802 The Sixteenth Year


The head fell.

The demon who had killed several women was finally dead.

Sun Xiaoyong’s head rolled a few times on the ground. Under everyone’s gaze, his fox face began to change and slowly returned to its human form.

Everyone was shocked and did not know what to say.

Madam Li spat coldly at that familiar face.

Madam Li spat on Sun Xiaoyong’s head. Everyone fell silent for a few seconds before applauding Madam Li again, praising her for spitting well.

Jiang Zhengjun immediately instructed his subordinates to prepare diesel to burn Sun Xiaoyong’s corpse in public.

The firewood was set up, and oil was poured on it. As soon as it was lit, the raging fire started.

Many commoners still had uncertainties in their hearts. They felt that Sun Xiaoyong’s corpse might change. Even if he lost his head, he might still stand up and leave. However, in the end, nothing happened even when the flames gradually extinguished.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief. They really didn’t feel afraid anymore.

Demons were not as powerful as they imagined.

In the teahouse, Zhang Xuerou and Zhang Xueyu cried out. The tense string in their hearts finally relaxed.

Madam Zhang held back her tears and gently hugged her two daughters and patted them. She said gently, “Cry, cry. There’s nothing to be afraid of if you cry. Demons are just so-so.”

Zhang Xuerou and Zhang Xueyu cried out loud.

Minister Zhang sighed in relief. His decision was right. It was a mental illness. He didn’t have to worry about his two daughters in the future.

The crowd gradually dispersed.

Jiang Zhengjun instructed his subordinates to do the final cleaning.

Madam Li watched quietly.

Su Xiaolu stood beside Madam Li and asked, “Auntie Li, do you feel any changes in your body?”

Madam Li did not know why Su Xiaolu asked this. She shook her head. “I don’t feel anything. Will I become a demon like him if I touch his blood?”

Madam Li had no idea that her body had changed before.

But she was a little nervous now. She didn’t want to become a monster.

Su Xiaolu smiled and shook her head. “Of course not. Only people who want to escape and not be human can become demons. Auntie Li, don’t you want to be human anymore?”

Madam Li quickly shook her head. “No, no. Although it’s hard to be human, I still want to be human.”

She only had the thought of not being human when she was angry with Sun Xiaoyong previously, but it was only at that moment.

Madam Li bowed to Su Xiaolu and said gently, “Miss Su, thank you.”

She only said a few words, and Su Xiaolu gave her a hundred taels. She knew that Su Xiaolu did not lack money, but these hundred taels were like a saving grace to her.

Without Sun Xiaoyong, it would be very difficult for her to take care of her daughter in the future. However, with this money, she and her daughter could live very well.

She had protected her daughter from being violated. Her daughter would definitely have a good life in the future.

Su Xiaolu shook her head.

Madam Li smiled and turned to leave.

Jiang Zhengjun looked at Madam Li’s back. He walked to Su Xiaolu’s side and asked curiously, “Miss Su, how did you know that she won’t become a demon? After all, she reached into the cage previously.”

Under normal circumstances, a person’s hand could not enter.

Su Xiaolu looked at the puzzled Jiang Zhengjun and smiled. “Lord Jiang, she doesn’t want to be a demon. Of course, she won’t become a demon.”

Jiang Zhengjun frowned slightly. “Can humans become demons just because they want to?”

If that was the case, it was really too scary.

Su Xiaolu shook her head. “No. If it’s that simple, then everyone would become demons when they encounter setbacks. Wouldn’t demons be running rampant then? Over time, there won’t be anyone left in this world.”

Jiang Zhengjun sighed. “That makes sense. I just don’t know under what conditions can humans become fiendish demons. Although I can’t figure it out, I hope humans will never figure it out.”

Demons were born demons. How could they turn from humans into demons?

Sun Xiaoyong had killed a few people. Although there was a way to deal with such demons, it took time to investigate and crack cases. With so many demons, humans could not survive.

Su Xiaolu smiled. “Yes.”

She agreed with Jiang Zhengjun.

After the matter was over, Su Xiaolu prepared to return to the temple.

Sun Xiaoyong’s case calmed down and was gradually forgotten by people. The days resumed to normal.

It was late December.

The incense offerings in Hongyue Monastery were even brighter. There were all kinds of people praying.

Su Xiaolu’s schedule was the same. Every day, she would listen to the abbot chant scriptures with everyone.

There were many fruit trees behind Hongyue Monastery. The monks would even chant sutras in the orchard. They were all people who had severed ties with the mortal world. Their lives were very simple.

During her time in Hongyue Temple, Su Xiaolu also felt that her heart had settled down.

New Year’s Eve.

Su Xiaolu ate with the abbot and was very surprised to see fish and roasted chicken on the table. “Isn’t that bad?”

The old abbot smiled kindly and shook his head with a smile. “It’s fine. Buddha is magnanimous and all-encompassing. Besides, Miss Su is fated with Buddha.”

Since the old abbot had said so, Su Xiaolu did not stand on ceremony.


She liked both fish and chickens.

The old abbot ate the tofu radish happily. This comfortable interaction made Su Xiaolu feel at ease. She did not pretend and ate.

After dinner, the old abbot began to recite the sutra. The disciples went to listen.

Su Xiaolu flew to the eaves and sat down. She released Mantis Shrimp and looked at the bustling Suzhou City at the foot of the mountain.

The sound of firecrackers should be prosperous.

After the new year, Su Xiaolu prepared to set off.

However, before she set off, she entered Suzhou and arrived at the Humen Escort Agency.

“Why are you here? What’s the matter?”

When Bai Xu saw Su Xiaolu, she welcomed her.

Su Xiaolu smiled at Bai Xu and said, “Miss Bai, I want to ask your Escort Agency to do something.”

“As long as Miss Su gives me the money, anything is fine.”


Bai Xu also smiled. Seeing that Su Xiaolu was not looking for her, she did not say anything else. She turned around and called out to the manager, Niu Yan, “Uncle Niu, business is here.”

Niu Yan came out happily and welcomed Su Xiaolu into the main room.

Su Xiaolu said directly, “Manager Niu, I want to ask you to help me find some people. You’ve gone to many places with the escorts. I’ll give you a hundred taels. Please help me investigate these two people when you travel.”

Su Xiaolu told him about An Lie and An Cheng and even showed Niu Yan An Lie’s portrait.

Niu Yan agreed. “No problem. If we find them, do you have a message to send?”

Su Xiaolu nodded. “If you find them, please help me pass a message. Tell them that An Xiaoou is not dead. She’s in the capital. They will be able to see An Xiaoou if they look for Su Hua for help.”

An Xiaoou’s current identity was special. She had not heard about the merpeople from the two places she had gone, which meant that it was still a secret. However, the important ministers in the imperial court definitely knew a little. If An Lie and An Cheng knew the news, they could send a letter to her second brother if they wanted to see An Xiaoou. Then, they could meet.

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