. I was so worried—"

"It was a small fight, you didn't have to come over."

"Small fight?" Michael yelled. "That guy is in the hospital." He looked at Rachael. "Your brother broke his nose. He even fractured a rib."

"What?" Rachael widened her eyes in shock. She couldn't believe it.

"That guy filed a case against him. The club where it happened is also supporting him," Michael added.

"Dad relax, I'll take care of it." George pinched the space between his brows. The headache he was having since yesterday was now even worse.

"Which club was it?" Andrew, who had been quiet since they arrived, inquired.

"Glimintown," George answered.

"And who is the guy you smashed?"

"Uranus Refter." George closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. He felt an unusual rage even while mentioning his name.

Without saying anything, Andrew walked out of the mansion.

"Who is this guy? And why did you fight with him?" Michael had been asking George the same question repeatedly for the past one hour. But the latter refused to say anything.

"Dad, calm down. Shouting at him is not going to solve this problem." She then asked George. "Did you call the lawyer?"

He nodded. "Yes, he is trying to negotiate with them."

"Your problem is solved." Andrew came back. He then approached George. "You just have to pay his hospital bills."

"It's solved?" George frowned. "How?"

"Lets just say you found a very appropriate place to get into a fight," Andrew remarked. "Glimintown is my friends club."

He looked at Rachael and said, "Justin owns it."

"See problem is solved." Reeta approached Andrew and gave him a hug. "Thank you so much honey."

"It wasn't a big thing, you don't have to thank me."

"It must have been so troublesome for you—" Michael sighed and gave him a hug.

Glaring at George, he added, "Who would have thought that the boy who never got into any fight when he was a teenager would suddenly break someone's bone in his 30's."

George: " "

"Thank Andrew properly, he is such a good brother-in-law. Treat him to a meal."


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