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Chapter 150

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

He screamed in a kind of agony he had never experienced in his life, but no sound came out. His stomach, throat, and head all felt as if they were being consumed by fire. His vision was shrouded in darkness. No sounds reached him. He scratched at the ground and writhed, but the horrific pain did not subside in the slightest.


His desperately outstretched hand grabbed onto someone's hem. However, before he could finish his plea for help, that person harshly pulled away.

How dare they! Even in his agony, Lenore felt a sense of disgrace and shame, his hand grasping at the air.

'Someone, is there no one? Call my servant. No. Call the priest, the priest. Anyone will do, quickly save me...!'

Unfortunately, his thoughts never came to completion. He let out his dying breath, as black blood gushed from his eyes, nose, and mouth.


A sharp scream echoed throughout the entire second floor of Deluma Palace, which had been peaceful. Numerous gazes were drawn to one spot.

"What on earth is happening?"

"Lord Lenore of the Apeto family has collapsed! It's the second son of the Apeto!"

"Oh dear God, is he dead?"

A few delicate nobles fainted at the sight of the black blood spreading across the beautifully tiled floor and were carried out to the lounge. Those who did not want to be involved in the incident hurriedly exited the scene. Among them were many young and noble aristocrats who represented the name of their family.

Nevertheless, many people, unable to curb their curiosity, gathered around Lenore's corpse. The servants struggled to push the people back, but to no avail.

Just then, a man pushed his way through the crowd. It was Duke Kishiar of Peletta.

"What is happening?"

Only when he appeared did the crowd finally calm down and make way.

"Your Highness, Lord Lenore Apeto collapsed, vomited blood, and has passed away."

One of the three servants who had been closely examining the situation bowed and informed Kishiar. With an impassive face, Kishiar approached and briefly looked at Lenore, who lay sprawled out and bloodied. He stopped in front of a partially shattered wine glass that lay amidst the carnage. His gaze slowly fell upon the liquid that had spilled from the glass.

"Is it poison?"

"We don't know. But it is certain that he collapsed right after taking a sip."

"Lenore Apeto shouldn't have been able to attend here today. What happened?"

"We are still confirming that, but it appears that the Lord came from the Duke's house alone."

If he came alone, the chances were high that he had defied the Apeto Duke's orders. It was an unusual occurrence.

"Very well. Then, who gave him this glass?"

"That person is here."

As soon as Lenore had collapsed, a bewildered servant was apprehended by other servants and brought to Kishiar, forced to kneel. His expression was filled with undeniable confusion and fear.

"Your, Your Highness. I didn't do anything. Really."

"Explain what happened first. Why did the son of Apeto suddenly drink your wine and die?"

"I was merely following orders to deliver the glasses of alcohol. On my way, that person almost ran into me and I expressed concern that he might have been hurt... but he dismissed the need for help, took a glass of alcohol, and drank it. And then this happened..."

The server cast a terrified glance toward Lenore's body and bowed his head.

"I had no idea who this person was. I swear, I did not."


Listening to the server's words, Kishiar's expression remained unchanged and unreadable. He looked back and forth between Lenore and the server with eyes lost in thought. After a moment, he finally spoke.

"So, where are the other glasses you were supposed to deliver?"

The other glasses the server was carrying were placed on a nearby table. Kishiar had them brought to him, then personally took a spoon to stir one of the drinks. The silver spoon, engraved with a common charm for detecting several types of poison, turned black in an instant, causing terrified gasps to ripple through those nearby.

"Really, it's poison!"

"An assassin?"

Amidst the clamor, Kishiar turned to the ashen-faced server.

"Tell me, who gave you that glass, and where were you taking it?"

"I've been thinking since it happened. But I've been serving so many trays that I can't recall who gave it to me... And where I was supposed to deliver that glass..."

The server dropped to his knees, unable to utter the words himself. Kishiar waited patiently until he managed to respond in a barely audible voice.

"It... it was for the Crown Prince's table."

God, the Crown Prince. Who could have... The murmur of anxiety swelled when a voice from the entrance called out.

