Chapter 69

Once Jiang Yu Lang was mentioned, Tie Ping Gu’s heart dropped immediately. Although she hoped that Xiao Yu’er would not be tricked, but all the more she can’t bear to let Jiang Yu Lang die. Tie Ping Gu dare not speak again.

After a while, Madam Bai asked instead, “I know you saved him once, right?”

Tie Ping Gu affirmed it.

Madam Bai pressed, “Why isn’t he saving you now?”

Tie Ping Gu replied, “Maybe… maybe he did not recognize me…”

Madam Bai said quietly, “That’s right… when men see a naked beauty, their eyes will only stare at her body, and usually will not look at her face.”

Tie Ping Gu’s face reddened in a fiery blush, she suddenly felt Xiao Yu’er’s eyes staring at her. How she wish she could cover her chest, her legs… but for Jiang Yu Lang, she dare not even move.

Madam Bai said coldly, “Now, you must quickly turn your head a little more, and cry for help… your cries must not be too loud, but it must not be too soft either, you must make it sound exhausted, understand?”

Tie Ping Gu immediately cried out, “Help… help…”

She turned her head, and instead realized that Xiao Yu’er had already finished washing his legs and was half lying on that rock with his hand supporting his head, and he looked asleep.

Naturally Madam Bai saw it as well, and gritted her teeth, “What a sly lad, what is he really up to?”

She heard someone talking from beneath the rock, “Weren’t my words correct, this fish is very difficult to capture.”

It turned out that Herbalist Hu could not bear it any further as well, and half his head rose out of the water.

Madam Bai hurriedly said, “Get down quickly, don’t let him see you.”

Herbalist Hu smiled, “No matter how skilful he is, can his eyes see around corners? How can he look behind the rock?”

Madam Bai sighed, “In your opinion, has he seen through this plan?”

Herbalist Hu queried, “But why didn’t he come over?”

Madam Bai said, “Maybe this lad is born with a suspicious nature, and will have some suspicions towards any matter, so he is not coming over first, but taking his time there to gauge our reaction?”

Herbalist Hu said with a bitter smile, “But we are suffering here, and he is enjoying himself there. In this waiting game, how can we win him?”

Madam Bai said, “What else can we do but wait? This lad is even more slippery than a fish, if he were to see through us this time, netting him would be even more difficult than ascending heaven the next time.”

Herbalist Hu heaved a long sigh and said, “Since that is the case, it seems that we can only wait with him, but how long can you take it?”

Madam Bai was silent for a moment before continuing with a bitter smile, “Since things has come to this, we’ll just take each moment as it comes…”

Who would have expected at this time, Xiao Yu’er suddenly stood up.

Madam Bai was surprised and overjoyed, and whispered, “Get down quickly, the fish is about to be hooked.”

Without waiting for her to finish her words, Herbalist Hu had already dived underwater, and that reed poked out of the water again.

Xiao Yu’er mumbled, “I don’t think this is a trick, or else they will not be able to bear with it for so long.”

As he spoke, he wore his shoes, and dipped his feet into the water. Obviously he was also worried that the rock over there would be too slippery, so he was wetting the soles of his shoes. Madam Bai knew that he would be coming over soon, and the joy in her heart cannot be described with words, but Tie Ping Gu almost wanted to burst into tears.

At this point in time she almost forgot about Jiang Yu Lang, almost wanted to cry out immediately, telling Xiao Yu’er not to come over and get tricked, because in the split second between life and death, the morals that are deep in a person’s heart will usually suddenly win over selfishness.

A pity that Madam Bai also understands this point very well, and with a low voice, said each word clearly, “Remember, do not forget about your lover.”

Tie Ping Gu’s heart froze, and bit her own tongue, feeling a stab of pain in her chest; She may not have screamed, but her tears have flowed.

Suddenly Xiao Yu’er was heard shouting, “Misses, do not be afraid, I am coming to save you!” Amidst the shout, he was already leaping up, flying towards the rock.

