Chapter 384: Explosive Popularity of Divine Medicine-Hair Power at the Royal Capital

Translated by Zzonkedd

Edited by Gumihou

Gumi: ...why is this chapter such a bore? Business transactions can be interesting too, you know?


Note [8] for ‘changed because the style is boring’.

“Hello, Marie-san. Is Lambert-san around?”

“Oh my, it’s Mukouda-sama [8]~ Welcome, welcome~”

“I take it sales is very good?”

She was almost sparkling. [5] [6] Considering how she had practically strong-armed Lambert-san into letting her open a counter for beautifying products in his leather shop, I could take a couple of guesses as to the reason for her happiness.

“[8] Fufu, business is very good~ the ladies in this town can no longer live without soaps or shampoos. Recently, we even have customers from other cities patronising our little shop.”

Wow, clearly women’s obsession with beautifying products is quite terrifying... especially since travelling in this fantasy world meant having to face monsters and bandit-filled roads.

[8] “Ahem, of course, it would be very nice indeed if we could expand and open up branches in other cities. However, these future branch shops could only be possible if our supplies of goods are adequate...”

[8] “Yes? Oh, I see, yes, yes indeed. Well, my, ah, storekeeper, Costi-kun also told me that orders have been increasing.”

[8] “Hum, hum, well, sales are limited by supplies after all...”

[6] “Indeed, indeed,” naturally, I have endless access to the goods. Now that I don’t have to personally decant everything, I can just fill up warehouses with crates of the stuff. However, I can’t just give a straight answer right away or it would be too suspicious. [8] “Ahem, I shall see what I can do-”

“Really!!? Oh, oh, thank you ever so much~”

[8] Ack! Too close! Marie-san, your face is too close, and not in a nice way. It’s scary, scary!

“A-ah, [8] I can’t promise anything yet. But, uhm, is Lambert-san around?”

[8] “Hum, hum, I believe in you~ Fufufu~ Honey~ Mukouda-sama is here to see you~ Fufufu, he’s at the back, let me guide you there~”

Please read this at dot com ~

“ short, the Hair Tonic is selling very well at the Royal Capital.”

[5] [4] “Woah, so, it’s all sold out? All 100 bottles?” [5] [8] “Even with the Count limiting sales to people he approves, sales is booming.” Lambert-san was beaming.

[4] “I guess, the Count’s new, ah, appearance is the perfect advertisement for the product?” [6] After all, he had been a handsome man with a very sad barcode head before the tonic. If the effects were anything like Willem-san’s... well.

[5] “People were practically falling over themselves to become the sort of people that the count would approve,”

[6] “... ...” I was wrong. Women aren’t the only ones terrifyingly obsessed over beauty products. Men were, presumably, switching political sides just for the opportunity to purchase a hair growth product!

[6] Fine, it was a great product, with miraculous results but in the end, it was just hair for goodness sake! It wasn’t even free! They have to buy them at 50 gold per set!!

[5] [5] [5] [4] “I take it... a lot of nobles are suffering from hair loss due to, ah, the stress of managing their territories?” [5] [8] “Fufufu, who knows? We are profiting from their suffering, ahem. That is, we are providing a very valuable solution for a previously untreatable malady. It’s practically a service!”

“I- I see,”

“Which is why I’d like to place an order with Mukouda-san. If possible, I would like to have 200 sets, more if you can manage it.”

[6] “I-is that so...”

“Oh yes, one other thing.”


“[4] The Countess and the young lady have been appearing at parties with very smooth and shiny hair that smelled like roses...” [5] [5]

“Ah, I’m guessing the eyes of the other ladies, er, noticed this immediately.”

[6] “Hmm, some of the men too, in fact. Fufufu.” [5] [8] “Marie-san had already spoken to me about increasing the supply. I think... it’s best if you can give me a rough estimate...” [5] [5] [5] [8] Considering how much safer Carelina has become thanks to the Count, perhaps I should get Tabasa and the others to assist in the product transfer duties as well?

[8] We discussed the matter a little further and after receiving a rough estimate, I decided that I could bring the first batch in the day after tomorrow.

“Speaking of which, the Count [8] mentioned you to the King. It seems the King would like to meet with you,”

[6] “Eh, what?!”

[4] “Not to worry, the Count made sure to inform the King that you’re not at all interested in meeting with, ah, the nobilities.”

[6] “Oh, phew,”

[6] “From what the Count had told me, I do believe the King wishes to have a look at the new S Ranker. He probably wants to know you’re not a threat or something,” said Lambert-san with a laugh.

[6] “What, that’s not funny...” I really don’t want to see the King. However, I understand the need to know the person who had tamed the Legendary Beast Fenrir to make sure I’m not a threat to the country.

[8] Still, there’s a reason why I handed over 3 pieces of very nice jewellery to Willem-san earlier. That’s my tribute to the king. Hopefully, he would see them as an ‘I’m very happy with our friendly relationship’ signal on my side.

It would be my second set of gifts to the King.

“I think it should be fine. Let the Count know that, ah, I’ve taken steps to appease the King.”

“Oh? Hmm, I see.”

[6] I’m glad that Lambert-san did not ask me what these ‘steps’ were.

Well, if things took a turn for the worse, I can just pack up and leave this country.

I mean, I even have a teleportation tool now.

Gumi: ...

Fer: ... Hey-

Gumi: Don’t!

Fer: Umu, I think you’re even more vicious than me

Gumi: I said don’t!

Fer: You’ve officially slashed over 300 words, not counting those you’ve overwritten-

Gumi: Augh!!

[1] Structural Change: Combine 2 paragraphs

[2] Structural Change: Combine 3 paragraphs

[3] Structural Change: Combine paragraph & dialogue

[4] Structural Change: Change passive sentence to dialogue

[5] Delete Repetitive or Pointless Information – bla, bla more details already repeated why people want to buy hair products, blah. More boring repeats.

[6] Additional Information for Aesthetic Purpose

[7] Add Dialogue Tag

[8] Creative Licence Taken – I don’t know why Eguchi Ren-san’s business-related dialogues are so dull. This is actually a great platform to showcase Japanese love for euphemistic terms and hinting for information instead of outright speaking them. It’s basically his culture! Well, most of the Asian culture!

Never mind, Gumi is here for my lovely readers!!

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