Chapter 69: Manba

Buggy, Mantis, & Jude continue their exploration with someone following them stealthily. Mantis realized this too, but Buggy tell her to let it be.

They walk around the island for a full day and arrived in the village again. They got many herbs & poisonous plants on their way. Buggy even caught some animals for them to eat in the village.

The villagers are very happy with the herbs & meat. They let Buggy & co rest while they will cook the meat. But Mantis doesn't agree and decides to help them cook. She can also learn the native's cooking this way.

While they cook, Buggy returns to his ship to call Cricket. The island seems to be safe, so there won't be any problem even if they leave their ship at the coast.

Buggy walks to his ship, and he still senses the one who stalked them all day. He grins and just keeps walking at a slow pace. The one who stalks him is looking at Buggy.

Buggy takes a turn to the left and gets blocked by a tree. But suddenly Buggy disappears and it surprises the stalker. The stalker tries to find Buggy, but he is nowhere to be found.

"Looking for me?" Buggy suddenly appears behind the stalker who squats on a tree branch.

The stalker gets surprised and jumps away to the ground and looks back. The stalker gets now can be seen because of the moonlight. Buggy also jumps down to look at the stalker.

The stalker is a fat-bald boy around Buggy's age. He is a native of this island, but he doesn't have thick lips & his eyes look like they're closed. Other than those, he looks just like the other natives.

Buggy looks at the boy and he looks a little familiar. Then he remember it, the boy is similar to Isami Aldini from 'Shokugeki no Souma'. It's just that the boy has tanned skin, unlike Isami.

"So this is the one who stalked us for hours, huh?" says Buggy while smirking.

"W-Wait! I don't have bad intentions, I'm just curious about you guys because you came from the outside world. I have never seen anyone except my people, after all," says the boy.

'Hmm? He's curious about the outside world? Hehe, this is my chance to get a doctor for my ship,' thinks Buggy.

"Are you really that curious about the world outside of your island?" asks Buggy.

"Yeah. The adults said that the outside world is dangerous, so I shouldn't leave the island. But it's just made me more curious about the world out there. I've seen many things from newspapers, and it made me even more curious," says the boy.

Buggy smiles and says, "Then I'll tell you some stories that I have about the world."

"Really?" asks the boy excitedly.

"Of course, let's talk while we go to my ship. By the way, I'm Buggy, what's your name?" asks Buggy.

"Manba, my name is Manba. I'm 18, and I'm Nhiba's nephew," says Manba.

They walk to Little Hunter while talking to each other. Manba tells Buggy that his parents have died from an illness. Now it reminds Buggy that the natives need some materials from the giant tree for their special medicine. But it is guarded by the giant birds.

'I'll help them before I leave this island. That way they will allow me to take Manba as my doctor. Wait! He's a doctor, right?'

"Hey Manba, are you a doctor?" asks Buggy.

"I can't say that I'm a doctor, because everyone in our village has high medical knowledge. But I can say that I have more knowledge about medic than everyone in the village. I have read every book in our library, even the ones about technology. I always like to know many things, after all," says Manba proudly.

"Then you can't say you're a doctor because everyone here is a doctor?" asks Buggy.

"You're right," says Manba.

"Sigh, so you're basically a doctor," says Buggy while sighing.

Buggy then starts to talk about his journey on 3 seas. Of course, he just mentions the interesting parts. They talk until they arrive on the coast. Buggy then calls Cricket and tells him to go to the village together with them.

"Wait! You look injured, so let me check you up before we go to the village," says Manba. "You're a doctor? That's good then. Mantis' treatment isn't so good. Even the bandages are messy," says Cricket.

"Hey, at least you are being taken care of, so don't complain or I will tell this to Mantis," says Buggy.

"Don't! She will kill me if you tell her that," says Cricket panicky.

Manba then starts to treat Cricket with the ship's medicines & aid kits. Manba gives Cricket fast treatment and will do it more thoroughly in the village that has more medicines.

After Manba's treatment, Cricket already feels a lot better than before. Now he can move more freely even though he's still hurt. Manba's medical skill is really high and it makes Buggy really want to recruit him.

They go to the village while Buggy & Cricket tell Manba their adventure stories. Manba gets very excited while hearing their stories. Seeing Manba's excitement makes Buggy grin.

'Hehe, he takes the bait. Now I need to make him want to have his own adventure,' says Buggy while giggling.

Cricket knows what Buggy thinks and he also thinks the same. He has seen Manba's skill himself, so he doesn't doubt it anymore. If they have a doctor on their ship, they will be safer when exploring new places or have big battles.

Buggy & Cricket now become closer with Manba. They even start to joke around while walking to the village. Then they arrive in the village after some minutes of walking.

"Oh, Manba, where have you gone to all this day? Your aunt is searching everywhere," says Nhiba who sees them coming.

"Sorry, uncle. I walk around the forest and then went to the ship with Buggy," says Manba.

"You aren't troubling them, right?" asks Nhiba.

"No, he helped us instead by treating Cricket. But our medicines are not enough, so Manba said he'll treat Cricket here," says Buggy.

"Your friend is injured? Then you need to treat him fast. Manba, go treat him with better medicines!" says Nhiba.

"Yes, uncle," says Manba.

Manba takes Cricket to a building to treat him. As for Buggy, he is pulled by Nhiba to the plaza because the dinner will starts.

"He doesn't make any trouble right?" asks Nhiba.

"Not at all," says Buggy.

"Sigh, that boy always wants to leave the island and see the world. It make me & her aunt worried because the outside world is dangerous. We've seen him as our son, so we don't want to keep him safe," says Nhiba.

"You can't stop a boy like that, it will just make him rebel against you and he might leave without your knowing. I know it because I was like that in the past," says Buggy while remembering his past as Bob on Earth.

"Sigh, then what should I do?" asks Nhiba hopelessly.

"Just let him go, but make sure that he will be safe. He will need to be strong and willing to get hurt or face danger. He also needs strong companions that can protect him when he is down," says Buggy.

"Hmm, Manba is very strong actually. He is almost as strong as me which makes him the 2nd strongest in the village. Maybe it's because his father is very strong too. But what about strong companions?" asks Nhiba.

"Heh, aren't we here now?" says Buggy while smirking.

Buggy then tells Nhiba about his intentions to recruit Manba as his ship's doctor. Nhiba is still not sure, even though Buggy has shown his bounty. He had lost his sister, which is Manba's mother, so he doesn't want to lose Manba too.

"I will discuss this with my wife first," says Nhiba.

"Alright, I will also talk with Manba about this," says Buggy.

Buggy & Nhiba stop their talk and join the others at the dinner table. They start their dinner after a few minutes. Then with the Clown Pirates there, the dinner turns into a big party and they all sing & dance happily.


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