Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 70: Peace with Birds

Chapter 70: Peace with Birds

The next day after the dinner party, Buggy talks with Nhiba.

"Do you want me to help you?" asks Buggy.

"What help?" asks Nhiba back.

"I know you have a problem with those giant birds and I can help you to solve it. Believe it or not, I can communicate with animals. I can't talk their language, but I can understand what they mean. So maybe I can help you to talk with them," says Buggy.

(a.n: The giant birds actually make a nest on the giant tree a year before Chopper gets sent there. But for the story's sake, I make them have nested there now.)

"What?! But those birds are strong and dangerous. You can get yourself killed you know," says Nhiba with a worried tone.

"Don't worry, I can protect myself from them," says Buggy.

Nhiba thinks about it for a moment before approving Buggy's proposal. Nhiba just asks Buggy to be careful and return if it gets dangerous. Buggy agrees and he goes to the giant tree.

Buggy's crewmates want to join, but he forbid them and orders them to protect the village if something goes wrong. They agree and Buggy goes to the giant tree alone.

Buggy climbs the tree easily, it's not as hard as when he climbs the mountains. He arrives in the first nest and the giant bird notices him. It screams at Buggy and its cries sound like 'Goa', but Buggy just stays there calmly until it stopped.

"You're done? If you're done, then let's ta-" Buggy's words are cut off by the bird's cry.

The other giant birds hear the cries and they come to the nest. They surround Buggy and scream at him together. It pissed Buggy off because they don't let him say anything.

"SHUT UP!" yells Buggy with a loud pissed voice.

The birds suddenly shiver and shut their beaks. They all come down and perch on the nest while shivering. Buggy's scream has made them scared. They feel strong intimidation come from Buggy just now.

Buggy doesn't realize this and just nods at the birds' cooperation. He is a little confused though, but he let it be and just thinks that the birds are willing to talk. They're quite intelligent, after all.

"Good, now we will talk because you want to listen," says Buggy while taking a seat on the floor.

The birds are still wary, but they get more relaxed when Buggy sits. Buggy then tells them about the natives' situation with the birds and what the natives need.

The natives need to take plants that grow on the giant tree. But the birds keep disturbing them from going up the trees.

"They won't disturb you or your nests at all. They just want to take some plants that grow on this tree. So why don't you just let them do it?" asks Buggy to the birds.

The birds look at each other and then one bird that seems to be the leader cries to Buggy, "Goa... Goa..."

"Taking your treasures? They don't care about that, they just need the plants to make medicines. If there's someone who wants to take your treasures, it will be an outsider like me. That's why you need to live together with them and cooperate. You'll never know when bad people will come to really take your treasures," says Buggy.

"Goa Goa?" cries the bird leader.

"What the heck?! Now you accuse me of wanting your treasures? I don't need some birds' treasures. I know they're not shiny golds or gems, they're your eggs, right? I don't need your eggs, they'll just make my ship full," says Buggy with an annoyed tone because the birds accuse him.

The birds scratch their heads with their wings and seem to laugh guiltily. Finally, they agree to let the natives take the medicinal plants as long as they don't touch the nests.

"Good, now let's go to the village and talk to them," says Buggy.

The birds nod and then Buggy jump on the bird leader's back. The leader and some male birds then fly to the village with Buggy on the leader's back.

'It's easier than I thought. Hmm, it seems my charisma is very high and makes them agree easily,' thinks Buggy narcissistly.

They arrive in the village and the villagers get wary. They raised their weapons and make the birds panic too.

"STOP! PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPONS! IT'S OKAY," yells Buggy from the bird leader's back.

Buggy's crewmates tell the natives to put down their weapons and they do it. The birds come down and land on the ground in front of the natives. Buggy jumps down from the bird's back and makes the natives relieved.

"Buggy, does this mean that you succeed?" asks Nhiba.

"Yeah, now you can harvest the medicinal plants on the tree. But the birds want you to not touch their nests and their stuff," says Buggy.

"That's for sure. We just want the medicinal plants, not their things," says Nhiba.

"You hear him, right? Now you can live together peacefully. But you can protect your nests from some naughty kids," says Buggy while smirking.

"WE'RE NOT NAUGHTY," shouts the native kids.

Everyone laugh, even the birds. Their bad relationship has become better just with some talks from Buggy. Nhiba & the bird leader then nod together and have a 'handshake'.

After that, they have a party again to celebrate the peace between humans & birds. Now their life will be more peaceful and easier without constant battles.

But in the middle of their party, a bird cry is heard from high on the tree. It sounds like an emergency signal and the birds below immediately look in the sea's direction.

"What's wrong?" asks Buggy.

"Goa... Goa..." says the bird leader.

"A ship is coming here? Let's check it out," says Buggy.

Buggy jumps on the bird leader's back, while his crewmates & some native warriors jump on the other birds' back. They fly to the sea to check the incoming ship. The ship's crew might be hostile, so it can be dangerous.

They arrive on the coast and see a ship far in the sea. It's a pirate crew's galleon ship with a flag of the spider-like skull. Then on top of the spider flag is another flag that Buggy knows very well.

"Whitebeard Pirates, this crew must be their subordinate crew. That flag, I've seen it somewhere before," says Buggy while trying to remember it.

After thinking for a while, Buggy remember where he saw that spider flag. It's the Spider Maelstorm Pirates' flag which was led by Squard. His crewmates were killed by Roger Pirates in the past in a war.

"Squard, huh? He is the one who will stab Whitebeard in the Summit War. He is someone who holds a big grudge and strong hatred toward Captain Roger. So he must've come here to kill me. Heh, interesting," says Buggy while smirking.

Kill and get killed is normal in Pirates world, so what Roger Pirates did was normal. But of course, the survivor of the crew that got massacred will hate the ones who kill their crewmates.

Squard's hatred is so deep that he can fall into Akainu's lie and tries to kill Whitebeard, someone that he sees as a father figure. So it's not strange for him to chase Buggy who is Roger Pirates' apprentice.

Squard had seen Buggy in the past, so he know who Buggy really is. After he got a bounty of 100 million, Buggy's face will spread all over the world and Squard must've seen it too.

"Buggy 'The Clown', Roger's apprentice, I come for your head. Prepare yourself!" shouts Squard to Buggy.

Buggy smirks and says, "Come then little spider."


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