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Chapter 281

The task Yuder had entrusted to Lusan was far more critical than he had initially anticipated. The mages, though they had received help from Yuder, an Awakener, had failed to eradicate their inherent skepticism and vigilance. However, their attitudes in the presence of the priest were different. With Lusan, who had supported them without expecting anything in return, there was a high likelihood of learning new information they had not known before.

To receive healing from Lusan, Yuder removed his gloves. He had been exerting himself for several days, but his spots hadn't spread much, and their color was faint. However, the power that had been continuously manifesting strongly after presumably absorbing power from Kishiar had now stabilized to a level no different from usual, seeming to have run its course.

'Considering myself as a medium... It might be as if all the absorbed power inside me has been depleted.'

Would absorbing more of the power stored inside Kishiar return him to a state where his power manifested strongly as before? Or would there be other changes? As he pondered this and watched Lusan extend his hand for healing, Yuder suddenly turned his head at the sound of rough footsteps outside the door.

"Priest! Priest! Are you here?"

"Yes, I'm here. What's the matter?"

As Lusan responded, Yuder quickly put his gloves back on. The door opened, and a mage poked his head in, shouting urgently.

"The ones who went out to inspect the magic circle were attacked by a monster! They're in serious condition. Could you come and see them right away, please?"

The mage's hands were smeared with blood. Lusan's complexion changed.

"A monster attack. Has there been another anomaly?"

"No. It's just one monster. It was a tiny creature at first, but it kept growing and getting stronger with each attack. They said it wouldn't die no matter how much they attacked it with magic tools. Eventually, someone was wounded by a spike on its tail and ran back here. It seems like it was venomous..."

He didn't need to hear more. It was Pethuamet.

Just as in his previous life, the same event was happening.

"...Priest Lusan. I think you may need to forget the discussion we just had."

Yuder whispered softly so that only Lusan could hear, then turned away. In the looming darkness of the Great Sarain Forest, the branches swayed ominously.


"Urgh, arrgh..."

"Stay with me! Where's the antidote? What? That was the last one?"

"Have they found the Priest yet?"

"They found him! He's here!"

The only remaining intact building at the base was a pandemonium of injured people and mages who had gathered around them. Yuder followed the mage who was leading Lusan, scanning the surroundings. Micalin, the leader who was anxiously moving around the center, shouted loudly when he saw Lusan.

"Everyone, make way for Priest immediately."

As the mages stepped aside, a path was cleared for Lusan to approach the injured. Yuder, looking past them, was taken aback to see the face of a mage gasping for breath. Lorna, who had been having a normal conversation with him just a few hours ago, lay there with a face darkened by the venom.

"Her condition is serious. I'll try using my divine power for now, but we need to simultaneously proceed with extracting the venom from her blood."

"I'll help with that."

Yuder rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward. He was likely more competent at this task than the inexperienced mages. Seeing Yuder's face, Micalin's lips tightened, but he didn't say anything.

Yuder unsheathed a dagger someone had given him and cut across Lorna's arm where a wound from the tail of the Pethuamet remained. The dark blood that had been slowly seeping out began to rapidly pour, pooling on the floor. Fortunately, it hadn't been long since she was wounded, so after some time, the color of the blood became clearer. Upon confirming this, Lusan poured even more of his divine power and several mages completed a detoxification spell, giving strength. Gradually, Lorna's complexion began to regain its color.

Around that time, Yuder stood up and faced Micalin.

"Why is she injured? Didn't you already go into the forest during the day?"

"...After our conversation, I thought I needed to inspect the place myself."

Micalin mumbled, supporting his head. It was only then that Yuder noticed the blood, dirt, and wounds that marred his clothes and hands, unlike before.

"I took Lorna and a few other mages who had been continuously examining the place. While observing the control array, the monster you spoke of appeared. We attacked it with a magic tool and killed it. After hurriedly cleaning up its remains and preparing to complete the check, we realized... "

As the Pethuamet received attacks, it slowly inflated. Despite the mages' attempts to kill it, the monster unhesitatingly devoured the materials and magic power that formed the magic circle. When Lorna, remembering too late that Yuder had killed the monster by cutting its tongue, was injured as she stepped forward, and the arrival of other monsters attracted by the Pethuamet's cry was sensed, the mages had no choice but to retreat hastily.

