Touch of Flame

Chapter 294 Family Dinner (Part 1)

Richard woke up to find his daughters curled up on each side of the bed, their peaceful sleep reminding him of the times they used to crawl into bed with him and his late wife. He gently covered them up to their shoulders and attempted to discreetly get out of bed. However, his body betrayed him. His muscles ached with every movement, and he felt a profound weakness coursing through him. This physical struggle wasn't simply a result of aging. Prior to the experiment, Richard had been a healthy thirty-six-year-old man. Now, at almost forty-three, he wondered if his illness had already taken its toll on him.

With great effort, Richard tried to stand up, but it took several attempts before he could stabilize himself on his trembling legs. Determined not to give up, he clung to the bed, furniture, and walls as he made his way toward the door. Once outside the room, he continued to rely on the walls for support, walking slowly and cautiously. 

Eventually, he reached a point where two halls intersected, and as he looked around, a sense of familiarity washed over him. Especially when he glanced out of the window, gazing upon the garden that he knew so well. This was Ares's home.

The man liked to live the fine life. He was never pretentious, trying to appear modest and was always honest about what he desired. He wanted a large mansion on an island that would belong to him, and so he did make that dream come true.

As Richard struggled through the halls, gradually losing his strength and unable to find a place to rest, he nearly collapsed to the floor. It was then that a strong hand gripped his arm, preventing his fall. He turned to see a young man beside him, a dragon. His smoky amber eyes met Richard's gaze, and he offered a gentle smile.

"May I help you?" the young man asked, steadying Richard on his feet without waiting for a response.

"Thank you," Richard replied, grateful for the assistance as the man guided him through the hall.

"Do you wish to step outside?" the man inquired, patiently walking alongside Richard and offering his arm to support him despite the slow pace.

"Yes," Richard nodded, longing for a breath of fresh air.

"But you have no shoes," the man observed.

"It's alright. I prefer it this way," Richard assured him.

The garden outside was meticulously maintained, with the pathway free of any discomforting stones. The stranger helped Richard settle on the nearest bench, and Richard sensed a genuine care in the man's actions.

"I haven't introduced myself. I am Ephraim Dragenski," the young man finally revealed.

Richard studied Ephraim closely, noticing his unique appearance among the dragons he had encountered. Dressed impeccably in human attire, he exuded an air of comfort and confidence.

"You are with my daughter," Richard stated, realizing the connection.

Ephraim nodded respectfully, meeting Richard's gaze with a sense of honor and sincerity. "Yes, I have had the privilege of knowing and caring for your daughter, Corinna."

Before Richard could respond, Ares himself appeared in the garden, a smile gracing his lips. "I am glad to see you awake," he greeted casually, and then took it upon himself to provide a more thorough introduction of Ephraim. 

Richard soon learned that Ephraim was the individual he had been seeking—an important figure within the organization fighting against dragons.

He was... half-dragon. This revelation added an intriguing twist to the situation. Richard had always sought ways to persuade dragons to join their cause, but when none were willing, he knew he had to fight alone. Learning that a half-dragon was now joining the battle alongside other dragons and half-dragons restored the hope he had almost lost, though he had never dared to admit it openly due to the implications it held for his people.

"How is the kingdom?" Richard inquired, his concern evident.

"Andrew has been neglecting it, but for now, your focus should be on regaining your strength," Ares replied. "Let's take you to the physician."

After a series of examinations, the physician noted a few changes in Richard's body. His temperature was higher, and his heartbeat slower, both consistent with the infusion of dragon blood. However, the physician couldn't explain Richard's weakened state. According to his expectations, Richard should have felt stronger and faster. The physician also conducted sensory tests, but there were no noticeable differences.

"Perhaps Richard needs time to recover after the extensive infusion and transformation before we can retest," Ephraim suggested, offering a plausible explanation.

"That sounds like a wise decision," the physician agreed.

The two gentlemen then assisted Richard in dressing in suitable attire, ensuring he had comfortable shoes and a cane for support.

"We have all been having dinner together for the past few days. I'll arrange for it to be served earlier so that you can receive proper nutrition," Ares informed him.

Curiosity piqued, Richard asked, "And who is 'all of you'?"

"Your daughters, Ephraim, Malachi, myself, and Nazneen," Ares explained.

So Richard had heard correctly—Malachi was indeed present. But who was this Nazneen? Richard's raised eyebrow prompted Ares to reveal more.

Ares chuckled, displaying a smile Richard hadn't seen before. "She is a dragon too."

"And..." Richard pressed, sensing there was more to the story.

Ares chuckled. "I am sure you have put the pieces together, but if you need to hear it then, she is my woman." 

Richard smiled. The man had learned to act like the nobility, but there were certain things that remained the same. 'My woman' was an unsophisticated way to refer to the woman he liked or planned to marry. But it delivered the message in a very straightforward way. It was unapologetic, just like him. 

"Have you done the same treatment as I?" Richard asked, wondering about his death, that made him distance himself from Ravina. Now he had another woman, so perhaps he had found a way. 

Ares took a deep breath. "The story is different now, Richard. I will tell you when the time is right, as we can't discuss it here." 

Richard nodded, understanding the need for discretion.

As dinner was served, Richard suddenly sensed a shift in the atmosphere. The servants' attention was drawn to something or someone. Richard's gaze was drawn towards the entrance of the dining hall, where a tall figure emerged into the bright light of the chandeliers. Her skin had a radiant honey hue, and her amber eyes gleamed and shifted with an enigmatic allure.

Her long hair swayed with a graceful motion as she moved, dressed in minimal attire that accentuated her figure.

Ares entered the dining hall from the opposite direction, a small smile gracing his lips as he spotted her. It must be 'his woman' Richard thought, amused. 

They met in the middle near the table, and Ares softly greeted her, "Welcome back."

She smiled in response, and he gently placed a hand on her back as she turned to acknowledge Richard's presence at the table. Ares proceeded to introduce her to Richard, and then he courteously pulled out a chair for her to sit in.

They started a light conversation, allowing Richard to witness the intriguing interaction between Ares and 'his woman"—Queen Nazneen, helping him get a picture of what their relationship looked like. 

Just as the atmosphere settled, something at the entrance caught their attention once again. This time, the figure was familiar to Richard.

Malachi had arrived.

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