Chapter 383: Magic Tools Appraisal

Translated by Zzonkedd

Edited by Gumihou

Gumi Rant: Why so perfunctory? Details! Give us details! No? Then, Gumi shall provide the details!

“Oi, what are you doing?”

“Hm? [8] I’m going to Appraise the Magic Tools we collected from the Bandit King’s cave.”

[6] “Mm,” Fer came over to look at the neat rows of large and small items, tablets and amulets and things all laid out on the grass. [5]

“I thought we might as well see if there’s anything we could use before letting the Adventurer’s Guild pick them over.”

[6] “Umu,” Fer’s paw extended to poke one of the tools. “Are any of these human-made things actually useful?”

“Well,” I pointed at a 2-meter square plate inscribed with a magic circle. “That one has some sort of a sound barrier related magic. Once activated, sounds within its parameters would not leak out.

[7] The frown on Fer’s face grew even more pronounced, “What’s the use of this thing?”

“Well, it’s useful for people who wanted to have discussions they don’t want others to overhear.”

Personally, its only value to me was how much it would fetch at the market. I don’t have a use for these kinds of devices either.

“Anyway, let’s Appraise the other stuff and see if we can find anything useful.”

“Hmm, I supposed it is a little interesting, I shall Appraise them with you,”

[8] With that, Fer and I spent the morning Appraising and cataloguing all the magical stuff we collected. There were a lot of tools with rather delicate or obscure usage, with few that have some practical use.

Even so, there was plenty we have no use for. Such as the large stone tablet that launched Fire Balls or the device that deter monsters from approaching.

[8] In the first place, even I, the weakest in the party could launch Fire Balls without the aid of a tool. [1] As for the device that prevents monsters from approaching, well, Fer’s very existence already deters monsters. Moreover, it looked like this device only works on lower level monsters. [5]

Still, there was one special water producing tool that looks useful enough. It came in the shape of a jug that always refills itself. I guess I could let the Albans keep it in their home since the ladies often gathered at Alban’s house to cook together.

[6] While they could gather water from the well, having a self-refilling water jug would certainly be more convenient.

There was also something that was Appraised as an ‘Ice Making Box’. It was an ice-making device in the shape of a box.

[4] “Hmm, I guess this could be useful? What do you think, Fer?”

“Umu, my Appraisal says the amount of ice you could get from this is small, also, it takes a lot of time. [6] You could get ice faster by having Dora-chan freeze some for you.”

“Ugh, I guess I’ll just trade it in.”

We Appraised other Magic Tools, but nothing appeared to be particularly useful. [6] For one thing, these items were at least 300 years old and magical technology has advanced since then. Take this Magic Stove, for example. Its firepower can’t be compared to my 4 burner Magic Stove or even my regular [Net super] stove.

Finally, we came to the last tool.

It looked like a square wooden box about 1 meter high with very elaborated carvings that gave the impression of being ancient without showing any hint of deterioration. [1] It has a handle on the outside and looked pretty promising.

“Well, this is the last one,”

“The last? Umu, I get a feeling there should be more...”

Arrgh, what kind of wild instinct is this?

Naturally, I could never reveal the existence of the Teleportation Tool... [5]

“Well, this really is the last one,” I said in my best, this-is-all-perfectly-normal voice.

“Is that so? Then, I shall Appraise this final item. Hmm...” [5] [5]


“This box looks appears to be a food cooling tool. It is meant to prevent food deterioration.”

“Cooling? Prevent deterioration? Wait, so it’s a refrigerator? Wow, something useful at last.”

“Is that so?”

“Well, it certainly is important for people without a time stop [Item Box]. When you leave raw meat out to marinate in sauce, it could go bad if the weather is too hot. Having a refrigerator means there’s no need to worry about things like that. It could also be used to make small desserts like pudding or jelly.”

“I see, a tool that allows us to eat delicious meat is always good. Make some now.”

“What are you saying? I have other things to do today, we’ll make those things tomorrow.”

“Mu, you had better not forget.”

“Yes, yes, I know. Well, do you want to come with me to the Adventurer’s Guild?”

Please read this at dot com ~

Fer and I travelled together to the Adventurer’s Guild. It had been a long time since the two of us travelled around without anyone else. Dora-chan and Sui were still napping at home.

“Ooh, you’re back!”

I was warmly welcomed by Willem-san the Guild Master. [5]

“It’s been a long time,” I said. “It’s good to be back.”

“Haha, what do you think? Hm? Hm?” Willem-san was [8] running his hands through his hair as though he was posing for a shampoo commercial. It had been amusing in the beginning, it was getting rather annoying now.

“It looks really good,” [7] I said, knowing that he would never let us leave until I complimented his hair.

“Gahaha, it’s all thanks to the shampoo and hair tonic. In fact, it is becoming quite the interesting topic in these parts~”

[6] “Oh?”

