Chapter 68

Herbalist Hu continued, “I never managed to learn about traps and machines, so I dared not roam recklessly, hence I found a place to hide. After a moment, I saw Wei Ma Yi tricked a young lad to the area where I was hiding, and sealed that lad’s acupoints as well and hung him up.”

Bai Shan Jun commented, “At that time we heard someone scolding from afar, I guess it must be that lad scolding Wei Ma Yi.”

Madam Bai furrowed her brows and asked, “How does that lad look like?”

Herbalist Hu replied, “He seems not older than twenty, his build is about the same as mine, his face is full of scars, and extremely ugly, but strangely, he doesn’t look at all irritating, but quite lovable instead.”

Madam Bai said, “It’s rumored that in recent years, a little devil appeared in the martial arts realm, called something Yu, seems like Xiao Yu. This person’s martial arts may not be very good, but he’s full of tricks, and cunning as well. Anyone who offends him, will surely be tricked by him. Even someone like Jiang Bie He gets a headache on seeing him.”

Herbalist Hu was silent for a moment before he smiled and said, “That’s right, that lad is this person. He’s really an imp. Wei Ma Yi can be considered a formidable person, but later he was thoroughly duped by him…”

Bai Shan Jun can’t help but interrupt, “How is this person related to the secret of ‘Shifting Flower Grafting Jade’?”

Herbalist Hu replied, “Let me ask you, how many people in the world knows the secret to ‘Shifting Flower Grafting Jade’?”

Madam Bai answered, “There may be a few who know it, but there is none who will reveal it.”

Herbalist Hu smiled, “That’s right, but, now I have a plan to let one of them reveal it.”

Madam Bai asked, “Who can you make to talk?”

Herbalist Hu replied, “Su Ying!”

Madam Bai sighed, “If you can make that lass speak, then I can make a bottle speak as well.”

Herbalist Hu smiled, “You do not believe me?”

Madam Bai sighed again, “All right, what plan do you have, let’s hear it.”

Herbalist Hu lowered his voice, “This plan of mine, involves that fish (Xiao Yu).”

Madam Bai furrowed her brows, “What plan is that? I do not understand.”

Herbalist Hu explained, “That Su lass, is besotted with Xiao Yu, if we can catch that fish, no matter what we want Su Ying to reveal, she would not dare to refuse.”

Madam Bai replied, “I’m afraid this plan is not too reliable. According to what we know, that lass’s heart is harder than stone, there is no man in the world that she holds in regard.”

Herbalist Hu assured, “It will surely work, I saw with my own eyes that it worked.”

Madam Bai said slowly, “But, if we want to net that fish, it might not be easy.”

Herbalist Hu laughed loudly, “Then we’ll need sister-in-law yourself to make the net.”

Madam Bai smiled and cast a coy look at him, “Don’t you worry, the more mischievous the man, the better I can handle him.”

Hua Wu Que is still sitting in the house dazedly, like a wooden log.

When Jiang Yu Lang and Tie Ping Gu walked in, they were talking about her legs outside. Listening to those lecherous laughs, Tie Ping Gu can’t help but want to weep again.

Tie Ping Gu suddenly grabbed Jiang Yu Lang’s hands tightly and asked, “Why don’t we take the opportunity to escape now?”

Jiang Yu Lang replied, “If you escape alone, you might be able to run two to three miles, but you will still be caught. If you were to carry me, I’m afraid you cannot even reach half a mile.”

Tie Ping Gu asked, “Then you… what do you intend to do?”

Jiang Yu Lang replied, “Wait, wait for a chance, tolerate, tolerate with all your might.”

He suddenly smiled, “Do you know, when it comes to tolerating, I’m afraid no one in the world can be better than me.”

This statement is really not false. This person can be really vicious, and patient, or else he would have died many years ago in the dungeon of ‘Charm to Death without Compensating with Life’ Xiao Mimi.”

