Chapter 610

Because she was too nervous, her body was trembling. Lin Xinyan came to hold her and kept rubbing her back, "I won't ask."

Seeing her pain, Lin Xinyan couldn't bear it.

"I ask you, just don't want you to suffer alone. If it's more painful to say, don't say it." She had some guess in her mind. She said she can't be a woman. Is there any defect in her body?

But the doctor didn't tell her.

"I'm not afraid you know." Qin Ya holds her and cries in her arms“ It's like a knife cutting pain when I think of it. "

Every time I mention it, my heart is like tearing open the scab of the scar and experiencing the helpless despair again.

"I can't be pregnant any more. I can't have another child in my life, you know? I hate him. He made me like this... "

Lin Xinyan is unbelievable. How can he not be pregnant?

How is that possible?

"Well, how is that possible? The doctor didn't tell me, did you make a mistake? Abortion will not lead to lifelong infertility.... "

"I told the doctor not to tell anyone. It's true. My body is - defective." Qin Ya used her courage to say this.

"How could that be?" She also hoarse voice, as a woman, can not have children, is a very cruel thing.

"It hurt the uterus, so..."

"No Qin Ya let go of her and wiped the tears from her face. "There is no uterus."

Lin Xinyan shocked at the same time for her pain, love her.

She does not know what words to comfort her, so long she has been suffering in silence, but also in front of all the people pretend to be nothing.

She didn't experience it herself, and she knew how sad it would be.

"How can I comfort you." Lin Xinyan blinked her tears, but. Wipe off will come out, "looking at you so uncomfortable, I am also very uncomfortable."

"Don't cry." Qin Ya wiped away her tears, "you have my dry son in your stomach."

The most painful time has passed, and now it's still painful, but it's still able to support. She wiped away her tears and sucked her nose. "Help me keep it a secret. Don't tell anyone."

"I will." How could she have told anyone.

"It's just. You're so pathetic. I'm heartbroken. " In fact, she didn't want to feel sad in front of Qin ya, but she really didn't want to live.

People who have never been parents will not know how sacred the moment of being a mother is. Even if they have no feelings for the person who makes them pregnant, they will still love the life growing in their body.

She has a deep understanding that when Qin Ya and Su Zhan met with emotional crisis, she did not hesitate to choose to give birth to the child. She is in the same mood.

But she lost it.

And lost the right to be a mother. It was cruel to her.

Some people may say that there are so many women who are unwilling to give birth now. What's the big deal if they can't have children?

There is an essential difference between being unable to be born and being unwilling to be born.

Especially those who have been pregnant. Feel that feeling as a mother.

Nowadays, people often say that having no children is a good thing. Now it takes a lot of time and money to raise a child. In order to make life easier, we choose not to have children.

After all, there are only a few people who can think about it and really have no child in their whole life. Many of them regret it when they reach middle age. Even when the elderly maternal, but also parents once.

With the change of times, people's thoughts are also changing.

As a woman. Only by being a daughter and having children can we truly understand the meaning of life and inheritance.

Others say that children are the crystallization of two people's love. It's proof of their love.

Although it's not easy to raise children and it's hard to take care of them, it's so exciting to watch them grow up and listen to them call their mother for the first time.

She can't imagine how Qin Ya survived when she knew she couldn't have children in her life.

It will be hard for her to accept that it happened to her.

"I'm done. Don't worry about me." Qin Ya grabs a smile, and her eyes are still red.

She pretends to be strong. It's very painful.

But don't want to let Qin Ya look at his own uncomfortable appearance, like that. She'll feel worse than herself.She also endured the tumbling of her heart and reached out to touch her cheek. "In the future, people who want to be godmother must be pretty."

"Of course, I'll be the most beautiful godmother." Qin Ya smiles.

Lin Xinyan didn't say anything and changed the topic. Ask about work.

"Today is Monday. My second uncle must be very busy. He's the only one there." Qin Ya said.

They were already running the company, and they had to help them to look at the shops, and they had to look at the factories that made xiangyunsha.

"Yes." Lin Xinyan also wants to go back, but knows that Zong Jinghao will not agree.

"Look at the picture I drew yesterday." Qin Ya shows her the picture she drew last night. It seems that she has changed the topic, and all her emotions are in her heart.

Huaqing University held a meeting of all teachers and students today.

Sang Yu and Shen peichuan's affairs are regarded as negative teaching materials to warn us that we should not do immoral things and damage the name of the school.

The things that had been cleared up in the past were turned out again. Everyone was very strange and confused.

There are also a few people who want to watch the fun. After all, in the heart of human nature, there are many people who want to watch the fun.

Sang Yu is sitting in the classroom, and the teacher is sitting opposite her. He doesn't know what to say. Outside the window, many students want to see what the teacher says to Sang Yu.

At 8:30, the teacher stood up and said, "it's time. Let's go."

There was no expression on Sang Yu's face, and he held the book in his hand

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