[4] “Yes, high ranking Adventurers who came to Carelina were all astounded by my appearance and kept bugging me for my secret remedy. In fact, some people even made the trip to Carelina [8] on the news of my dramatic change!”

[6] “That, er, is that a good thing?”

[4] “Hmm, since they kept pestering me, I consulted with Lambert about it. Money is not the issue, of course, but I am aware of the political machinations behind the cure.”

[6] “I-I see,”

[4] “With permission from... certain parties, high ranking Adventurers could purchase the tonic through the Carelina Adventurer’s Guild now. [6] Technically, it should really be sold through the Merchant’s Guild, but due to the sensitive connections, eh, well, there’s that.”

[6] I had not realised that this hair tonic thing would be the centre of so many political machinations. My original purpose was just to cure hair loss...

[6] “Umu, Mukouda-san must be here for business? Have you brought something troublesome for us again?” the words were a little sharp, but it was all said in good humour.

I answered just as cheerfully, “How rude, I’m just doing what any Adventurer should do~”

“Maa, well, let us head upstairs.”

Fer and I followed after Willem-san to the second floor.

Once we entered the Guild Master’s room, Fer immediately curled up in a corner, not at all interested in human business.

[8] The staff brought tea for us and after a sip, I began, [5] [5] “... So, um, I came upon the treasures of the Bandit King...” [5] [8] “Cough! Hiss! Hic! What!?”

“, um, Bandit King...”

[8] “Did you just say Bandit King?!” Willem-san’s voice had gotten a little high-pitched.

“...yes...” [5] [8] “Haaahhh... you’re always pulling something crazy. The Bandit King’s treasure is something that Adventurers from all over the world had been trying to get their hands on for ages...” [5]

“I-is that so?” was all I could say. [5]

“... well, what do you have for me?”

“Well, a good chunk of the treasure is in gold and jewellery, as well as Magic Tools. I guess, I’d like to know what the guild could take?”

[5] [8] “Hmm, if it is jewellery, you’d get a better price at dungeon cities or the Royal Capital. Nobles, you know, they go crazy for stuff like that and they have the money for it.” [5]

“Hm, I’ll take your word for it...”

[6] “Anything else?”

[4] “Well, the king made my stay very convenient and comfortable. I’d like to repay that favour. Is it possible to inform them, quietly of course, that I happen to come across the Bandit King’s treasure, and that I’d like to offer them something as a... a tribute or gift?” [5]

“Quietly, eh? I guess you don’t want to make a big deal out of this. Well, I could send a private message. The Guild teleportation device also allows for small items to go through, so you don’t even have to be there. Well, what item are you planning to offer?”

“What do you think of these?”

[8] I placed three items on the table: A Mithril Tiara studded with large diamonds, a pendant set with a large ruby surrounded by diamonds on a diamond-studded Mithril chain, and finally, a gold ring set with a stunningly large sapphire.

The Mithril necklace was the one I wanted to give to Dora-chan, but the little dragon rejected it, saying that it was too cumbersome. [5] [5]

“Well, jewellery is outside of my expertise, but these certainly looked like very nice pieces. Which one do you plan to offer the Royal Family?” [5] [4] “To be honest, I don’t really have much use for jewellery either. So, I guess... all of them?”

“W-wait, what? A-all!? That’s... pretty generous of you. Wow, I have a feeling the Royal Family is going to be very happy.” [5]

I’m sure. Well, it’s not a bad thing to have the Royal Family think favourably of me. [5] [4] “Wow, all three, well,” Willem-san still looked stunned. “Uh, considering the value of the goods, I think I had better personally bring the stuff over, with extra men with me. I had better plan it well...”

[8] “Oh, uh, sorry for the trouble. I supposed I should at least pay for the escort fee...”

[4] “No, no, how could I? We made a lot of money ever since you came to Carelina.”

“Wow, okay. Um, thanks.”

[4] “Speaking of making money, you say you have some Magic Tools from the Bandit King? Well, let’s have a look,”

[8] “Uh, sure. Shall we go to the warehouse?”

[8] “Let’s!”

[8] Willem-san looked at the pile of random things and said, “Well, I shall need at least 5 days to assess everything. I hope that’s alright?”

[8] “Sure, I’m fine with that.”

[8] After the Adventurer’s Guild, the next stop was Lambert’s.

[Gumihou: Okay, I changed the ending too. I changed a lot of stuff.]

[1] Structural Change: Combine 2 paragraphs

[2] Structural Change: Combine 3 paragraphs

[3] Structural Change: Combine paragraph & dialogue

[4] Structural Change: Change passive sentence to dialogue

[5] Delete Repetitive or Pointless Information – why the need to tell us ‘wow, this tool is useless to us, lol’ several times?

[6] Additional Information for Aesthetic Purpose

[7] Add Dialogue Tag

[8] Creative Licence Taken – Rewording things, just... rewording a lot of things.

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