Micalin’s eyes twisted with self-reproach as he recounted the events that had unfolded as Yuder had predicted.

"It seems that every time the monster absorbs magic or other power, it uses it for physical amplification. Ordinarily, the body should explode when it expands beyond a certain limit, but because of the power of protection circle superimposed on the amplification circle we created, that limit has probably been extended beyond comparison…"

Then, a gloomy howl and vibration were felt from a distance. As Micalin closed his mouth, everyone's gaze anxiously turned toward the outside of the building.

"It seems to be following us here soon… The priests and you stay inside and assess the situation. We will prepare to respond."

Even as Micalin spoke of response, he did not believe that the Western Mage Alliance, full of injured and unable to fully restore the defensive magic circle, could withstand the Pethuamet. Seeing this, the mages also wore dark expressions, as if accepting their fate.

Yuder, looking down at Micalin's battered hand, calmly asked,

"Before you last retreated, how large was the monster?"

"Why do you ask?"

"This place is full of magic circles and magic power that the monster can devour. It would be better to go out and lure it to the opposite side before it grows too big to handle."

"If it can be done, it would be better. But who are you suggesting should take such a dangerous task in the Great Sarain Forest after dark? He’d be lucky not to die before even luring it."

"I will do it."

In an instant, the surrounding mages collectively held their breath.

"...Did you, not hear what I just said?"

Micalin clutched his throbbing head as he questioned,

“No matter how powerful an Awakener you may be, or even though you predicted a situation where such a monster might appear, you are not invincible. I have my own pride and dignity. It’s our responsibility, not yours!”

“But staying here passively won’t guarantee safety either.”

His words were chilly but held truth. Micalin could not deny it.

“If we try to confront a monster that only grows bigger when attacked, while leaving a place full of the wounded behind, it’s even more dangerous. The patients can’t even run away on their own.”

Yuder glanced around. The mages seemed perplexed by his words.

“I don’t think I can defeat it all on my own. Therefore, I need your help.”

“...You really think you can defeat that thing outside?”

One of the more familiar mages stammered in a trembling voice.

“How in the world…”

“We have to deal with it while it’s still small, so we can’t afford to waste time. I will go out immediately and find that monster. While I draw its attention and make it chase me, you should clean up the other monsters that swallowed the amplification circle and find the highest point in this area.”

“Is that all?”

“That’s all.”

“…Why are you going so far?”

Micalin asked, her wrinkled eyes filled with an indiscernible emotion, amidst the mages who looked utterly bewildered.

“Are you not angry with us? Even if you said you’d go out with the priest alone, we wouldn’t have been able to say anything. Why take on the most dangerous task…”

“If you find a spark that could turn into a wildfire, it’s best to extinguish it while it’s still small.”

A calm voice devoid of much emotion flowed out.

“And I'm just a person who's a bit better at putting out fires than you. I wasn’t particularly angry with anyone.”

Of course, he was a little disappointed, but that was it. It was okay because the current Pethuamet didn’t cause the same massive damage as in his previous life. Although he was weak when dealing with monsters, he was confident enough to confront Pethuamet at his current size, thanks to his experience from his previous life.

“So, is there anyone willing to help?”

At Yuder's question, the mages looked at each other. After a moment, volunteers began raising their hands and voicing out, “I’ll do it.”

During the short time that the volunteers were deciding their roles, Yuder took a black lump from his pocket and handed it to Micalin, who still had a complex expression on his face.

“What is this?”

“It’s the tongue that I cut from the monster I mentioned earlier.”

Micalin nearly dropped the black lump in surprise but managed to catch it.

“A tongue, you say?”

“The tongue that had swallowed a magic stone and emitted light before going out. I don’t know much about it, but as a great mage, I thought you might be able to find something out, so I brought it.”

At Yuder’s words, Micalin sharply scrutinized the black lump. After a while, he let out an audible sigh.

“…If traces of it are still in here, we might be able to deactivate the amplification circle that the monster outside has absorbed.”

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