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Chapter 282

"Is that really possible?"

Surprised by the unexpected words, Yuder looked towards Micalin who slowly nodded in confirmation.

"If it were any other magic, it would have been difficult, but we created the amplification circle, so we can interpret the remaining information much faster. This is, of course, assuming that there are still remnants left... but if we simply confirm... We'd have to look into it more thoroughly to be sure, but I don't believe it's nonsense."

Throughout his explanation, Micalin took frequent short pauses, seemingly engrossed in rapid thought. Finally, with a determined expression, he turned his body.

"Pause the conversation!"

His voice rose towards the group of mages who had been diligently dividing their roles in a circle, causing the noise to lessen as all eyes shifted toward him. Holding up the tongue of the Pethuamet in his hand, Micalin briefly explained its identity and called out several mages by name.

"You all can probably guess why I called your names."

"Do you intend to find the remnants within it?"

"Yes, we can't afford to waste any time. We need to find out before the power of amplification absorbed by the monster becomes too immense."

The mages Micalin had called were deeply involved in the development of the amplification circle with him. Realizing his intention, their expressions hardened, shifting through a range of emotions.

"But, Leader. Even if we extract the information, we need a large amount of magic power and a controller to disable it. With our current shortage of personnel, how can we..."

"We don't need to worry about the magic power. Isn't it already here with us?"

At Micalin's heavy retort, the eyes of the mages widened. A profound shock coursed through them like lightning.

"Do you intend to use the Magic Spring?"


"But then, all the magic power we've amplified until now...!"

Micalin's sharp gaze fixed onto a mage who couldn't help but exclaim.

"Weren't you all just willing to risk your lives to help those who might die trying to put out a forest fire? Was that a lie?"


"We can always seize an opportunity if we're alive, but what can we truly gain after losing our honor and lives?"

The mages remained silent. From afar, the ominous sound of something exploding, accompanied by a low, mournful howl, echoed alongside the vibrations.

"The most pressing issue right now is to deal with the situation at hand. If we let others handle the issue caused by the amplification circle we created, even if we survive, the honor of our Western Mage Union will never be restored. Remember this."

After his final words, Micalin immediately moved to the upper floor with those he had called. The remaining mages split into two groups; one to guard the base, and the other to move with Yuder.

"Sir Yuder! My apologies. I would have liked to accompany you, but I'm not confident about navigating through the forest at night..."

"Don't worry. You don't need to be so concerned."

Chasing after Yuder who was ready to head out, Priest Lusan wore a face full of worry.

"Still, just in case, take this."

What he handed over, out of sight from the mages, was a small cloth pouch.

"It's filled with pills made from herbs that Mr. Enon gave me, and some of the Holy Water I brought. They're effective against venoms and wounds."

As he took the pouch from the other's hand, Yuder felt its significant weight. Silently, he slipped it into the pocket inside his coat and bowed his head in gratitude.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it. I'm sorry I couldn't give more... Please remember that your safety is paramount. You should be cautious, especially if the situation becomes dire. But remember, there are others with you."

Upon hearing Lusan's words, faces of his comrades, whom he hadn't considered in the light of an urgent situation, flashed through his mind. By the time the night passed and the dawn broke, it would be time for Kishiar to return as promised.

Were they, by now, on their way back after delivering Ejain to its destination?

Had they encountered enemies or monsters along the way?

Would Kishiar be alright?

"...Yes. I will be careful."

After mentally erasing the last expression he had seen on the other's face, Yuder quietly turned away. The mages, who had agreed to synchronize their movements with him, followed him with solemn expressions.

Yuder's goal was to sort out the situation before Kishiar returned. However, as always, things didn't necessarily go as desired.


Yuder left the protective magic circle that encased their base, heading toward the Magic Spring along the established route. Before long, a few tiny Pethuamets appeared, but he left them to the mages to take care of and continued moving without delay.

The roaring of monsters and booming noises that had been audible even inside the building now echoed continuously in his ears as he stepped outside. The sounds were terrifying; the surrounding Great Sarain Forest was trembling and the landscape was crumbling.

Although the mages faltered as if frightened, Yuder didn't hesitate. He urged them to quicken their pace while he listened to a brief description of the local landscape. The information he wanted was the location of the highest ground nearby.

"If we go further north from here, there's a high hill. Of course, the path up there is entangled with trees, making it not easy, but among the rocky terrains, it's the highest."

"It seems quite close to the Magic Spring."

"Yes. It's near. But it's the highest place we could lure it to right now. To find higher ground, we'd need to travel... about a day more."

That was undoubtedly too far. Acknowledging this, Yuder listened intently to the gloomy roars and explosive sounds of something being crushed and shattered that came from not too far away. It didn't seem too distant.

'I thought the creature would have come straight to the base, but it seems to have changed direction for some reason. It has gone further than expected.'

"When we last saw it, it was about the size of a small horse. It must have consumed all sorts of things on its way here, so who knows how big it's now..."

A mage, who had gone with Micalin and Lorna to examine the magic circle, murmured nervously. He had been speculating the entire time that the reason for Pethuamet's voracious appetite was its ability to absorb small amounts of magic power present in everything.

"There's no need to be anxious. If we encounter the monster, please act as I advised earlier."


Yuder intended to launch an attack the moment he encountered the Pethuamet. Like other monsters, the Pethuamet was not a creature capable of advanced thought. Creatures guided solely by their instincts would primarily pursue anything that attacked them or annoyed them.

Therefore, Yuder had asked the other mages not to attack Pethuamet. Even if it was a small Pethuamet that hadn't absorbed the magic circle or any other monsters, Yuder had to take care of it by himself.

Of course, a direct attack might not work with Yuder's power, but there were many geographical features of the forest that could serve as weapons alongside his sword. The larger the Pethuamet grew, due to the many obstacles, the more its movement would be restrained, which would be more advantageous for Yuder.

“That direction. I can still hear loud noises.”

Then, another mage who had gone a little ahead pointed in one direction.

“But it's... It sounds too noisy for a monster."

“Surely not. It must be a mistake. Who could be here at this hour…”

“But isn’t that fire…?”

Alongside a suspicious mumble of one of the mages, a sudden red light flashed from beyond the forest. At the same time, the monster's roar echoed loudly again. The earth vibrated, causing the entire forest to tremble, and the mages swallowed their groans, holding onto the trees.

“There was no mention of that monster being able to spew fire!”

‘No, that's not the power of Pethuamet...’

Yuder squinted at the light. A strange hunch had come upon him.

“Wha, where are you going!"

“I'll go ahead. Please, slowly follow while looking around."

“What did you say?"

Leaving the mages behind, Yuder began to run as if stepping on the wind. Every time he swung his hand, the trees bent their bodies laboriously to create a vacant space for him. His fingertips tingled, and soon his destination came into view.

Yuder swallowed his breath and stopped.

The first sight he saw was Pethuamet, which had grown to the size of a small house. Every time its massive tail cut through the air, all the nearby trees melted and shattered, creating a wide ruin that resembled a clearing.

And in front of it, several people were struggling to combat the monster.

“What the hell! How do we bring down such a goddamn monster!”

“Digon! Stop using that damn fire! If the forest burns completely because of you, what will happen to our village!"

“Didn’t you hear me? Lure it somewhere else, you dimwits! Stop sending it this way!"

The ones swearing at each other didn't seem to be professionally trained knights or mages. They varied in age and gender. But when Pethuamet spewed its body fluid to attack, they each demonstrated their abilities and retreated in an instant. A defensive wall made of fire and water flashed and radiated light.


He realized right away. They were Awakeners.

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