"The Empress and the Crown Prince have arrived."

Upon seeing the two individuals who had arrived at such a delicate moment, some in the crowd expressed disappointment or relief that Emperor Keilusa had yet again failed to attend this year. However, most eyes were instinctively drawn toward Crown Prince Katchian.

The young Crown Prince, who would have received the poisoned glass had he arrived just a bit sooner, looked as calm as usual. Upon entering, the Empress received an account of the incident from the server, her face turning deathly pale but managing not to faint. She waved off everyone trying to greet her and immediately addressed Kishiar.

"Is it true what I've heard? An assassination attempt?"

"So far, all we know is that someone used the server to cleverly attempt to place three poisoned glasses on His Highness the Crown Prince's table."

"So you're saying we still don't know who that person is, Duke Peletta?"

As soon as Kishiar finished, it was the Crown Prince who threw back the pointed question. Before anyone could stop him, he walked straight over to Kishiar and looked around. His gaze settled on Lenore's body. For a moment, a cruel smile flickered in his eyes, but it disappeared as quickly as it appeared, unnoticed by anyone.

"...So it seems. They cannot recall."

"Then I suppose we ought to jog their memory, but wouldn't our priority here be to first have the knights detain the server and promptly rescue that poor man’s body, returning it to his family? A man has died, can we just let him lay there as if he's some spectacle? I believe we won't be late even if we pursue the culprit after managing the immediate situation."

Despite knowing that there was a high probability that it was an assassination attempt targeting him, the young Crown Prince remained calm. His sage response, despite his tender years, heightened the tension in the room.

"I had some doubts because he is an adoptive child who doesn't properly continue the imperial lineage... But, he is truly impressive. Such composure at that age."

"He's indeed different from those without any substance."

The audacious foreign envoy, who mumbled a blunt metaphor, became startled by the cold stares of the Cavalry members surrounding him from all sides and hastily closed his mouth, disappearing. However, no matter how many Cavalry members were present, the atmosphere had long since shifted.

Many people felt embarrassed, unable to understand why they were so overwhelmed by simply looking at Kishiar's outward appearance as if they'd woken up from a dream. Kishiar, despite his strikingly beautiful appearance akin to a divine apparition, was a shabby noble of low rank. It was inexplicable why they momentarily forgot that fact.

Crown Prince Katchian, straightening his shoulders, stepped forward and ordered his servants to take care of Lenore's body and to detain the arrested servant. As the Crown Prince's accompanying servants began to act efficiently to follow the orders, the confusion among the people gradually subsided. Taking this opportunity, the empress, having regained her composure, issued orders in place of the emperor as the ruler of the empire present.

"Given the unfortunate events that have transpired, it seems difficult to continue with today's schedule here. The award ceremony will be held again at a later date. Everyone may return for now. If attendees wish, they may rest a bit longer on the first floor..."

"This can't be... Is everything abruptly ending like this?"

"What should we do? Should we go down to the first floor?"

"Shouldn't we?"

Yuder, who had been observing the situation from a bit of a distance, involuntarily turned his head at the voice of a Cavalry member nearby. The Calvary members who were quite cheerful when they arrived here now wore dark expressions.

He glanced at the Cavalry members' faces, then turned his body, moving against the crowd that began to slowly head toward the first floor. At the end, he saw Kishiar standing alone, watching the servants carrying away the hastily managed body of Lenore. Despite being adorned with sparkling jewels and beautiful formal attire, his figure seemed unbearably lonely.


"Hmm? You haven't gone down to the first floor and came here instead?"

Kishiar's voice, standing alone like a large tree, was bright and cheerful enough to erase all of the sentimental feelings Yuder had just experienced. Yuder felt a sinking feeling as he looked at his smiling face.

"Instead, why are you, Commander, still here without going down? Are you okay?"

"Of course, I'm okay. I'm neither hurt nor dead."

"Then why..."

"It just feels strange, that's all."

Kishiar lowered his voice, mumbling with a smile.

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