Xiao Yu’er struck a pose for some time to ready himself, and Madam Bai thought that his leap must be light and graceful, but who would have expected that his skill is neither light, and his posture was extremely awful as well.

When a person spend so much effort throwing the net, he will always hope that he’ll catch a big fish, but this ‘fish’ seems to be a really small one.

Madam Bai secretly sighed, “It’s true that most clever men are not hardworking. If I had known that his martial arts is so atrocious, I would not wasted so much effort.”

As she was thinking, she suddenly heard a splash and the water splattered all over… Xiao Yu’er did not leap onto the stone with his jump, but leapt into the water instead.

There were sounds of gulping, and he seemed to have swallowed a few mouthfuls of water, his nose bubbling in the water, and later he actually started shouting, “Help… help… I’m drowning…”

The savior, is now crying out to be saved instead.

Madam Bai found the situation both infuriating and hilarious. She really did not imagine that not only is this lad’s martial arts so terrible, but his water skills is worse than his martial arts. At this point in time Xiao Yu’er can’t even scream for help, but there were bubbles coming up from beneath the water, and it seems that this little fish is about to drown.

Madam Bai secretly scolded, “If not for the fact that I still have use of you, I’ll let you drown today.”

By this time she no longer has any misgivings, and was going to sit up, but the force of the water from the top is really too strong, and her strength is almost used up. She only managed to sit up halfway when she was pushed down by the water again.

That reed has turned around from behind the rock. Madam Bai saw that since Herbalist Hu has come to catch the fish, she might as well save her strength.

The water is very clear, Herbalist Hu opened his eyes underwater and saw that this little fish is now looking like a drenched puppy instead, and he could almost catch him once he extend his hands.

But who would have expected that Xiao Yu’er would suddenly leap out of the water.

He flicked his fingers lightly, and a little black pill was flipped out of his fingers, and it actually dropped into that hollow reed coincidentally. Herbalist Hu was breathing when he suddenly felt something drop down the reed. After being underwater for so long, he was naturally breathing very hard, and by the time he wanted to exhale, it was too late.

With lightning fast hands, Xiao Yu’er pulled the reed out of his mouth and with a gulp, he swallowed that thing.

He only felt that this thing was salty, wet and smelly, and even has the smell of salted fish. He was just opening his mouth to spit it out but water rushed in instead. After gulping two mouthful of water, even if he had swallowed dog poop, he can forget about spitting it out.

Madam Bai only heard the splashing of water, and just as she was wondering what happened, Xiao Yu’er had already pulled out the reed and at the same time sealed her ‘Tong Quan’ acupoint on the sole of her feet.

By the time Herbalist Hu jumped out of the water like a toad who was struck by an arrow, Madam Bai has already become a dead horse, lying on the stone and unable to move.

Herbalist Hu leapt onto the rock and immediately opened his mouth, trying to vomit so hard that even his tears and nose was running.

He saw Xiao Yu’er, who had already returned to the rock on the other side, looking at them with a grin, as if nothing had happened.

Only now did Madam Bai realize that the fisherman is now being fished instead.

She was startled and furious and called out, “Quick… unseal my acupoint quickly.”

Herbalist Hu was rubbing his eyes and panting as he asked, “What… what acupoint?”

Madam Bai replied, “Tong Quan acupoint.”

Herbalist Hu was just thinking of it when Xiao Yu’er commented with a lazy smile, “If I were you, I will certainly not save her.”

Herbalist Hu’s finger really paused in mid-air, and asked, “Why?”

Xiao Yu’er laughed, “Do you still have the energy to save others? Why don’t you think of a way to save yourself first.”

Herbalist Hu’s face turned ashen, “That… what was that?”

Xiao Yu’er grinned, “If it’s not poison, could it have been a tonic pill then?” Herbalist Hu weakened.

Xiao Yu’er continued, “If you want me to save you, you better sit there obediently and don’t move.”