Tie Ping Gu lowered her head, not speaking further. By this time Bai Shan Jun and his wife as well as Herbalist Hu had stepped in.

Madam Bai walked towards Jiang Yu Lang, and gently massaged his shoulders, asking gently, “Is it still painful with this?”

Jiang Yu Lang replied, “Pain… it’s still painful, but it seems… seems to be better…”

Before he can finish his words, he suddenly screamed like a pig being slaughtered. The hands that Madam Bai were massaging his shoulders with, were suddenly infused with internal energy.

Half of Jiang Yu Lang’s pain may be faked, but the other half is real as well. Right now, the internal energy of Madam Bai’s palms were forcing their way through the acupoints in both his shoulders and he immediately felt as if countless needles were poking him all over his body, and all his joints seemed to have shattered.

Madam Bai was still full of smiles and asked gently, “Are you feeling better now?”

Jiang Yu Lang cried miserably, “Beg… beg of you…. let go…. Save…”

Tie Ping Gu had also rushed over and leapt towards Madam Bai. However, Bai Shan Jun’s movements were as fast as lightning and pulled her arm over.

Madam Bai said with a smile, “I am just massaging his bones and you are already feeling pained for him, if I kill him, won’t you go crazy then?”

Actually Tie Ping Gu is almost going crazy now, and is now screaming madly, “You cannot do this… you cannot…”

Madam Bai replied slowly, “As long as you agree to help us with something, I will let him go immediately.”

Without a thought, Tie Ping Gu immediately replied, “I agree, I agree…”

Madam Bai sighed and mumbled, “I did not expect that between a man and a woman, the power of love would be so great.”

She finally released her hands, lightly tapped Jiang Yu Lang’s face and smiled, “Little lad, seems that you really do have some ability, to be able to make a woman follow you so wholeheartedly. This ability is really quite something.”

Herbalist Hu suddenly laughed, “The depth of Su Ying’s infatuation over that fish, is much more than hers.”

Bai Shan Jun laughed loudly, “If that is the case, then this plan of ours will certainly work.”

Madam Bai said, “Now you will stay here, we’ll hand these two over to you…”

Bai Shan Jun replied, “Don’t you worry.”

Tie Ping Gu is still draped over Jiang Yu Lang, quietly sobbing.

Madam Bai pulled her up and said, “You come with me… but you must remember, if you disobey and spoil our grand plan, this lover of yours will die in your hands!”

Although Xiao Yu’er felt a burning impatience, he did not walk very quickly.

He knows it’s useless to walk quickly, and walking quickly may make him miss some things that he should take notice of, and now he cannot afford to miss a single thing.

Although night has passed, but half the mountain was still covered in fog, and the eyes cannot see far. The leaves in the distance seemed to be floating on the mist, the branches hidden.

Even the secret signals that Ha Ha’er, Li Da Zui and the rest left behind cannot be easily found, and naturally it’ll be more difficult than ascending heaven than to find the traces left behind by martial arts experts.

But sometimes the more difficult the matter, the more patient Xiao Yu’er became instead. First, he went to look for a little stream, and washed his face. He calmed himself down, smoothened the flow of his breathing for a moment, and took a look at his own injury to see if it has healed.

After he exercised his internal energy, he realized that there’s not much difference between now and before he was injured, the only difference is that he had lain on the bed for too long, and his legs felt weak.

He can’t help but smile and mumble, “That lass spoke of my injury as something so serious, I knew she was scaring me so that I won’t leave…. Ai, women. Whoever believes the words of a woman, that person will become a woman’s slave for the rest of his life.”

But when he thought of Su Ying’s gentleness and feelings, he can’t help but feel a twinge of sweetness in his heart. No matter what, if a person is being loved, it’s always a very happy matter.

Wei Wu Ya’s cave is in a secret place on the west side of the mountain.

Although Xiao Yu’er is fearless, but he has been defeated once by Wei Wu Ya, so he was still wary and dared not travel towards the west.

