803 Goodbye

An Xiaoou had already transformed into one of the merpeople. The distance between her and An Lie and An Cheng was getting further and further apart. They would meet less and less in the future, but it was better for them to know that the other party was alive and well.

Niu Yan nodded. “Alright, I’ll remember it. I’ll replicate the portrait and pass on the message. If our Escort Agency finds out about these two people, we’ll tell them.”

Su Xiaolu also paid quickly.

Su Xiaolu walked out and saw Bai Xu wiping her whip. Su Xiaolu walked over.

Sensing Su Xiaolu walking over, Bai Xu was nervous for a moment, but she quickly smiled. Su Xiaolu would not do anything to her. Why was she nervous?

“Miss Bai, it’s rare to meet you. Can you come and have a meal with me?”

Su Xiaolu invited Bai Xu.

Bai Xu looked at Su Xiaolu and nodded. “Then let’s go. I’m free now.”

Bai Xu did not expect Su Xiaolu to treat her to a meal. She thought that she and Su Xiaolu would not meet again.

One could only say that fate was strange and unpredictable. The past had passed since that day. If Su Xiaolu was willing to be friends with her, she was also willing to be friends with her.

Su Xiaolu smiled and the two of them walked out.

After leaving the Humen Escort Agency, Su Xiaolu said, “Miss Bai, you’re more familiar with this area. Choose a place.”

Bai Xu did not stand on ceremony and generously chose a restaurant to order.

“Why aren’t you home this year?”

Bai Xu asked Su Xiaolu. She had asked a lot about Su Xiaolu from Hu Changshou in the past. She was very envious of Su Xiaolu for having so many relatives and friends. Naturally, she knew that Su Xiaolu would go home at the end of the year to celebrate the new year every year.

This year, Su Xiaolu did not go home for the new year. Bai Xu was very curious about why.

Su Xiaolu smiled and said, “I want to train myself for three years. I won’t go back for the new year for the next three years. I’m in Suzhou this year, but I don’t know where I’ll be next year.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Su Xiaolu smiled and looked at Bai Xu. “Miss Bai, what about you? Why are you settled here?”

Bai Xu also smiled and replied, “I live all over the world. I think the Humen Escort Agency is not bad, so I stayed. If I want to go somewhere else in the future, I’ll leave.”

Bai Xu asked again, “Miss Su, do you miss home?”

Su Xiaolu nodded. Why wouldn’t she?

Her parents must miss her too. Her eldest brother’s Su Shiyu and her third sister’s children, Zhou Wei and Zhou Xuan, could now call people’s names clearly.

That was her family. How could she not miss them?

“I really envy you.”

Bai Xu looked envious. She had been abandoned by Grandma and had experienced a lot. Hu Changshou had also told her that her Grandma was definitely not her biological Grandma. She must have been stolen by Grandma.

However, there was also a possibility that her biological mother and father had also abandoned her and Grandma had only picked her up.

Either way, she was not fated to have a family. She would never see that warm scene of her family together.

“Miss Bai, perhaps your parents miss you too. That Grandma of yours is very abnormal. She has an inexplicable hatred for you. Can you feel it?”

Su Xiaolu thought of Madam Bai Liu and said seriously to Bai Xu.

Bai Xu smiled. “Maybe. The world is so big. Even if they really miss me, where can I find them?”

“If there’s still fate, you’ll definitely meet again.”

Bai Xu sighed. Didn’t she and Su Xiaolu meet again?

But what if they were no longer in this world? With Grandma’s personality, if she really had a grudge against her, her family would definitely be wiped out before she took her away.

There were some things that were not necessarily good to know, but when it happened, it must be time.

When the food and wine were served, Bai Xu poured a glass of wine for Su Xiaolu.

The two of them clinked glasses. Everything was unspoken.

After eating, the two of them left the restaurant. Just as they were about to part, Bai Xu cupped her hands at Su Xiaolu. “Miss Su, we’ll meet again if fate allows.”

Su Xiaolu returned the greeting. “Miss Bai, we’ll meet again if fate allows.”

Su Xiaolu thought of something. She smiled and asked, “By the way, you were the one who did that to my cousin last year, right?”

Bai Xu was stunned for a moment before replying firmly, “It’s me. If you want to hold me accountable, then go ahead. However, if you want me to admit my mistake, that’s impossible. If it happens again, I’ll still do it.”

Relying on her special ability, Bai Xu did not regret hitting Sun Baoshan at all. If she did it again, she would still hit Sun Baoshan.

Su Xiaolu laughed out loud. She smiled and said, “No, no, no. I want to say that you fought really well. I have the same intention. Thank you.”

Su Xiaolu waved at Bai Xu. “Miss Bai, goodbye. The next time we meet, you’ll treat me to a meal.”

Bai Xu was still stunned when Su Xiaolu turned around and walked into the crowd.

Bai Xu looked at Su Xiaolu’s back until she could no longer be seen. The corners of her mouth slowly curled up. She turned around and returned to the Escort Agency. She was in a good mood.

As soon as they entered the Escort Agency, someone asked with a smile, “Miss Bai, did something good happen? You’re in such a good mood.”

Bai Xu smiled and said, “Of course I’m happy after eating and drinking with my good friend.”

The next time they met, if they could meet again, she would definitely treat her back. She already had many friends now, but the most special ones in her heart were her two friends, Hu Changshou and Su Xiaolu.


On the third day of the new year, Su Xiaolu bade farewell to the abbot and the others. She was preparing to leave Suzhou City.

In the new year, she prepared to go to Mobei.

There was a foreign land over there, she would go there and take a look.

The Interface Stones in the Space were enough for Mantis Shrimp to eat for a year. On the way there, if she encountered another Interface Stone, she would continue to store them.

On the way to Mobei, Su Xiaolu changed into light clothes again and tied her hair up. She was a handsome young master again.


The reason was that her breasts were not too big.

Her guess was right. Many people turned into demons and killed people under all kinds of stimulation. After discovering their identities and finding the weaknesses of demons when they were human, they could deal with demons.

Special forces had been established in all states to specialize in investigating demon cases. All the commoners were united. Once there was a case, they would do their best to help investigate it.

On the way, if Su Xiaolu encountered them, she would definitely help.

As the journey became more and more desolate, there were fewer and fewer people.

There were more poisonous insects. Su Xiaolu had no choice but to crush the insect repellent medicine and apply it to her body to repel the insects.

After traveling for five days, they finally saw a small town called Canger Town.

After sleeping in the open for half a month and seeing the town, Su Xiaolu also wanted to enter the town to eat her fill, so she rode her horse into town.

“Young Master, where are you from? Are you from Raozhou? Why are you alone? Didn’t the government office send troops?”

As soon as Su Xiaolu arrived at the entrance of the town, the guard welcomed her and asked.


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