Madam Bai interrupted, “No matter what, you can unseal my acupoint first and we can force him to hand us the antidote.”

Xiao Yu’er replied, “Just with the two of you, you can’t even force me to fart.”

With the two of them talking back and fro, Herbalist Hu was stuck in the middle, not knowing whether to listen to Madam Bai, or to Xiao Yu’er.

Tie Ping Gu witnessed the scene with surprise and joy, and after being stunned for a moment, suddenly thought, “What a better time to jump if not now?” She immediately rolled down the rock into the water.

Madam Bai was frantic with impatience and asked, “You… why are you still not moving?”

Herbalist Hu sighed and said with a bitter smile, “I do want to save you, but my own life is more important after all.”

Madam Bai stared at him, so furious that she is at a loss for words.

By now Tie Ping Gu had swam over with a struggle, and just as she was about to jump on the rock, she suddenly remembered that she is not wearing even a stitch, so how can she face others?

However, Xiao Yu’er’s eyes looked towards her and even smiled. Tie Ping Gu wished that she can hide her face in the water.

Xiao Yu’er said, “You want to tell me to turn my head around, right?”

Tie Ping Gu hurriedly nodded her head.

Xiao Yu’er said, “All right, I’ll turn around then, but I must first ask you, you were not shy while lying there earlier, so why are you suddenly shy now?”

Tie Ping Gu stammered, “I… I only…”

Xiao Yu’er said lazily, “You wanted to trick me earlier, right? A pity that the one who got tricked is not me, but someone else.”

This sentence is like a whip, and Tie Ping Gu’s face paled, and stammered, “You… why do you malign me thus?”

Xiao Yu’er laughed coldly, “I malign you… haha, then I want to ask you instead, since you can move and talk earlier, why didn’t you warn me not to be tricked?”

Tie Ping Gu replied, “It’s because I… I…” She finally realized that she really has nothing to say, and her tears flowed unknowingly.

Xiao Yu’er said, “You don’t have to cry, I am not Hua Wu Que, and have never has his nature of caring for females. Even if you were to cry until a river flows, I still will not pity you.”

Tie Ping Gu’s body started shivering and she said hoarsely, “I did not ask you to forgive me, I… I will never beg you as well…”

Xiao Yu’er suddenly stared and shouted, “But I must still ask you, why did you betray me? Why? Why?…”

Tie Ping Gu started wailing and replied hoarsely, “Because I think that you are an arrogant, selfish jerk who thinks you’re so special. You think that you’re better than others, so I want you to die in the hands of others!”

Xiao Yu’er was stunned for a moment, and he actually laughed and said with a grin, “The louder a woman speaks, usually her words are not true. The way you say it, I think that you’re not deliberately tricking me, you must have your difficulties, maybe I really should forgive you.”

Tie Ping Gu was tongue-tied, and was stunned. She only felt that this person’s actions and words, not a single one will not shock others.

Xiao Yu’er continued slowly, “Maybe you have someone close who is in their hands, and to save that person’s life, you can only betray me.”

He sighed and added, “If that is really the case, I really cannot blame you, because I know that for the person she loves, a woman will not hesitate to betray herself as well.”

This words really touched a chord in Tie Ping Gu’s heart, and she can’t help but cry again. She really did not expect this hateful Xiao Yu’er would really be able to understand another’s pain, understand another’s thoughts.

Xiao Yu’er asked gently, “But who is this person? Is he worth you sacrificing so much for him?”

Tie Ping Gu cried as she said, “You… you know him, I cannot reveal his name.”

Xiao Yu’er’s expression changed, but his voice was still gentle, “Do you mean Jiang Yu Lang?”

This time Tie Ping Gu really kept her mouth shut. But by keeping her mouth shut now, is akin to acknowledging it. Xiao Yu’er suddenly jumped up and raised his voice, “Fine, fine, fine, you actually betrayed me because of that little bastard Jiang Yu Lang. Do you know what a rotten person that lad is, that even if he was beheaded a hundred times, it would still not be enough.”

