Chapter 611

All the teachers and students of the school stand on the whole playground. In addition to the activities, all the teachers and students will get together like this.

This is the first time that all teachers and students have been recruited because of one student's "mistake".

No matter how strong sang Yu's heart was, when she saw so many students, she could not calm down. She could not help but hold her hand tightly, and the paper in her hand followed her action. Fold up.

The teacher looked back at her and sighed, "you must have offended someone. Otherwise, things that have been going on for such a long time will not be mentioned again. "

Sang Yu can't think of who she has offended or who is going to frame her. She can't think of anyone else except Lu wanwan who publicly upset her.

Now think about it carefully. It seems that Lu wanwan has no such ability. After all, only the principal can make this decision, and she has no such ability.

So who else wants to frame her?

She can't think of it.

"I can't help you either." The teacher also felt helpless, "you go to the front."

Sang Yu knew that since someone wanted to frame her, the teacher would not have a way.

She can't help trembling. She is too aggrieved. But she knows that if she doesn't do it, her studies may be blocked. She can't lose her studies. This is the only platform for her to get ahead. She must graduate normally.

No matter how many grievances you have, you should swallow them.

Go to the front, students have whispered, the last campus we all know her, even in the past, will also have an impression on her, this time she is completely famous in the school.

Of course, it is not a good name, but a bad name as a negative teaching material.

Then a teacher said“ Let's go. "

Students instinctively still, are waiting for her self-examination.

Sangyu looks at their taunting or busy eyes, her heart is low and faintly astringent. She doesn't do anything that destroys morality, but she apologizes to all the teachers and students for the false things.

Her depression was about to explode.

She breathed repeatedly and did many times to pick up the written examination. Her palms were all in cold sweat and her face was pale. She trembled slightly in front of the microphone and said three words【 Review

"Dear teacher... Classmate, today I write this review with regret to show you my deep understanding of the bad behaviors that happened at the school gate, my deep mistakes, and my determination never to make them again..."

Her voice was shaking more and more, and she was almost hoarse when she read it.

"So I think it is necessary and necessary to make this written review to the teacher, so that I can deeply reflect on my own mistakes..."

"What is this doing?" The police officers who came with Shen peichuan were a little confused.

Can you insult me like this in college?

In front of all the teachers and students.

A colleague answered, "this student is also brave enough."

Shen peichuan's fundus fluctuated a little. Whisper to the people around you, "take them there."

Today, he will come here because of Sangyu's mother. There is no need for him to come here. A commissioner will come to inform his family. He knows that Sangyu's mother will follow him. After all, he knows. I just didn't expect

He raised his eyes and looked at the thin girl standing in the front. She simply tied her ponytail and lowered her eyes. Although she couldn't see her expression clearly, she was a strong girl from her stance. Even in this case, she stood straight.

Several police officers around him went to the front to talk to the teacher about the situation and what happened to the general prisoners. Just call the family.

But this time, I passed away in it. I want to give an account to my family.

The coroner has identified the cause of death. It's a sudden death caused by illness.

They have to communicate with their families even if they are not responsible.

All of a sudden, the arrival of police officers in uniform made everyone's eyes more curious, and several police officers did not squint. Majestic straight diameter to the teachers sitting position, "Our Public Security Bureau, excuse me, here is a freshman named Sangyu student?"

Sangyu's teacher stood up and looked at them with some uneasiness, "you..."

A student pointed to Sang Yu and said, "she is."

Several police officers looked at the girl who had just read the review book in front of all the teachers and students and asked, "are you sang Yu?"

Sangyu also looked at them and replied, "I'm Sangyu."

The teacher came down quickly. Standing in front of Sang Yu, she asked, "did she make any mistakes? Is there a mistake? She is actually a good student... ""No, it's not that she made a mistake, it's that we have something to do with her."

The teacher was relieved and thought it was ok, otherwise Sangyu had to be destroyed.

After all, the case that alerted the Public Security Bureau. I'll keep a record.

"Come with us." They have a serious tone.

Although Sangyu didn't know what had happened, he was very uneasy, but he didn't retreat, "I'll go with you."

Looking back at the teacher's worried eyes, he pulled out a smile, "don't worry, I'll be fine."

She didn't do anything illegal, and they also said that there was something, maybe something to learn from her.

The teacher is not as optimistic as she is. After all, in the school, someone wants to punish her, and now there are police officers coming. Why doesn't he worry?

"Let's go."

Several police officers took Sangyu away in full view of the public. In order to prevent people from saying anything bad to Sangyu, they explained the reason why they took her away. Of course, they didn't explain it directly.

"Taking this classmate away is not because she has made any mistakes, but because she has a case related to her, and needs to know the situation from her."

Then they took Sangyu away.

Along the way, sang Yu was very upset. During this period, she did not encounter any special things, so as soon as she got out of the school, she immediately asked, "what can I do for you?"

One of them said, "come to the Bureau."

Sangyu had to bear the uneasiness and follow them to get on the bus. When she opened the door, she saw Shen peichuan was also there.

"How do you..."

"Come on up." Shen peichuan sat in and made room for her.

Sang Yu sat up, closed the door and asked, "do you know what they want me for?"

Shen peichuan did not answer the question, "isn't the last thing over? Why do we have to make a review in front of all the teachers and students today? "

Sangyu low eyes, light said, "nothing."

She didn't want to bring Shen peichuan any trouble.

Shen peichuan frowned, obviously she didn't tell the truth, looked at her and asked, "can't you believe me?"

Sang Yu shook his head. "No, I don't trust you... Last time, it was because I brought you trouble. I'm very sorry for you. I just don't want to add trouble to you."

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