Touch of Flame

Chapter 295 Family Dinner (Part 2)

Malachi's steps slowed as he took notice of Richard, and Ares with his newly enhanced senses, could hear the change in his heartbeat. The man appeared nervous and uncertain.

"Malachi, come join us," Ares called out, offering support through this potentially tense moment.

Malachi continued his approach, his strides measured and revealing the internal conflict he was grappling with. His usual confidence seemed to have diminished, replaced by caution evident on his face. His gaze shifted between Richard and Ares, as though searching for the right words to navigate this delicate situation.

Ares allowed a pause, giving Malachi an opportunity to speak first. Then, with a reassuring smile, he turned to Richard. "Richard, I'm sure you recognize Malachi," he said. "He has been invaluable in our efforts to bring you back."

Malachi swallowed, feeling as though he were stepping into an arena rather than a family gathering. He was aware of the formal and informal language humans used, and his mind quickly searched for the right words to avoid offense.

"Your Majesty," he began, attempting to steady his voice. "I am pleased to see you awake and well."

Richard offered a faint smile and acknowledged him with his gaze. "It seems," he began, his voice low but firm, "that I owe my newfound clarity and wellness to you. I am grateful for your assistance during my absence."

Malachi was taken aback. Richard sounded sincere, and there was no hint of hostility in his gaze. However, there never had been, even when they had rejected his offer of peace. Despite Richard's recent return to consciousness, his regal composure remained intact. Perhaps he was simply skilled at concealing his emotions.

Taking a seat, Malachi settled down, yet an almost tangible tension hung in the air.

"You make me uncomfortable," Richard remarked lightly after a while of silence. "I am certain that after being absent for so long, there is much that all of you could tell me."

The mood lightened, and Nazneen was the most candid. She was a new queen and Richard could see the spirit of a new ruler in her, reminding him of his own early days when he was so eager, thinking of all the changes he could make, all the positivness he could add. He was excited waking every morning, knowing he could make a difference, in his eagerness making many mistakes that he had to learn from. Nazneen was going through that faze now. He could see all the possibilities swirling in her head and Richard hoped she would keep some of it, even once she settled down. They all had to settle down and learn patience. They all would crumble under the heavy weight of the crown now and then

Richard's thoughts turned to his wife, recognizing that a ruler needed a strong partner by their side. He knew he had only been able to maintain his sanity because of her unwavering support. She was his pillar of strength.

And now, Nazneen had Ares. Richard had chosen this man for his own daughter, so he had no doubt that Nazneen had found a worthy companion.

Nazneen posed a question about dealing with those who opposed her rule. "What would you suggest, King Richard?" she asked. "You are loved by your people."

Richard smiled faintly and replied, "Not everyone will love you, no matter what you do. As a ruler, people bestow upon you power and authority, but they also expect certain things in return. If you fulfill your responsibilities well, most people will be on your side." 

After engaging in conversation with Nazneen, Richard turned his attention to Malachi. "How are things going for you, King Malachi?" he inquired, curious about the challenges he was facing.

Malachi looked up, taken aback by the question, but quickly composed himself. "I'm afraid I am facing similar problems as Nazneen," he responded, a hint of tension in his voice.

"Is it because you have a human breedmate?" Richard probed. 

Malachi stiffened, realizing that he had indirectly revealed something about his personal life. His lips pressed into a thin line before he spoke cautiously, "Yes."

Before the conversation could delve deeper, the sound of approaching footsteps drew their attention. Their entry was met with warm smiles and gentle greetings, creating a sense of completeness around the table. The sight of their father, awake and surrounded by those who cared, visibly relieved the twins.

They approached their father and took their seats on either side of him. Richard turned to them with a tender expression. "Did you sleep well?" he asked, concerned for their well-being.

They nodded, their smiles radiating contentment.

And so, the dinner commenced, enveloped in a warmer atmosphere that promised a comforting family meal. 

Richard tried to contain his emotions, witnessing his daughters' joyful chatter and genuine smiles. It had been far too long since he had seen Ravina so happy, so at ease in a dining setting. As for Corinna, he was gradually getting to know this new version of her—Darcy, free from the burdens of past memories. While she displayed hints of masculinity in her gestures and posture, she remained true to the essence of the Corinna he knew.

"We should have a party to celebrate," Ares suggested. "It will also be a chance to bring all of our crew and people together to get to know each other. Dragons, humans, and those in between. We make the introductions quicker."

"I believe this time we should extend an invitation to the dragons to visit our world," Ravina proposed, considering the dynamics of their past journeys. "We have seen their world after all." 

Ares readily agreed. "We shall subject them to our formalities, heavy clothing, and complicated dances. It will be an entertaining spectacle."

Laughter echoed around the table, but Nazneen appeared slightly concerned. "Is it safe?" she questioned, worry lacing her voice.

"That's precisely why we should do it. It demonstrates a level of trust," Ares responded confidently. "Moreover, this home is built to withstand attacks, and our defenses are strong. No attacking dragon has ever survived, so there is no need to worry."

"You will bring them here? To your home?!" She asked in panic. 

"It will be fine." Ares assured. 

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