Tie Ping Gu was stunned again.

Xiao Yu’er stared at her and after a moment, suddenly sighed, “Actually I still should not blame you, that lad is full of honeyed words that even women who are ten times smarter than you would have been tricked as well.”

Tie Ping Gu stood in the water at a loss, not knowing whether to laugh or to cry.

By now Xiao Yu’er had calmed down, and stood up with a grin and commented to Herbalist Hu, “Very good, you are very smart, and did not strike rashly. But a smart man like you, married a wife who keeps stripping, isn’t that a let down!”

Herbalist Hu sighed, “I don’t have a wife.”

Xiao Yu’er was stunned for a moment before laughing loudly, “Marvelous, marvelous. So this means that, you are smarter than I imagined… but if a woman like her has no husband, she’ll surely turn crazy, where is her husband?”

He rolled his eyes, and immediately continued with a smile, “Her husband would naturally be watching over Jiang Yu Lang, right?”

Herbalist Hu can only sigh, “Exactly.”

Xiao Yu’er suddenly leapt up and flew towards that huge rock. This time he leapt lightly, and lightly landed on the rock, and certainly will not fall into the water again.

Madam Bai bit her lips until it bled.

Xiao Yu’er looked at her with a grin and said, “For an old woman like you, you don’t really have a lot of fats on your body, which is not easy. Since you have a husband as well as a lover, why do you still want to look for me?”

Madam Bai said through gritted teeth, “Since you are so smart, why can’t you guess?”

Without even thinking, Xiao Yu’er immediately replied, “Because amongst the three of you, there must be one who had secretly seen how anxious Su Ying was over me, so you thought of using me to threaten Su Ying and make her reveal the information that Hua Wu Que refused to reveal.”

Before he could finish his words, Madam Bai is already stunned. Although she had asked him to guess, but she did not expect this darn Xiao Yu’er would really guess it correctly, as if he had witnessed it all from the side. Madam Bai felt as if she had swallowed bitter water, but unable to spit it out.

Xiao Yu’er added, “But even if you want to trick me, you do not have to take off your own clothes and torture yourself thus. I’m afraid this is because you have this perverse liking by nature to let others see you naked… some crazy people like to pee in front of women, I’m afraid they have the same perversion as you.”

Madam Bai was so furious that her lips quivered, and she can’t help but start berating him.

She used almost all the vicious words in the world to scold him, but Xiao Yu’er seemed not to have heard a single word, and did not even take another look at her.

Tie Ping Gu was still soaking in the water on the other side, not daring to stand up, and not knowing what else to do either. The stream was freezing, and she was so cold that her lips had turned pale. She felt sadness, pain, shame, and thought that there is no more meaning in living, and was about to knock herself dead.

Xiao Yu’er suddenly said loudly, “You know that Miss Tie had saved my life, and is also my good friend, but now she is soaking in the water, not daring to come out. Do you think I will feel bad?”

Herbalist Hu replied, “I would think that you will… will feel a little bad.”

Xiao Yu’er retorted angrily, “Since you know that I feel bad, why aren’t you taking off your own clothes and give it to her.”

Without daring to say anything more, Herbalist Hu can only take off his outer clothes and threw it towards Tie Ping Gu. Tie Ping Gu caught it with her hands, but was unsure whether to wear it or not.

She heard Xiao Yu’er say, “When Tie Ping Gu is wearing her clothes, if you dare to take a single look at her, I will dig your eyes out, understood?”

Herbalist Hu felt both angry and funny, and secretly thought, “Haven’t I seen enough earlier, even if you want me to look now, how can I have the mood or the appetite to do so.”

Tie Ping Gu finally wore the clothes in the end.

Xiao Yu’er tried to control his smile and mumbled, “I wonder if she has worn the clothes.”

Herbalist Hu can’t help but reply, “She has.”

