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Chapter 149

A moment later, the carriage halted. The front of Deluma Palace, the largest building inside the city's second wall, was a constant flow of arriving and departing carriages, almost forming a mountain. The special award ceremony party, held to appreciate all those who had worked throughout the year, always had a participation of at least 500 people. But this year, the entire Cavalry was invited, making the crowd even more overwhelming.

Lenore, intending to stay inconspicuous, donned a traditional formal attire, keeping his head low as he swiftly entered the palace. With so many people around, no one paid much attention to those brushing past them. He was relieved.

As he approached one of the ten servants frantically checking the attendees, gave his name, and presented his identification badge, the man stiffened, lifted his head, and stared at Lenore. After a pause, he handed back the badge and politely gestured towards the interior with a bow.

"Please, enter."

The party at Deluma Palace had areas restricted to entry based on the attendee's status and importance. Those of relatively lower status stayed on the first floor, but the 'truly' important individuals were granted the right to directly enter the second floor. The powerful nobles, renowned knights, mages, and the envoys from foreign countries visiting the empire to celebrate this harvest festival were the protagonists here.

Lenore headed straight for the second floor. There were many people, but the few chairs placed at the most visible part of the vast hall were all empty. These were reserved for the Emperor, the Empress, the Crown Prince, and the Duke of Peletta, among other imperial family members.

However, the Emperor had been absent from these parties for a few years now, citing poor health and delegating his duties to the Empress, so those in attendance naturally assumed the same for this year.

'It seems the Crown Prince has not arrived yet.'

He covertly scanned the attendees. Despite the significant incident at Apeto House, the second floor of Deluma Hall was calm as if nothing had happened. With the Cavalry yet to arrive, the largest crowd had gathered around the most famous foreign dignitary, the second prince of the Kingdom of Nellarn.

Lenore felt a strange anger and bitterness as he watched the chattering attendees exchange elegant smiles. Clenching his fists did not make these feelings disappear.

"No way, it really is Young Master Lenore."

Then, someone recognized Lenore and started a conversation. Startled, Lenore turned to find a few young nobles with familiar faces, and his brow furrowed. Only then did the gazes from all around concentrate on him.

"How did you come? I heard that Apeto House is not attending this time. Has the Duke changed his mind?"

"Well, you could say that."

Despite lying as easily as eating, his mouth went dry, perhaps due to the imminent moment that would change the direction of his life.

"I knew it. I believed that Apeto wouldn't even flinch at a trial that Duke Peletta is preparing. Now that you've arrived, I can proudly say that I was right."

Lenore's heart pounded at the words of the grinning noble.

Before receiving the letter from the Crown Prince, he had thought the same. He believed that no matter how much the Cavalry tried to shake Apeto, it would be useless. That all blame lay with the insane Beltrail, and once his father calmed his anger, he could be freed.

However, Crown Prince Katchian had poured cold water on his hopes and informed him of the harsh reality. If Aishes had deliberately passed information related to Lenore's transgression to the Cavalry, he, who was out of favor and had lost his relatives, would be unable to respond.

Ignoring the chatter and interest-filled gazes of the nobles, Lenore felt that his decision to accept the meeting with Crown Prince Katchian was indeed the best choice.

"Yes. For the future, I'll have to endure situations like this."

"Why are you all swarming and blocking the entrance so distastefully? Please step aside."

Then, someone who had just entered directed a sharp complaint at the nobles surrounding Lenore. They turned their heads in anger at the direct insult to their dignity, but upon seeing his face, they quickly dispersed. Lenore, watching the person coming through the dispersing crowd, quickly understood why they had scattered.

"Kiolle da Diarca."

Not many people liked him, notorious for his recklessness. However, the family name behind Kiolle was not one to be disregarded.

Lenore braced himself, wondering what Kiolle might say to him, but to his surprise, Kiolle only glanced at him once and walked past. It was as if he hadn't even noticed Lenore.

"That arrogant kid."

Lenore ground his teeth, glaring at Kiolle.

"He ignores me like that because he knows why I'm here today. Sure, today he may feel as if the Duke of Diarca's influence is his, but it won't be like that in the future."

"The Cavalry has all arrived, they say. They'll be coming up soon."

"Let's see how high and mighty the Duke of Peletta appears."