He sat on a rock next to the stream and after a long moment, while he was still wondering where he should start looking for Hua Wu Que, he saw on the upstream, something red floating down the running stream.

Since Xiao Yu’er is unwilling to miss any clues, naturally he would not want to miss this thing right now. He immediately chopped a branch off, leapt to a large rock in front and hooked this thing up.

It turned out to be a woman’s skirt, and there were flowers embroidered on it. The craftsmanship exquisite, and it looks like a dress a lady from a wealthy family would wear.

But the waist area of the skirt is torn, as if it has been ripped off the person by force.

Xiao Yu’er furrowed his brows, “How is it possible that there would be a woman who wear such a dress in the deep mountains? Could this woman have met with a lecher?”

He had originally thought that this is the work of Wei Wu Ya’s men, but Wei Wu Ya’s cave is in the west, while the stream flowed from the southeast.

Right at this time, something else flowed down the stream, and it’s also red. This is a pair of embroidered ladies shoes.

But the Xiao Yu’er now is not only feeling curious, but also outraged. He felt that this lecher has gone overboard, no matter what he has to be taught a lesson.

Next to the stream were rocks overgrown with moss, and extremely slippery but with Xiao Yu’er’s Lightness Skill, naturally he is not afraid of slipping.

He jumped on these rocks and after jumping three to five feet, he picked up from the water a bright red embroidered undergarment which has been shredded to pieces.

Xiao Yu’er furrowed his brows, “Don’t you think this is too much? Although most women are not good, but men who bully women are worse.”

As he went forward, another undergarment floated over. This undergarment is sky blue in color, but also shredded.

Xiao Yu’er exclaimed hoarsely, “So it’s not only one, but two women.”

He stopped instead, and suddenly realized that in the deep mountains, there will never be two women like that. Women who wore such clothes, are a rarity even in the streets.

Right at this time, a scream was heard upstream! The scream was shrill, it’s really a woman’s voice.

Xiao Yu’er stood on the rock, and after a while, the corners of his lips curved up into a mysterious smile and he mumbled, “Women, women… why it is that no matter where I go, I will surely meet strange women?”

At the end of the stream, there is a waterfall flowing down from the top of the peak and at the bottom was an enormous rock.

The waterfall fell on the enormous rock, and the water spread out in all directions into the stream. On the enormous rock were two women.

They were almost totally naked, and the waterfall was splashing down on them from the top. The pressure of such water is obviously extremely great.

Their long and firm legs were involuntarily convulsing from the force of the water, their long, black hair were spread over the gray rock.

When Xiao Yu’er arrived, he can’t help but feel stunned.

This image may be horrendous, but also filled with the lure of sin, enough to let any man in the whole world to blush, the heart to beat faster, unable to control himself.

The mist from the water, the floating clouds, the clear stream, the waterfall, naked beauties, horrendous torture… this is so outrageous that it’s unbelievable.

Xiao Yu’er mumbled, “Who did this? This person is absolutely a crazy genius!”

The two women were groaning, as if they have sensed someone has approached, and cried, “Help… help…”

Xiao Yu’er shouted, “Are you unable to move yourselves?”

That woman only cried out, “Please… save us!”

Xiao Yu’er asked, “Who did this to you? Where is he?”

That woman’s cries grew weaker, her mouth seemed to be saying something, but Xiao Yu’er can’t hear a single word clearly. The rock he is standing on is still twenty feet away.

With Xiao Yu’er’s Lightness Skill, twenty odd feet is nothing to him. All the men in the world, if they were to have his skills, and on seeing such a scene, will certainly leap over.

Who would have expected that Xiao Yu’er did not save them, nor did he leave.

He actually sat down on the rock, and stared… Such an action is really out of the ordinary and besides him, there is no other person in the world would be able to do such a thing.