Xiao Yu’er suddenly roared, “I did not expect that you still peeked!”

Herbalist Hu stammered, “No… No…”

Xiao Yu’er laughed loudly, “Actually, since you have seen everything earlier, you’re only taking another peek now, there’s nothing to it, you need not be afraid.”

Herbalist Hu stared at Xiao Yu’er, and also felt as if he has swallowed bitter water but unable to spit it out.

His martial arts is not weak, his brains are not bad either, and he thought of himself as exceptional as well, but who would have expected that now he is being fooled by an underage kid. He really wished that he can cast aside everything else and have a good fight with this hateful rascal.

Xiao Yu’er shifted his gaze and suddenly tapped his shoulder and said with a smile, “You don’t have to feel bad, only a fool would not treasure his own life. You submitted to me because you want me to save you, and this is where you’re smart.”

Herbalist Hu sighed, and slowly felt that he is great after all, “To be able to submit thus, is really not something that can be easily done by others, so what’s so shameful about it?” Once he thought of this, the earlier thought of fighting with Xiao Yu’er flew out of his mind.

Xiao Yu’er laughed even happier, and said, “Now, you only have to do one more thing for me, and I will give you the antidote.”

Herbalist Hu sighed, “Since that is the case, I am willing to hear your instructions.”

Xiao Yu’er said, “Bring me to her husband.”

Once Herbalist Hu thought that Hua Wu Que is still in Bai Shan Jun’s hands, and using Hua Wu Que to threaten him, he need not be afraid that Xiao Yu’er would not give him the antidote.

Once he thought of this, his eyes brightened and he immediately bowed and replied, “Certainly!”

Herbalist Hu took a glance at Madam Bai and can’t help but ask, “But what about her?”

Xiao Yu’er laughed, “Since she like to strip and bath, might as well let her bath herself clean here.”

After a short while, the stone house is already in sight. The wind blew past the woods, making shuffling noises, but the house is quiet, not a sound to be heard at all.

Xiao Yu’er suddenly reached out and gripped Herbalist Hu’s wrist and said with a low voice, “They are in that house?”

“That’s right.”

Xiao Yu’er furrowed his brows, “Three living adults in the house, but why is there not a single sound at all?”

Tie Ping Gu can’t help but blurt out, “I… I’ll go and take a look first.”

However, Xiao Yu’er’s other hand grabbed her as quickly and said with a serious expression, “Since we’re already here, why are you so impatient!”

Tie Ping Gu hemmed and hawed, “If you still remember that I… I was good to you, I only beg that you do not kill him.”

Xiao Yu’er stared, “Not kill him! Keep him alive so that he can harm others?” Tie Ping Gu’s head lowered further, tears flowing.

Xiao Yu’er was silent for a moment before saying with hatred, “Seems like that little beast have cheated you quite badly, but I have told you long ago, I am not a gentleman. If you expect me to repay you in gratitude, you are mistaken.”

Tie Ping Gu replied sadly, “You may sound vicious, but I know your heart is not like that, you… you… you won’t kill him, right?”

Xiao Yu’er stamped his feet and suddenly cast Herbalist Hu’s hand aside sharply and said fiercely, “Tell them to come out now, do you hear?”

Herbalist Hu cleared his throat and called loudly, “Brother Bai, come out, I have returned.”

The words sounded in the empty mountain, echoing in the distance. But it was still quiet in the stone house, no reply at all.

Xiao Yu’er furrowed his brows, “Could this Bai person be deaf.”

Herbalist Hu’s eyes shimmered and he said, “Why don’t I go in and have a look.”

Xiao Yu’er thought for a while and said with a low voice, “All right, you walk first, but do not walk too fast. If you make any unexpected moves, I will break your hand first!”

Herbalist Hu heaved a sigh, and walked over step by step. As he reached the door, he saw Jiang Yu Lang curled up in a corner alone, his whole body shaking.

Bai Shan Jun and Hua Wu Que have disappeared!

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