A short while later, the area became noisy again. Turning his head, Lenore blinked in surprise as he felt an unfamiliar wind blow from the large golden entrance door.

The previously languid air inside the hall changed in an instant with the wind. As if by agreement, everyone turned their eyes in the same direction. The tall man who entered, surrounded by a cold wind that captivated everyone, had such handsome features that one wouldn't forget them after seeing them just once.

"It's the Duke of Peletta."

"Duke Kishiar La Orr of Peletta."

At the appearance of Duke Kishiar La Orr of Peletta, the people stirred like a wave. Some felt as though the chandelier light, unnoticed until a moment ago, was shining solely on him. Whether seeing Kisiar in this setting for the first time, or not, there was no doubt that they were overwhelmed by him for that brief moment.

But what surprised the people didn't stop there. As those following Kisiar in a four-row line entered in turn, the atmosphere of the hall changed once more.

"So, they are the Cavalry. They seem powerful."

"I heard most of them are commoners, but they don't seem any different from any traditional knight orders!"

Some murmured in admiration at the dignity and decorum of the Cavalry.

"Is it thanks to them that there were no major accidents throughout the festival?"

"When we go back to our country, I suggest we gather people like them and entrust them with some work."

Some were recounting tales of the knightly Cavalry members that had made a name for themselves throughout the festival and the future that was to be reshaped by their actions. The sight of every person gathered as if their existence was for the sake of the Cavalry and the Duke of Peletta left Lenore feeling dizzy.

'Why isn't anyone talking about what they've done to me, to Apeto?'

Lenore couldn't shake the nearly terrifying image of Kishiar playing loosely with his words while hiding Revlin behind him, taking on both the Duke of Apeto and Lenore himself. Just the sight of Duke Peletta, resplendent in his formal attire, giggling with inexplicable joy made him nauseous. It wasn't a metaphor, he truly felt ill.

'Damn it. Why hasn't the Crown Prince of Katchian arrived yet? Does he remember our promise?'

As he saw the Cavalry members, clad in white formal attire, dispersing throughout the party hall, Lenore slowly began to step back. Among them, there were definitely members who had come to the house of Apeto with Kishiar and seen his face, and he didn't want to bump into them.

Rubbing his face nervously, he headed towards a corner of the hall. With his heart pounding uncomfortably fast, he thought it might be better to step into the rest area for a while.

As Lenore, catching his breath from the brisk walk, bumped into someone again.


If it had been a guest he knew, he would have apologized, but the person was a noblewoman he was meeting for the first time. He tried to ignore her and continue walking, but another person who helped the stumbling woman, who was about to fall after he stepped on her hem, grabbed his hand, preventing him from doing so.

"Excuse me, shouldn't you apologize first?"

When Lenore turned his gaze, he was choked to realize that the rude and arrogant man was a member of the Cavalry he remembered.

'This guy is definitely...'

With hair and eyes that seemed to hold a sinister darkness, and a spooky face devoid of any humane emotions, there was no doubt.

'Isn't he the one who dragged the unconscious Beltrail like a sack and dumped him in front of us that day!'

"Let, let go."

Lenore, momentarily paralyzed in his senses, shook his arm furiously, forgetting even his dignity, to shake off the man's hand. He then turned and started to walk briskly in the opposite direction, only to halt as he was about to bump into someone else. This time, his would-be collision was with a waiter carrying several golden goblets on a tray. Feeling that he had finally found someone he could rightfully be angry with, Lenore raised his voice, all the pent-up anger pouring out.

"You idiot. Where are your eyes?"

"I apologize. If you're feeling unwell, please let me know. Immediate measures will be..."

"For... forget it!"

As he opened his mouth to speak, his throat was parched and his voice cracked. Lenore, realizing the intense thirst within him, reached out roughly for a goblet the waiter was carrying while panting for breath.

"Give me a drink."

"Please wait a moment. That drink is..."

"Shut up. Can't you just get another drink!"

Before the waiter could object, he gulped down the drink hastily, feeling the burning sensation as it traveled down his throat. Lenore, patting his momentarily refreshed throat, sighed quietly.


However, the relief was short-lived. The next moment, he experienced a pain so great in his stomach that it couldn't be compared to before, shooting straight up to his throat.


Swallowing his breath at the same time as the goblet fell and shattered on the floor, Lenore fell to the ground, clutching his throat.

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