The women on the rock, are naturally Madam Bai and Tie Ping Gu. Now, Madam Bai is stunned as well. Every scheme and every trap that she planned had always been strange, sudden and thorough, sometimes even unbelievable.

Every scheme that she planned would have a touch of cruel, sinful lure, that is so irresistible that one cannot help but fall into the trap.

This time, she knows that the other party is also a smart person, so naturally she put even more effort into the plan. She knows that no matter who it is, after being hung on the tree for so long, would certainly need to drink… and especially the smart ones, will find a place to drink, because a smart person, before he carries out any task, would first calm themselves.

As long as it’s a man, on seeing the evidence of a woman being raped flowing down the stream, will certainly come upstream to find out what had happened.

Therefore she waited here, showing off her still beautiful and alluring body. She is sure that no man in the world would not come over on seeing such a situation.

But she still could not put her mind at ease, she is still worried that time has weakened the lure of her body, so she pulled Tie Ping Gu in as well.

She knows that this name ‘Xiao Yu’er’ was spoken from Jiang Yu Lang’s lips, and naturally knows that Tie Ping Gu had once saved Xiao Yu’er.

Because when Jiang Yu Lang came to seek help from them, not only had she grilled Jiang Yu Lang on his background, she was not lax with the girl that Jiang Yu Lang brought with him as well.

To gain her trust, Jiang Yu Lang told her everything about Tie Ping Gu… naturally Jiang Yu Lang would not help another keep secrets.

Therefore she thinks that there is no reason that Xiao Yu’er would not come. Dripping water can pierce a hole through a rock, much less the force of the waterfall; This rock has been grounded round and smooth by the waterfall, and in the middle of the rock there is a hollow, but the surrounding area is so slippery that no one would be able to stand properly on top.

Madam Bai is lying in the hollow. Once Xiao Yu’er jumps on this rock to save her, she only have to push lightly and Xiao Yu’er would fall into the water.

And right now, Herbalist Hu is lying underwater, with a reed in his mouth, the other end above water so that he can breath. Once Xiao Yu’er falls into the water, it’ll be like a fish swimming into a net… when a person falls into water, he will naturally flail his limbs, and his weak points will be exposed. Herbalist Hu would be concentrating instead, so naturally he will be captured easily.

Under the rushing waterfall and above the slippery rock, this is an extremely dangerous position. Even if Xiao Yu’er is extremely skilled, once he comes over, there is no way that he will not fall down.

Madam Bai placed herself in such a dangerous position, it is really a devious plan, but never in her dreams did she expect that not only did Xiao Yu’er not come over, but he did not leave as well. He just sat far away and looked, as if he is watching a show.

Xiao yu’er was sitting there in a relaxed manner, and he actually took off his shoes and started washing his feet in the stream. The expression on his face is indescribably happy.

After another while, he actually started clapping and singing!

“Clear stream to wash feet, such happiness! Beauties to feast the eyes, such happiness! With such in life, what more can one ask for?”

Madam Bai was livid with anger on hearing it and can’t help but scold through gritted teeth, “This Xiao Yu is inhumane… could he have seen through my ploy?”

The later sentence, is naturally asking Tie Ping Gu, because the sound of the falling water is so loud that even if she raised her voice a little more, only Tie Ping Gu would be able to hear her.

Tie Ping Gu was originally full of shame and hatred, but now she can’t help but laugh secretly and deliberately replied, “He must have seen through it.”

Madam Bai replied with hatred, “This plan is seamless, how can he see through it?”

Tie Ping Gu replied, “Many have said that he is the smartest person in the world, it seems that they are not wrong.”

Her skills are below Madam Bai’s, and the rush of the waterfall has made it difficult to breath, but now she is feeling so happy that not only can she say everything in one breath, but her voice was not soft either.

Madam Bai asked coldly, “Are you trying to give him hints? But it’s best that you do not forget, your lover is still in my hands. If this is not successful, you will become an unwed widow.”

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